One year on... Loopy Do's goodbye blog · 8:06pm May 31st, 2018
My dear Loopers …if there are any of you still left here…. Loopy has noticed that some of you have decided to cut your chains…oh well perhaps that was for the best.
Loopier than a loop on de loop de loop
My dear Loopers …if there are any of you still left here…. Loopy has noticed that some of you have decided to cut your chains…oh well perhaps that was for the best.
Heeeeeey Loopers,
Loopy hopes you are all doing fine and having a great weekend, she is feeling much happier now after Monday and seeing as it is a Bank Holiday weekend this weekend and Loopy doesn't have work on Monday, she decided to take a break from revising for her exam and spend the weekend with her friends.
Loopy is so sad this morning, she knows she said she wouldn't be on here much but something happened
Loopy has woken up this morning to reports of an explosion last night in Manchester (England) at an Ariana Grande concert. The blast went off just as the concert had ended and people were leaving. Twenty-two people were killed, some children, and sixty people were injured. It was an apparent suicide bomber.
My dearest little loopers,
Loopy heard the faint clinking of restless metal chains in the distance, so thought she better check in with you all….BUT….please do not get too excited, this is just the briefest of visits as Loopy will be disappearing again for a few weeks due to her impending exam in June. She needs to pass so therefore she needs to prepare.
YUP! Loopy has had a long shitty week of work so tonight she's going to let loose and party like Pinkie Pie There shall be friends, and beer, and music, and beer, and friends and possibly a jagerbomb or 2 and music.
Loopy is laying in bed pondering friendship and how wonderful it really is and how it can transcend age and distance.
Second to family, friends are the most important thing in Loopy's life. She has spent the whole weekend with her friends, partying, dancing, watching a rugby match, laughing, chatting, smiling and hugging.
Hey Loopers Loopy hopes you are all doing well
Loopy apologizes for the lack of loopiness recently, she's being swamped by uni work at the moment but she knows all her hard work will be worth it in the long run.
Loopy is so FRICKIN EXCITED right now!
Soooooo Loopy was looking back over her past blogs tonight and she came across her New Year Resolutions for 2016
Loopy's Resolutions:
1) To keep being Loopy
2) To see Oliver Heldens perform live
3) To study hard
4) To live life
So...let us see how Loops did with her Resolutions...
1) Achievement unlocked - She will always keep being Loopy no matter what
...I will always love you'