• Member Since 9th Oct, 2012
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Gamer Script

Writer, singer, dancer, voice actor, gamer, streamer, and wide open for commissions.

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Found 7 stories in 20ms

Total Words: 65,568
Estimated Reading: 4 hours


A normal everyday in Maretime bay always comes with it's own rush of excitement, but something's off about this day when a new pony comes to the attention of the Mane 5. With him comes a new exciting adventure of friendship and a new anomaly to solve!

Chapters (3)

You've been working at Rarity's Canterlot branch of Carousel Boutique for quite a while, coming up on your fifth year as a matter of fact. As a token of her unwavering appreciation of your work ethic, she's invited you out on the town for Hearth's Warming Eve. What surprises might the fashionista have in mind for your night out?

This story is a surprise present for Amaru and made specifically for her! If I remembered, I likely sent you the link and a password to get in. Merry Christmas!

Chapters (1)

Fleetfoot, the second-in-Command of the Wonderbolts, takes a small break after a rigorous training session. Little did she know or even comprehend she'd be reliving not only past traumas but a long lost friend in the process.

This is a story I wrote for the May 2022 Pairings Competition and I'm actually quite happy with it.

The amazing new art for this story was made by my friend Leanne264 and I am so delighted for it!

Chapters (1)

Limestone Pie, a terrorizer in the eyes of the students of CHS. No amount of detention, correctional teaching, or even threat of suspension or expulsion will do the trick. The only one that seems to ever keep her from burning the school down is a girl that many faculty don't even remember being enrolled. But she can keep the beast at bay, so they never questioned it.

Now it's the day of Limestone's graduation and she needs to get the truth out. She needs to tell her.

Chapters (1)

Sonata Dusk, Aria Blaze and Adagio Dazzle caused insane trouble for the counterparts of our Pony pals, but there's just one question that was never really answered about them... Where exactly did they go after the Rainbooms defeated them?

Chapters (16)

Hello everyone! My name is... Well, I go by many names. Misfortune, Insanity, Madness, but many of you probably know me as Discord. I would like to show you that I have genuinely changed by bringing you on a trip through a day of my new life here, in my new home in Ponyville.

A/N: I've been dying to write a story about Discord and then, I got this idea. Hilarity ensues.

~CloudCrusher Signing Off!~

Chapters (6)

Where did Vinyl Scratch's shades come from? How did she meet her best friend Octavia? What ever happened to Vinyl's family? Hopefully this story will answer it all.

Okay, this story contains minor incest, and at the end has kind of a twist I just threw in there. Sorry if its not to everyone's liking.

Chapters (1)