• Member Since 22nd May, 2015
  • offline last seen Nov 4th, 2020

Short Stories


Redesigns · 5:39am May 18th, 2020

I hate how you have to have a link to an image like just like us file upload, gotdamn.

Anyways! My friend and I wanted to redesign the main 6, even th the show's already over lmao. Anyways, I thought it'd be cool to share my 3 since I like how they turned out. Here are some redesigns, posted on a different website b/c :))))


Pinkie Pie

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Some Things- · 2:15am Apr 16th, 2020

I thought it'd be fun to play a bit of catch up and share some stuff i discovered about myself while I was gone for 2-3 years.

1) i'm ace! and bi (but I lean towards girls more) and poly!

2) my old friend group was literally a piece of shit? Like there's two (2) people who were actually sweet in there and who I'm still friends with but... holy fuck, why did I put up w/ the rest of them for so long?

3) i'm in love w/ my best friend of two years- and,,, she ,,, she loves me back. 👉👈

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*enters two years late with a starbucks coffee* Sup? · 4:08am Mar 18th, 2020

So, hi! Yeah, I'm back after a few years. Just wanted to say, firstly, that I hope everyone's doing OK with the virus going around like crazy. Just remember to try not to panic, don't be a dick to others by reselling basic necessities at a higher price (or panic buying every bottle of hand sanatizer you see), and just was your hands and don't touch your face. Stay safe!

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Two Years! · 3:34pm May 21st, 2017

I've survived on this site for two years now, and in that time I hardly did anything!


Okay, so, let's be real. This kinda snuck up on me because I really haven't been on a lot. Like, it feels like I was just typing my one-year-a-versary thing two weeks ago. 0.0

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Yuni · 2:32pm Oct 22nd, 2016

I really need your peoples help on this...

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I Swear, I'm Turning Into Pinkie · 9:32pm Oct 13th, 2016

Well, maybe.
This is a "me" blog, guys, I'm sorry; I feel bad.

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Tension · 5:31pm Aug 31st, 2016

I had a weird, realistic dream last night and made it into a [non-pony] story.

Tell me what you think! :D

"We just don't feel welcome here." Dad says to the two city councilmen sitting across from us. "I don't know why we're still here, we might as well move now." Thomas and I exchanged a look, having heard this same speech countless time before. We shifted in our seats to a more comfortable position and waited for dad to finish his rant.

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Gerbil Baby Pics [4 weeks old] · 10:54pm Jul 15th, 2016

Since they're four weeks old now, and already weened, I had to move the males over to Spike's cage and keep Yuni in Flame's cage [Yuni looks like Kwakwa, who you'll see after the break]. They're all being adorable, as always, but poor little Spike didn't get any warnings. XD

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Baby Gerbils · 8:26pm Jul 2nd, 2016

Here's a pic of 'em, gerbiliness and all. :derpytongue2: :heart:
Yes, they have they're eyes pen in this one. :rainbowkiss:

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Gerbils & Their Names · 10:44pm Jun 22nd, 2016

If anyone wants to know, I have a couple names ready to share with the webernet for my baby gerbils. :rainbowkiss:

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