Hello everypony! My name is Sarah Dino Runnerhoof! I LOVE reading stories about MLP, loves cats, dinosaurs, chocolate milk, being cute, kind, and silly! I am on a robotics team.
A southern brony that loves to read and write. My oc Heat Wave and I are ready to explore this big huge site.
You know I'm super fly...🪰 | 24 | Straight/Black/Nerd 🐢 | Ask For Ko-Fi | Twitter
I like writing, plain and simple. I've been doing it for at least ten years, and I love sharing my work with others. Mostly clopfics here, but some other stuff too.
The Man. The Legend. The World's Strongest Writer™
I want nothing more than to bring a smile to your face with a light-hearted clopfic! If you want to bring a smile to mine, leave a comment!
I am here only to please my fellow readers and am eager to see mlp Fim used in any artistic form and I lookforward to seeing the tallents of the internets writers brought to life
Writer of many kinks. And if you like futa, whooooo boy are you in for a treat. http://www.patreon.com/Drace
I'm a pegasister. I like all kinds of nsfw and fetishes. Bye.
Just a writer who churns out stories for the people of fimfiction
Writer, singer, dancer, voice actor, gamer, streamer, and wide open for commissions.
I write sins... NOT tragedies. Link to Patreon
"Violence for violence is the rule of beasts" - Barack Obama
Not much to say about myself -- I'm an Irish guy whose interests include MLP, video games, and occasionally writing fanfics.
A happy little pegasister who's interested in sharing what I like!
In the world. Drunk as a sailor on a good day, but in the world
Darkness will always end up out lasting the light.
Just a man trying to make the Ultimate Who story along with his pals. Feel free to PM me if you wanna say hi.
Just a pegasister who's a huge fangirl on the inside. She follows back and would love to be your friend! (Avatar found at http://swa-oku.deviantart.com/art/Hetalia-Fan-Art-Samovar-Teatime-360787743)
your body is a collection of beautifully complex systems and processes. are you really gonna use it to type something mean to a stranger?
I'm CreepyPastaSalad and Sensuous Sonority on YouTube, and I perform audio readings.
I am Daddy | Yuri and Pantsu is Laifu | SHION takeover | #Fabu
Clop stories with actual story. Not just the clop. But also clop. LOT'S and LOT'S of clop
hello my friends i Zen-Aku the god of the phantom lycanthrope's, i welcome you to my den. If you wish to join my ever growing loyal pack all you need is to follow me
Who am I to you? Who are you to me? Who are we to the world? What is the world to us? Life is a mysterious creature that you can only observe from afar, if you try to get to close it'll disappear.
© MMXIX by Jesse Coffey Productions, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
ERROR: My phone won't play nice with Fimfic and is screwing over my avatar. For the record this is a picture of my dog with a jingly collar.
I'm a brony, Whovian, casual Star Trek fan, and a film geek with a collection of DVDs and Blu-Rays that numbers into the thousands combined. I'm a nerd for all seasons.
Providing free helicopter rides demonstrates commitment bringing peace to man, one communist at a time.
Previously fluffysam1212. Updated to match other socials because I tend to come back on to reread things. Will I ever fully come back? Who knows. Certainly not me. they/them/xey/xem/it/its