> The Siren's Keeper > by Gamer Script > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Place to Stay > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I'm just saying that if we'd taken that really sparkly guy's offer--" "Shut up, Sonata!" Aria shouted in agitation at her sister, crossing her arms in irritation, her clothes nowhere near as bright and flashy as they once were. Actually, they seemed quite dirty and dulled in comparison to their former glory. "Would the both of you be quiet? I'm trying to think here!" Adagio growled at them with a mighty rage and irritation as she ceased her pacing to face the two former sirens. She was no better off than the other two who were covered in dirt and grime. "Think about what? Where we're gonna huddle up tonight? Or maybe what shady weirdo we should let Sonata almost follow into his car with promises of cash?" Aria retorted with venom in her every word. "He said he had money! Isn't that what you said we need Adagio?" Sonata asked with a pained look from Aria's angered words, her words hitting harder than they usually would considering how much the two would usually be at each others throats most of the time. It was obvious by the sound of her voice that she genuinely had no idea what she'd done to cause her sister such rage. "Oh my-- Would you two just shut up!? It's hard enough not having a place to go anymore because of those damned Rainbooms, but now I have to put up with you two and your endless bickering twice as much and without food or even a decent shower, it's ten times more annoying!" Adagio exploded in anger at the two. "Well if we'd just gone with my idea and just killed them, we wouldn't be in this mess!" Aria growled out through gritted teeth. "You're right, we'd be in jail. Is that any better than where we are now you brat?" Adagio said through clenched teeth. "Duh, cause then we could just sing our way out of it! We get the magic we want, they'd be dead, and we wouldn't be scrounging around for food and searching for a place to stay every night! Not to mention Sonata wouldn't be almost selling her body for money on accident!" "I wasn't selling my body! The guy just said that he'd help us out if I showed him my... Oh..." she said as she slowly began realizing what she'd almost done, "Oooooh...." she said as a light blush grew upon her bright blue face. "Dammit Sonata if you were any dumber we'd be better off carrying around a rock than keeping you around with us!" Aria shouted angrily making Sonata kneel down holding her ears shut with tears pricking her eyes. "Sh-Shut up! I'm not dumb! You're dumb!" Sonata cried curling up into a ball shouting at Aria. "I'm not the brain-dead ditz that almost whored herself out cause some random guy in a car said he could help! Dammit, I wish instead of losing our powers we could've just fucking lost YOU!!!" she shouted back in a rage before being turned around and backhanded by none other than Adagio with a clenched toothed scowl on her face, her eyes full of anger and annoyance, but also brimming with tears. "Would you shut the fuck up, Aria?! Yes, Sonata messed up, that doesn't give you any reason to shout at her like that! She was trying to help, which is more than I can fucking say for you! So why don't you just shut your goddamn mouth for one fucking minute so I can fucking THINK!!!" Adagio finally exploded, fully losing her temper, her voice cracking in pain from their predicament. Turning away she finally had the thinking time she needed. Aria was silent leaning against a wall, the only other sounds being the autumn breeze through her hair and the sounds of Sonata's soft weeping. 'Dammit... This is just getting worse. Without our powers I've got nothing... I've got no ideas... What can I...' she thought as she bit her lip, a tear trailing down from her dimmed magenta eyes before the sound of a car horn by their side alerted them, Adagio quickly turning as Aria grabbed a switchblade she'd picked off a guy that got a bit too handsy. "Hey, you girls doing okay?" a grey skinned male said leaning out the window of a black truck. His hair was black with a dyed aquamarine streak down his bangs, a pair of cross earrings hanging from his lobes and a snakebite piercing on his bottom lip. "We..." Adagio began as she looked down, Aria and Sonata looking at her as if bewildered by her silence. "C'mon Adagio, tell this guy to piss off!" Aria whisper shouted to her as she soon noticed Adagio shaking as she fell to her knees, shocking Aria, Sonata and the guy alike as he got out of the car and rushed over. "Whoa, hey! Are yo--" He stopped as Aria pointed the knife at his throat. "Back off, creep! We don't need your--" "Help..." Adagio whispered light as a mouse, her soft plea almost unheard by the man as Aria's eyes went wide having heard her loud and clear. He pushed past Aria and knelt down to Adagio, leaning in to hear her better, "What'd you say? Are you alri--" "Please help... I... We have nowhere to go... We have nothing..." She pleaded louder, making Aria and Sonata both cringe seeing their older sister finally snap as she looked up at the stranger with tears falling down her face with no real sign of stopping as she spoke again, "Please help us!" she cried out as she hugged herself and began weeping. "Adagio...?" Aria said with shock in her voice as she let her blade-holding hand fall to her side. "Dagi...?" Sonata said softly with a similar shock to her voice. The stranger nodded and helped her up, "Can you walk?" He said before she slumped over a bit more, falling into him as he caught her. With a sigh he picked her up bridal style and looked over at the other two, "Can you two walk?" He asked as Aria clenched her fists but begrudgingly nodded, Sonata standing and doing the same, "Good. C'mon, get in the back." he said as he leaned Adagio against his chest and opened the door for them and then on the passenger's side, sitting Adagio down in the car and buckling her in before shutting it and returning to his side of the car, getting in and driving off. > A Place To Recover > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gliding down the semi-empty streets, Sonata held a worried glance trained on their sister, Adagio. She sat in the passenger side seat still, aside from the light breaths she would give every now and then to show she was still doing so. Her pale, yellow skin flushing in color further as the stranger gave a groan looking to the overhanging mirror at Sonata and Aria. "So, what were you three doing out here by yourselves? It's like, fourty-six degrees out there." he said with confusion and worry, though he already had his suspicions and theories. "Well... We're--" "None of your fucking business. Why? You wanna take advantage of us like every other sick jerk in this side of town?" Aria spat out in disgust, interrupting Sonata as she jutted from her seat with a wrathful tone and savage rage in her eyes. "What? No! I'm asking because I need to know more. I just wanna help you, okay?" He said as he noticed that Adagio had began coughing between her breaths, quickly pulling over and crossing over Adagio to reach into the glove compartment, pulling out an odd machine with a plastic coated stick pressed inside a little box. He pulled it out and gently parted Adagios lips, slipping it into her mouth and under her tongue. Seeing this, Aria moved her knife towards him only to be held back by Sonata, "Aria, stop! He said he's just trying to help!" she shouted as Aria growled and flailed the weapon at him to no avail. "The last guy that said that nearly fucking kidnapped you, Sonata! The guy that said he had money just wanted to strip you! These stupid fucking humans don't know the first thing about--" "She's sick..." the stranger said in less than surprise as he looked at the small screen in his hands. "The fuck do you mean she's sick? Sorry to disappoint creep, but we can't get sick. Nice try, loser..." she said with a snarky grin. Before she knew it he'd pressed the screen to her face so she could see and indeed, there read a temperature of a hundred and two degrees. Sonata looked at it in shock, unable to properly process what she was seeing right before her eyes in those little pixels. "A-Aria... What does this weird thingy mean?" Sonata asked with genuine worry and confusion as the stranger put it away. "That number is Adagio's body temperature. If it gets too high it means she has a fever... I'm assuming you have no idea what that means?" he said as he began driving again, but with more of a flame beneath him as he pressed down the gas. "N-No..." she said looking down at the floor of the car. "Man, you girls must've been super fortunate not to have gotten sick before. I almost kind of envy that. But anyways, it means that she's got a fever which means illness. It's not too terrible but it needs to be treated." he said as he took a sharp turn. "Then drop us off at one of your human hospitals or whatever." Aria growled through gritted teeth. Hearing this and seeing a red light ahead, the stranger skid to a stop and sighed, "If you had the money or resources to I'd assume you would've done so by now. But judging by your clothes, your states and how you've described your events with others... You couldn't afford a doctor, could you?" he reasoned, leaving Aria silent as she glared daggers into his calm, aquamarine irises. Not gaining a response he nodded and turned his attention back to the road, "That's what I figured... Besides, no point in taking you to a doctor when it's just a common cold. Some warmth, some rest, and some food should be--" "Food?" Sonata said shooting up from her seat in excitement at the word. The stranger looked at her and nodded, "Yeah, food. I'll make something for Adagio and--" "What makes you think you're on a first name basis with any of the three of us?" Aria interrupted leaning forward herself. "Nothing, but I can't just call her 'random girl'. And you've already said her name a few times so I didn't think anything was wrong with it." he explained calmly. "Speaking of names... You haven't told us yours!" Sonata said leaning back in her seat. "Shoot, you're right. That's my bad. My name's Scripted Code. It's nice to meet you..." he trailed off looking at Sonata in the mirror. "Sonata Dusk, and this is--" she was once again interrupted by Aria's finger flicking her forehead. "Don't just give him our names like that, shit-for-brains! Besides, I can say my own fucking name..." She groaned turning to him, "Not like I'd tell you, creep." she said leaning back in her seat. Code sighed and gave a light nod as he continued down the road, "Fine. When you're ready I'll be waiting." He said as he drove them down the road and up to an apartment building a few stories high. It wasn't immaculate but it was far from decrepit. Getting out, he walked around the truck and opened Adagio's side, unbuckling her and picking her up in a way that she was lying against his chest and he still had one free arm. Sonata and Aria got out of the truck soon after and made their way behind him looking up at the paled, sick face of Adagio. Sonata held an extremely worried look on her face while Aria simply held a look of distrust and anger, a look that would've burned holes into the back of his head. Heading inside the apartment building, they were met by a man at the front desk looking up and nodding to Code almost instantly noticing the girls with him, "Hey Script, these girls whichu'?" He asked in a Bostonian accent to which he simply nodded. Not one to pry too much, the man nodded, pressing a button on his desk that called the elevator down for him which arrived quite quickly. "Thanks Turner. Tell Wave I said hi, okay?" he said heading in and gesturing to the other two to follow, which they did. Aria more begrudgingly than Sonata of course. "Yeah, I'll give'm the message. Have a good night!" he said as he waved them off, the doors shutting as they headed up. "Who was that?" Sonata asked in curiosity looking up at Script who chuckled a bit. "That's Tide Turner. He and his brother Rogue Wave are from my graduating class a few years back." he explained hitting the button to the third floor, the small room rising as he held Adagio out a bit and placed his hand upon her forehead, "Clammy and a fever..." he said beneath his breath as the shifting of the room stopped, Code quickly moving through the doors as the other two followed behind him. They soon came to a room at the end of the long hallway and upon entering were met with a cozy looking apartment with posters of action heroes and video games, a guitar sitting off to the side, a well-sized television at about 36 inches or so, multiple consoles, shelves of video games as well as a set of seats that wrapped around a circular glass coffee table. Across from that was a kitchen with the usual items: A knife block, other utensils, a fridge and such like any normal place would have. Hurrying in, Code carried Adagio over to the surrounding sofa and laid her down gently to once again check her temperature, his face growing stern and serious as he rose up, "Her temperature's gotten worse..." He said as he hurried over to the kitchen and took an ice pack from the freezer, running back and on the way over wrapping it in a light cloth as he placed it upon her forehead. "Is there anything we can do to help?" Aria said running over to his side, looking worriedly upon the paled face of Adagio as she took light breaths. "No, not really... But there's something you can do for me." He said with a light smile as he stepped back, "Go ahead and take a bath, the both of you. I know it must've been a little bit since you've had that luxury." "A bath?! Oh yay! Where is it?" Sonata said ecstatic as she looked around. "Right down the hall and to your left. You can use whatever soap or body wash or whatever you need. There's a seperate shower there so if the two of you don't want to sh--" he was cut off by the sound of the bathroom door shutting, Sonata having vanished as he gave a sigh, "Nevermind." He chuckled before turning and being shoved against the wall with a knife to his throat, the wielder of course being none other than Aria. "Alright, creep. What do you want from us, huh? You want some kind of sick reward for "saving" us? Or do you just get off on being a hero?" She said angrily, her eyes noticeably dark around the edges with bags under her eyes, signifying she hadn't gotten much if any sleep for a while. Code stared at her for a while, the two simply standing there with a knife to his neck though he could feel her hand trembling a bit he took hold of it and easily pulled it down. Aria, who grunted and growled in protest to the action gave some resistance but was, regardless, disarmed as he closed the knife and slipped it back into her back pocket. She gasped feeling the closed blade return to it's home as she blushed everso slightly, raising up her other hand and swinging at him only for him to easily catch it. She gasped and pathetically struggled against his hold on her. "Look at me, Aria." Code said calmly only for her to glare up at him, being only a few inches shorter than him, "I am no hero. I don't want anything in return for doing things for others except for them to be in a good place physically and mentally after. I'm not some creep that will force you into a bad situation... If you truly want to leave, I won't stop you but I will make sure that you are all safe and sound because from what I've seen... You all worry me." He said sternly, Aria opening her mouth to retort only for him to interrupt, "And no, it isn't because I believe you to be dangerous. It's because you need help and are simply too proud to admit it... So for now, just stay here until you believe you're ready. At least until you have your strength back and have slept. 'Til Adagio gets better." He said letting go of her hand once he pulled them to her sides, "Okay?" He asked with a smile. Aria's glare still held but it softened some as he let her go, "Now, I have to make you guys something to eat, I'm sure you're all starving." He said turning and walking into the kitchen with a more upbeat tone, "Why don't you go take a shower or something. By the time you and Sonata finish up I should be done." He said rummaging through the kitchen. Aria gave a defeated sigh and walked away from the kitchen and into the bathroom he'd mentioned earlier, only to find Sonata covered in bubbles in the bathtub, only her magenta irises visible through them as she blinked and giggled, "He had bubble bath." She said playfully as she shook them away from her head, now being chest deep in the suds, "So, what took you so long, Ari?" Sonata asked as she rose up her hands and blew some bubbles towards her sister who rolled her eyes and sighed. "... Nothing." She said as she began stripping to get into the shower, but not before she finally got a good, long look at herself. Her clothes were tattered compared to before. Her skin dirty and bruised in a few spots she'd began having pains in, her eyes like that of a raccoon and her glorious hair two wild, messy pigtails. She stared at herself for a long time, drinking in the reality she'd been ignoring for months, the words finally slipping out through gritted teeth... "We lost..." > A Place To Quell Tension > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the siren sisters finished their baths, they came out in towels to navigate to the closet their host had told them about formerly. Opening it up, there were indeed an abundance of women's clothes upon hangers and even shoes, boots, jackets, the works. Taking advantage of this, Sonata quickly jumped into the clothes and began looking for something to wear, being in her own little heaven with the countless clothing ensembles and endless possibilities. However, Aria was nowhere near as enthusiastic about the clothes, a hateful glare upon her irritated face as she turned and went back into the bathroom for her old clothes, only to find they were gone, a note in their place that read "In the wash, sorry. - Code". She growled in annoyance at the clothing kidnapping and came back out to see Sonata still searching around and trying on different articles. Aria pushed past her and grabbed her own clothes deciding not to think on it too much. Stepping out of the closet she openly stripped herself of the towel as she changed into the clothes she'd taken. Outside of the room, Code was currently cooking, wearing an apron that said 'Geeks Cook Too!'. As he turned to the cupboard to grab a spice he could hear a light groan coming from the couch. Hearing this, he placed it down and walked over briskly to Adagio's side, seeing that some color had begun to return to her face, but not by much. She shook her head a bit slowly and gazed up at Code with her tired, magenta eyes. "Where... Am I?" She said with a voice as equally tired and weak as she looked at the moment. Code gave a slight smile and knelt down to her, "You're at my place, my name is Scripted Code. I found you and your friends on the street and I brought you here." He explained calmly. "My... Friends?" Adagio thought before her brain clicked and she shot up, "Aria and Sonata!" She said in surprise before growing dizzy and falling back down to her place on the couch, Code gently leading her back down so she wouldn't hit her head and make it worse for herself. "Whoa there, take it easy. You're sick. Don't worry about them, they're fine. They're just getting cleaned up is all." He said pressing the back of his hand to her forehead to feel for the fever, "You're not as hot as you were... That's good..." He said thankfully. Adagio gave a soft chuckle that quickly turned to a light coughing as she looked up at him, "Sick? I am sick? That's interesting..." She said as if she'd just heard a badly timed joke. She could tell he was right though; her body felt awful and heavy, her nose was filled with something gross, her face was hot. She sighed and looked up to him, "Well... What of my sisters? Are they 'sick' as well?" "No, they're fine. Well... Sonata is." He said in a partially joking manner. "Of course... Sonata told you who we were, I'm guessing?" She asked almost as if already knowing the answer. Before he could respond the two of them heard the door down the hall to the guest bedroom open and the sound of footsteps coming down. Turning the corner were Sonata and Aria in their new outfits; Sonata wearing a bright pink tank top and magenta shorts with dark blue and flamingos pink leggings while Aria wore a black t-shirt and jeans with a chain hooked onto the belt loops. Seeing Adagio awake, Sonata gasped and jumped over the couch to tightly embrace her, "Dagi!" She shouted in excitement and relief as she clung to her, Adagio gasping and giving a sigh hugging her back while Aria walked around with her arms crossed, her eyes softer but still irritated greatly. Seeing her face, Code sighed and stood as he looked down at her, "Enjoy the bath?" He asked kindly before she shoved him away from the three, catching him by surprise as she stood by her sisters with clenched fists. "Aria, what're you--" "Shut up, Sonata." Aria demanded, Sonata falling silent as Aria then glanced over to Adagio, "What... Were you thinking?" She said angrily as Adagio looked at her confusedly, "Don't play dumb..." She said threateningly. "Aria, I don't know who you think you're--" "To a coward that broke in a moment of weakness and begged a human for help!" Aria shouted as she stomped, making Sonata jump as Adagio's eyes opened wide. Aria clenched her teeth and shoved Sonata off of her and to the floor as she grabbed Adagio by her collar, "Answer me, Adagio! Why did you beg him for help!?" Code quickly took hold of Aria's hands and seperated the two, Aria fighting and flailing against him as he pulled her back and sat her down on the other side of the couch, "Stop it!" He said as she glared at him and growled. Ignoring her for a moment, he turned to Sonata, "Are you alright Sonata? Are you hurt?" He asked with worry. Sonata forced herself onto her feet but fell back onto her backside, a wave of dizziness washing over her. Seeing this, Adagio and Code grew worried looks as he turned back to Aria, "Don't move... Okay?" He said letting her go and rushing over to Sonata who groaned and grumbled. Helping her onto her feet he sat her down next to Adagio, "Hey, are you okay?" He asked to which she shook her head and groaned, tightly holding her stomach. It then occured to him what was going on as he raced into the kitchen and came back with an open box of cheese crackers which she quickly took and began devouring, a sigh of relief coming from he and Adagio as Sonata ate, "Hungry, of course. You three must be starv--" "What, you think some food and clothes will keep us compliant or something? We're not your fucking pets..." Aria said defiantly as she looked away. "Compliant? What're you--" "Don't play stupid. All you humans are the same; you find someone who's down and then you pick them back up and make them your personal playthings. And stop talking to us like we're your friends, cause we're not." "I wouldn't mind being his friend..." Sonata said before shoveling in another handful of crackers. "Thanks Sonata--" "Shut up, Sonata." She said glaring at her, "Do I have to remind you again about all the things the humans have done to us?" She growled as Sonata deflated back and continued quietly eating. "Look, Aria... I don't know what happened to you all and I doubt you'll tell me... And if you really want to leave that badly, I won't stop you. But I promise, I'm nothing like the others you've met... Don't exactly know why you refer to your own race so terribly but I won't judge." He said with a shrug, "I don't want to control you all, I want to help you--" "Help us? Yeah right..." She said turning her head to the side to no longer face him, her gaze going to the balcony window that was currently covered up. "It's true. I don't know you, any of you. I know it's weird for a stranger like me to be so open to helping others but I want to. That's just who I am." He said looking to Adagio and Sonata by his side, the two of them looking at him as he smiled, "I'm a caring person, as my friends would say... Sometimes a little too trusting too, but I don't mind." He chuckled softly as he walked up to Aria who quickly stood up to him, being a half a foot shorter as she glared up at him with irritation and distrust, "I'm not an enemy you have to fight, Aria... I want to be your friend. So... Will you let me?" He asked holding out his hand to her. She looked down at his hand and then up to him as she pushed past him and crossed her arms. He sighed and nodded, walking past and to the kitchen before hearing, "Spicy." "Uh... What?" Code asked turning back around to look at Aria, the other two doing the same. "I like my food spicy. So if it isn't, I'm kicking your ass. Got it?" Aria said glaring at him with a bit huffier of a face. It was a bit childish but in a cute way. Code blinked for a second and smiled as he nodded, "You got it." He said as he turned back and went to the food he'd been working on, Sonata smiling wide as she sat with Adagio who had a tired, warm smile on her face as Aria plopped down next to them with her arms crossed. Looking back at the three, he held onto his smile and gave a sigh, "What a day..." "What was that, human?" "Nothing Aria." "Whatever. Where's the remote?" "Ooh, let's watch the pet store show!" "Hell no! We're watching a horror flick." "No way~! Those are way too scary!" Sonata cried before having her nose flicked by Aria which she then returned by pinching her own nose before Adagio pushed them apart. "Alright. Neither of you get the remote! Besides... That fashion runway show is coming on soon and I'm not missing it." "Hey!" Sonata and Aria both whined as Adagio held the remote and flipped on the TV, making Code laugh before having a bangle thrown at the back of his head. "Stop laughing and get cooking, loser!" Aria shouted as she begrudgingly sat back down and watched the fashion show. "Right, right." He said chuckling a bit as he continued on. In just a few hours, and a few mishaps, he finally could cook in peace. 'Man... And to think I was just out for batteries.' he thought to himself with a light chuckle and a shake of his head. > A Place To Settle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Yummy~!" Sonata cried out happily as she looked upon the steaming bowl of stew before her, the sight bringing her mouth to salivating. "It does look pretty good." Adagio commented as she came over witha blanket wrapped around her, looking better than she had when they got there but still not quite fully well. "What the heck is all this?" Aria said with disgust in her voice as she looked at the bowl like it had grown limbs. "It's a recipe I was hoping to try. It's great for ailments and it tastes great... Or at least that's what Wave told me." He said with a nervous chuckle before clearing his throat, "Anyway, dinner's ready." "Yay~!" Sonata cheered as she hopped into her seat, Aria sitting down beside her, her dubious look staying firmly in place. Adagio came over and was greeted by Code pulling her chair out for her, which she was both flattered and a bit insulted by, "I could've done that myself..." She said a bit bothered by what notions were behind it. "Right, sorry. I just didn't want your blanket to trip you up or something when you sat down, so I--" Adagio chuckled at his explaining, "I didn't say I was against it, don't worry." She said steping over and sitting down as he scooted her back in, "Thank you." Having gotten his confirmation of being helpful, he nodded and sat at her side. Seeing that the three still were simply looking at the bowls he chuckled, "What're you waiting for, girls? Dig in." He insisted as he gave them a proud smile. Without being told twice, Sonata dove into the bowl and took a big spoonful into her mouth, freezing for a second as her eyes went wide. Before anyone knew it, a tear slowly fell from her eye. "Sonata, you okay?!" Aria asked in shock before snarling and grabbing for her knife to find it was gone, remembering she had changed as she grabbed him from across the table, "Alright jerk, what was in that bowl?!" She growled. "N-Nothing bad! Tortilla chips, peppers, beans, beef, cheese--" "Wait... That sounds an awful lot like..." "TACOS!" Sonata shouted excitedly as she began devouring the food faster, shoveling it gluttonously into her mouth without a second thought. Aria gave a sigh of irritation as she released him, "Dammit, Sonata..." She groaned in annoyance as she sat back down and scooped up some of the taco stew as it were, "Can't be that good." She grumbled as she took it into her mouth, her eyes also shooting wide as she held the spoon in place for a moment. 'Sweet Sunlight... It's like I just ate a fireball! And it's crispy and weird... But it's so...' she thought as she slowly pulled the spoon from her lips and swallowed. "You okay, Aria?" Code asked confusedly before seeing a blush grow on her face, "Oh crap, is it too spicy? I knew those extra chilli flakes were a bad idea!" He groaned worriedly as he got up and moved around to head towards the kitchen, "I'll get you some mil--" "N-Nah." She said grabbing his shirt which quickly got his attention, making him look to her reddened face as she noticed what she did and quickly released him, "I-I mean... Nothing's too hot for me. Don't make me laugh." She said taking a bigger spoonful and eating it. Seeing that she was alright he sighed and nodded, "Alright. You say so." He said before walking into the kitchen anyway, "But do you want anything to drink anyway?" "Got any beer?" Aria asked before taking another spoon into her mouth. "Ooh, a glass of red wine or perhaps Chardonnay?" Adagio requested taking a bite herself. "Apple juice!" Sonata cheered before scooping into her empty bowl, "... And more food!" Code blinked and sighed, "Uh... Two sodas and an Apple juice, got it." He said as he went through his fridge and poured a glass of apple juice and two of soda. The first was a deep purple and the second a lighter beige. Collecting the glasses and picking them up in his palms he walked back to the table and placed down each drink before it's corresponding siren. Sonata hopped happily in her seat taking up the apple juice and taking a swift gulp while Aria and Adagio looked at their drinks perplexed. "Uh... I said a beer, not a... What is this stuff?" Aria said looking at it like a scientist with a beaker. "Seriously? It's grape soda. Have you really never seen it before?" he asked bewildered as he took a spoonful of his own creation into his mouth and gave a satisfied sigh at the taste, 'Came out perfect...'. "And what is this in my glass? It certainly looks like champagne but smells..." Adagio began before taking a sniff and snapping back from the strong scent, "Like liquefied snapdragon root." she groaned in minor disgust. "Uh... Never heard of that before but if that's what you call ginger then yeah, that's what it is. It's ginger ale, it's good for when you're sick. Settles your stomach and gets rid of all that nasty grossness in you." He said even further confused by the lack of things these girls seemed to know that would usually be common knowledge to normal humans. "I see," Adagio said as she looked at the drink before her, taking it up into her hand as she gave a sigh, "Well... Then I suppose it's worth a shot." She said before giving it a sip, her eyes widening as she put the glass back down and swallowed it, coughing and holding her throat. "Adagio, are you okay?!" he asked moving towards her before being kicked back into his seat by Aria who ran over to her. "Adagio! Hey, what's wrong?! I swear, human if she's gonna get worse cause of one of your dumb remedies I'm gonna--" She stopped as the coughing soon turned into soft laughter, catching everyone's attention as Adagio rose her head up from her hunched over position to show her bright, smiling face, tears pricking her eyes. Aria turned to Code and glared daggers into him, "What the hell was that stuff? Some kind of weird drug or elixir or something?!" "What? No, it's just ginger ale--" "A-Aria, calm down," Adagio said through her giggles looking up to her sister, "I'm fine, truly. It was just a bit of a joke." She explained wiping a tear from her eye, "It's actually very good. I feel better already," she said as color seemed to return to her face almost fully. "Wait, wha-- You were fucking with us?!" Aria said with a mighty rage in her eyes gripping tight to her shoulders as Adagio chuckled in amusement at her anger, "You freaking worried me, Adagio! Don't ever do that again!" she growled angrily as Adagio shot a look at her that she knew all too well, and this time it worked. Aria released her and went back to her seat next to Sonata, continuing to sport an irritated grimace as she ate. "Ugh... That was a a little funny Adagio," Code said rubbing his back from the rough landing, Aria giving a growl and glare, "But," he continued on, "Aria's right. You really made us both worry. I thought I might've given you an allergic reaction or something." "An allergic reaction? Um... What's that?" Sonata said swiping her spoon into the empty bowl, looking down at it and holding out her bowl once more. Code chuckled and took the bowl from her, "Right, sorry Sonata," he said walking to the kitchen to give her bowl a refill, "Seriously? How up there were you girls before now?" he said as he walked back and gave Sonata her second bowl before leaning against the counter, "Allergic reactions happen whenever you touch, ingest or are near something you have an allergy to." "Yeah, seriously Sonata." Aria commented with frustration. "Well, sorry that I didn't know what an allergee is!" Sonata retorted. "Allergy, not allergee you dunce!" Aria shouted back. "That's what I said!" Sonata shouted back. "Would both of you shut up?" Adagio said with a frustration to her tone as she took another bite, "I'm hungry and sick both physically and of your bickering." "Ugh, whatever." Aria said standing and walking down the hall, "I'm goin' to bed." she said walking into the room they were in earlier for their shower and slamming it shut. "Me too!" Sonata said huffily as she walked to the same room, shouting almost instantly occurring as the door slammed." "... Maybe I should--" "Don't worry, I'll handle it... As usual." She sighed standing from her seat and walking down before stopping and turning to him, "Oh, and... Thanks. For, well... Not abandoning us out there." she said as she pulled the blanket over her mouth and walked down the hall and into the room, "Alright you two, that's enough!" She shouted slamming the door behind her. Code stood there silent, staring down the hall at where Adagio had been standing not moments ago before turning his head and looking down, a small smile crossing his lips, "No problem," he said as he began picking up their empty bowls, putting them in the dishwasher and putting away what was left of the taco stew. After finishing that, he went to his own room and sighed, leaning against the door his head leaned back in exhaustion before walking in. Before him was his bedroom/office, a king size bed with black and teal sheets beneath the window facing the closet at the foot of the bed, a bedside table with an advanced coding book on top as well as an interesting tube-like object glowing around the middle and an opening with what looked like a lens at the top, a black desk in a little crevice of the room with a CPU glowing a bright teal with the tubes doing the same and three large monitors, a glowing keyboard and mouse conjoined to it with a leather swivel chair in front of it all. He turned the chair lazily and sat down, giving a relaxed sigh as he turned in his seat and logged into his computer, all three of the screens popping up with something different, but all of them were lines of code. He turned his attention to the lines on the left with the title 'video game' at the top, "Hmmm... No, that'll put me to sleep." he said before turning to the right which said 'Future AI Program', "Nah, I should work on that one when I'm fully awake." he reasoned before turning finally to the middle screen that said 'Upgrade VI Program', "... That'll do." With that, he began work on the code, typing and planning out the lines swiftly, his hands gliding across the keys like a composer directing a symphony, the tapping of the keys a wondrous sight to be sure, his glasses glowing from the screens, the reflection of the code gliding up his lenses. Just as he was getting into his zone he heard a knock at his bedroom door, shocking him from his dazed state as he looked back curiously, "Now who could that be...?" he said aloud as he walked up and opened the door. > A Place For Comfort > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Opening the door, Code was met with an upset Sonata wearing a pair of pink pajama pants with yellow flowers and a matching long-sleeved top, a reddening upon her left cheek as she had light tears pricking her eyes, her hand resting over it as she kept her head hung low. "Sonata? Hey, what happened?" He said reaching out to her as she flinched away a bit only to have her wrist gently held as Code spoke, "Can I see it?" Sonata paused at the sound of his sincere concern as she looked up to him and slowly nodded, allowing him to pull away her hand to find that the mark was in the shape of a hand. Seeing this, Code grew a saddened yet understanding look as he took her hand and led her back to the kitchen, much to Sonata's confusion. He let her go once they entered the kitchen and patted the counter, "Go ahead and sit here for a sec." He said as he walked over to the fridge and opened the freezer section. Sonata was a bit hesitant but pushed herself up onto the counter with relative ease nonetheless. She watched as he searched around in the icebox before he turned around, "Found it!" he said as he showed her a bright, blue box looking item. He quickly began wrapping it up in a cloth and tying it before gently pressing it to her cheek, making her squeak in surprise, "I know it's pretty cold, but it should keep it from swelling too much. Just hold it there for a little while." He said with a calm, assuring smile on his face. Sonata looked up to him and nodded as she took hold of both the ice pack and his hand, "Like this?" His face dusted a light pink from the action and the cute, almost puppy dog like look on her face as he nodded, "Y-Yup, that's it. Though you don't need my hand if you're gonna hold it yourse--" "Aria's a meanie," She interrupted abruptly, "All she does is yell at me and insult me... All for things I don't know! All I do is try to help..." She said sadly looking down, taking a tighter hold on his hand, "I just want her to see that I'm not useless like she says... I'm not dumb, I'm not stupid... I just want to help." She says, her voice slinking from a distressed tone to almost that of a whimper, and it hurt Code's heart just hearing it. He went to respond before Sonata spoke again, "Can... I ask you something?" She said hopefully, looking up to him. "Yeah, of course. What's on your mind?" "Why did you help us?" She asked with a bewildered look growing on her visage, "I mean... Everyone else was trying to trick us into stuff, or at least that's what Aria said... Are you trying to play a trick on us too?" She asked worriedly, a tinge of fear joining the confusion. Code shook his head and smiled, "Not at all, Sonata. I did it because you needed help and Adagio practically begged me. I couldn't stand seeing you girls in such a state." He explained. "But... We're still in the same state, right? We didn't drive that far." Code paused for a moment looking at her as he cracked a smile and began laughing a bit, holding his hand over his mouth as to not wake Adagio or Aria. Definitely not to wake Aria. He took a calming breath and let out a sigh, "It's a figure of speech, Sonata. It means I couldn't stand to see you all in a bad situation." He explained further, watching her face for even a slight glimmer of understanding. Sonata thought for a moment and then gasped, "So... Speeches have to watch their weight?" She asked, which in turn confused Code greatly, "Cause if they have a figure they need to watch it!" She exclaimed, excited that she understood what it meant while Code put his hand to his face. And chuckled a bit more to himself. "Not quite, but... Sure, Sonata." He conceded. He couldn't say no to her for some reason, even though she was terribly incorrect. He went to reach for the fridge and felt her grip on his hand and the ice pack strengthen, "Sonata? I uh..." He wandered looking back at her pressing her face gently to the pack, a sweet smile on her face. He stared for a moment, taking in the view as his cheeks dusted pink, "Uh, I..." She looked up to him and stared back, the two of them just standing there in silence as he cleared his throat, "I, uh... Need my hand back." He stammered a bit. She looked down at the ice pack and noticed his hand still attached as she blushed and released it, "O-Oh, sorry. I just, it uh... Really helped." She said as she held the ice pack by herself, looking off to the side. He chuckled and held his hand, flexing his fingers to get some of the feeling back from the cold of the pack, "It's fine, don't worry about it." He said as he began walking back to his room before he felt a tug on the back of his shirt. Looking behind him he saw Sonata holding a bit of his shirt in her hand, "Is something wrong?" "I... I don't like sleeping alone... And Aria is still in there with Adagio..." She said sadly as she looked up to Code who looked back down to her and smiled, knowing what she was going to ask. The next morning, Aria gave a loud yawn, coming out of the bedroom wearing a black and purple striped bra and gray sweatpants. She walked down the hall but paused as she saw Sonata walking out of Code's wearing a t-shirt way bigger than her. And it definitely wasn't what she was wearing the night prior. Aria's eyes quickly turned to enraged pinpricks as she ran towards the room, Sonata quickly grabbing her arm, "Aria, what're you--" "I knew that bastard couldn't be trusted! I just fucking knew it!" "What's all the commotion about?" Adagio said as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes wearing a slightly see-through, orange night gown with purple undergarments beneath. "That prick slept with Sonata! I told you we couldn't trust him!" Aria spat back as she went to kick the door in but was pulled away by Sonata, "Gah, what the fu--" she was stopped as Sonata put her hand over her mouth. "Aria, stop it! Whatever you think it's not true! Pretty please believe me and let me show you!" She begged in a worried whisper. Aria growled and gave muffled curses as she looked to Adagio who looked between the two and gave a nod. Aria groaned and glared at Sonata, pulling her hand away, "Fine." She said in annoyance as Sonata let go and led the two into the room, each looking through the door above the other. Inside, Code had a blanket draped over him with his head hung low, his glasses placed neatly upon his keyboard, over two hundred new lines of code written on the screen, "He's been like that since I woke up..." Sonata explained as they leaned from out of the doorway and she quietly closed the door. "Then where'd your clothes from last night go?" Aria asked incredulously with her arms crossed and brow risen. "I uh... Well, I took them off cause I got hot last night... So instead I found this cool shirt!" She said raising her arms in the large tee that covered her almost completely. "He really didn't do anything? He didn't touch you?" Adagio said stepping ahead of Aria. "Well..." She said with a soft blush on her face. "I'm gonna kill him." Aria spat walking towards the door again. "N-No, wait! He didn't do anything weird! He..." She wandered before walking in and coming back out with the ice pack, "He gave me this." "The hell is that?" "He called it an ice pack. I think it's got some kind of magic that helps hurting go away." She said with a soft smile before it turned to a sad frown, "He gave it to me... After you..." She trailed off as she clenched the pack in her hands. Aria looked at her with wide eyes before she looked down and sighed, "Oh... Right..." She guiltfully whispered as they stood in the hallway silent. Adagio went to speak before the door opened once more, Code stepping out in his clothes from the night before, giving a heavy yawn before looking around dazed at the three girls, "Oh, morning girls. Sleep well?" He inquired with a tired yet kind smile. "The best sleep I believe I've had in a long while." Adagio said with a well-rested smile, the color in her face fully returned. "Gold to hear. Sonata, how about you? Is your cheek doing okay?" "Mhm! See?" She said turning her head to show off her cheek, clear of the mark from the night prior. "That's good! Now, let's get some breakfast. Who want's burritos?" He exclaimed as he put his glasses on. "What's a burrito?" Sonata asked confusedly. "Basically a taco but wrapped and filled with the same ingredients--" "I wanna try it!" She said excitedly as she jumped onto his back and hugged him tight, making him laugh a little as he walked to the kitchen. "Also... Why're you wearing my t-shirt? And... Sonata!" He exclaimed in embarassment and confusion from the kitchen combined with Sonata's giggling. Adagio sighed and shook her head, "Sonata, the same as always." She said walking away from Aria before turning to look at her, "It seems you were wrong about him... Perhaps he can be trusted, hm?" She said as she followed their lead into the kitchen, leaving Aria in the hallway with a dark glare in her eyes. "Like Hell." She growled under her breath as she walked forward herself, a plan brewing in her mind. > A Place to Plan > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I've got it this time! Dagi, Cody! Watch!" Sonata cried excitedly waving her arms to get their attention. Sonata was standing beneath a pull-up bar wearing a puffy pink winter jacket and blue jeans with purple sneakers, a pair of blue earmuffs on. "We'll be right there, Sonata!" Adagio called with a smile as she patted Code's back to get his attention. She wore a more stylish amber colored jacket with purple lining, black jeans and a new pair of boots, similar to her old ones but save for the spikes. Turning around from the cocoa vendor, Code looked down to Adagio and then saw her gesture to Sonata hopping up and down, waving her arms around like a maniac. He gave a soft laugh seeing her and waved back, "Be there in a second!" He said as he was called by the vendor and given a full drink carrier, taking it and giving one to Adagio who nodded to him in thanks as they made their way across the leaf riddled ground. Code was in a gray winter vest and a navy blue turtleneck with a pair of gray jeans and black boots, a beanie atop his head. He and Adagio sat nearby Sonata and placed the remaining two drinks down between them. Adagio gave a relaxed sigh as she nodded to Sonata, "Alright, go ahead." She said as Sonata wasted no time and ran back a bit, turning and then dashing towards the bar and leaping up only to come up short by half a foot and flying through the little arch to come into contact with a pile of leaves. The two started to get up quickly to see if she was alright, but their worry was quickly laid to rest as they heard her laugh childishly, popping her head out of the leaf pile, "That was fun!" The two of them sighed in relief and sat back down, the two taking sips of their hot chocolate as Sonata ran back for round two with the bar. Adagio gave a warm smile and broke their moment of silence, "It's hard to believe it's been two weeks already. Since you found us in that... Situation." She said as she placed a hand on her cheek and grew an upset expression as she looked away, "I still regret letting you see me that way... So desperate. So helpless... Truly it was the lowest time of my life." She admitted embarrassed in her remembrance of it. "Yeah, but you all are doing so much better now. Sonata's smiling way more, you seem healthier... But not everyone thinks it's that great, I guess." he said gesturing to Aria who sat beneath a tree away from them all, "No matter what I do it's like she can't stand to be around me. Did I do something wrong?" "No, no. Not you specifically... It's a bit... Difficult to understand... Or explain, for that matter." She said reluctantly, not truly knowing where to even begin with such a discussion. How could she tell the only person that's been there for them since their fall that they're a trio of ex-sirens that tried to rule the world through their songs? The thought itself and of putting it into proper phrasing alone made her temples pound in protest. She was snapped back to reality by Code shaking her gently and calling her name, "What? I-I apologize, what were you saying?" "You spaced out. Are you alright?' He asked worriedly as he pressed the back of his hand to her forehead, "Are you getting sick again? Maybe coming out here was a bad idea--" he was cut off by a light laughter from her before looking up at him and taking his hand from her forehead and into her own hands. "No, I'm fine. Honestly, how do you live being so worried and paranoid all the time?" She asked with a teasing smile on her face, a slight blush evident as well. His face grew a slight red hue as well as he looked down at her holding his hand tight before Sonata ran over and leapt onto them, "Rawr!" She cried as she landed on the two, covering them in leaves all over. Code and Adagio were surprised by the sudden leaf attack but Code broke into laughter nonetheless as they looked at her, "Now what was that about?" Adagio asked in slight irritation, picking leaves out of her hair. "I'm the leaf monster," Sonata called out childishly, "And I can only be calmed with hot chocolate!" she demanded as she tossed leaves into the air as they gently fall down upon the three of them. Code laughed and took out another cup as he gave it to her, "Here you go 'mighty leaf monster'. May we please have Sonata back so she can enjoy this with us?" He asked, deciding to play along with her. She giggled and leapt between them, sitting and drinking her cocoa, "The leaf monster says okay!" She exclaims as she kicks her legs cheerfully. The two of them smile as Code pets her head, making Sonata leaning into his hand as she drinks. She'd grown used to him in a short time and Code was more than happy for her trust, though after the first night she seemed the most attached to him, especially after latching onto him the way she had. Even so, there was one thing that kept bothering him ever since then that he felt he needed answered: "Adagio, Sonata... I meant to ask a while ago, but why does Aria call people "humans" instead of people?" He inquired as he looked down to them, Adagio growing a worried expression as her eyes widened and a frown claimed her smile. Sonata however continued to drink her cocoa happy as could be. "Well... She's slightly not all there if you get what I mean. She's one of those alien worshipper types." She explained, hoping that he believed her blatant lie. He looked a bit bewildered at first, turning from her to Aria and back and giving a sigh, "Oh, I get it. That explains the fascination with stabbing people and all that." He reasoned. Adagio sighed in relief as she believed he'd bought it as she took a sip of her cocoa. Sonata looked over to Aria and called out, "Hey, Ari! We've got cocoa! Come get yours before it gets--" "Shut up, Sonata!" Aria interrupted quickly before going back to her... Whatever it was she was doing, making Sonata shrink back and curl up, now quietly sipping from her cocoa. Adagio and Code both looked to Sonata and then to each other as they nodded, Adagio getting up and handing him her drink as she marched over to Aria with fire in her eyes. Code looked down at the curled up girl and wrapped an arm around her, which she noticed and happily pressed herself into his chest, a small smile crossing her face as she gave a giggle and sipped her drink again. Seeing her smile made him break one out on his own face as well before the two were alerted by a sudden crack, the sound of skin upon skin as they both looked ahead at Aria's head turned with a stunned look on her face and Adagio's hand risen. Code and Sonata quickly shot up and ran over towards the two, "What just happen--" "You shut the hell up and stay out of this, human!" Aria rudely spat out as she clenched her teeth tight. He groaned and shook his head, "Aria, I don't know what's going on in your head, but whatever just happened, I'm only trying to--" "Help? Well guess what, piss for brains! I don't want or need your fucking help!" she shouted angrily. "You may not see it that way, but--" "But what? You've pampered us a couple weeks and now we're all supposed to be like obedient mutts like Sonata?!" She snapped, gesturing to Sonata who hid behind him poking her head out from behind, "You've tamed her. She's just a little puppy for you to take care of. Isn't that right?" She growled through gritted teeth. "That isn't true! I just wanted you to--" "Bow down!" "Get better!" He shot back, making Aria growl, "I just... Come on. We can go home and talk about this privately." He said as he noticed the slight crowd watching them from around the park. "Tch, what? Can't show your lies in the limelight? Fine." She said walking past him and shoving him out of her way a bit, "We'll 'talk' once we get home." She growled out. As she made her way towards the car, a sickeningly dastardly grin crossed her lips. 'This'll be easier than I thought...' she thought as Code and the other two ex-sirens followed behind her, Sonata clinging to his side. > A Place to Decieve > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once getting through the front door, the sirens and Code took off their winterwear and Adagio snapped out in irritation, "Alright, Aria. What in the Hell was that about, hmm? Was your insesent whining about Code truly that underwhelming that you had to make him seem like a damned kidnapper in front of all those people?!" "I want the truth. That's what I'm gonna get!" She said angrily as she sat down on the coffee table, "Don't you two find it even a little weird he just so happened to be driving by when we were at our worst? Broken, hungry and powerless?" She asked accusingly as the other two looked to him and then to her. "He's explained this multiple times, Aria. He was out getting batteries for--" "For his controllers and shit, yeah. But we walked that street for about a mile or so and did either of you see an electronics store?" She retorted. "Don't those gas station places sell them?" Sonata asked curiously. "They do, yeah. But not the ones he was looking for..." She said walking up to Code and pressing her finger to his chest, "You were looking for 9-Volts. The big ones only grocery or hardware stores carry around here..." She said with venom dripping from her words. "Wah-- how would you even--" "It's amazing what watching you code for a few weeks can get accomplished when used on a phone." She said simply as she got in his face and grabbed the scruff of his shirt, "And you're not so innocent, are you?" She said threateningly before being shoved away by Sonata who rose her arms up and got in front of him, "Oh what the--" "Stop it!" She shouted as she had tears welling in her angry, determined eyes, "Cody's done nothing but help us and you keep picking on him! It's mean, it's... It's wrong!" She shouted. "... Wrong?" She said in a deadpan tone before she began laughing, "Oh, that's fucking rich Sonata! Cause we've ever cared what was wrong and right before now. Cause we were such perfect little angels!" She shouted as she came closer and closer to Sonata, "Because we didn't deserve what those little Rainbitches did to us!" She shouted in her face before being suddenly smacked, making her stumble back a bit, Sonata's hand frozen in place as she, Adagio and Code stared in absolute shock. Aria slowly rose her hand up to her cheek and cringed from the sting as she let her head fall and slowly rise up glaring at Sonata and Code, "See, Sonata? I know what you are... What we are..." "N-No, I--" "Deep down you still wanna make people fight and feed us." "Stop it..." "You're still starving for that power!" "No!" She cried as her voice shattered like stained glass. "That's enough!" Code finally spoke up as Sonata shivered and hugged herself, Code gently turning her around and hugging her tight as he rubbed her back, "That's enough..." He sighed. "I've seen your lows, Aria. But this is a new one!" Adagio said angrily as she went over and began comforting Sonata. "Oh, MY new low... That's a laugh considering how you begged and pleaded this stupid human to--" "Would you stop saying that and give your weird worshiper stuff a rest already?" He spat out as if it was acid burning within his mouth. "My... What?" "Oh, don't play dumb! Adagio told me all about how you're some kind of worshiper of some alien species and see yourself as higher than most humans." He said in irritation as he handed Sonata over to Adagio who's face paled from the mention of her lie. Aria blinked in confusion before it clicked in her head and a wide grinch-worthy grin spread across her face, "Oh... Oh my... You haven't told him, have you?" She said giving a dark laughter. "Aria, please." "Oh that is just fucking rich! You told him I'm a cultist or some shit?" She said before erupting in laughter, "Not even close!" She said as she turned to him, "I don't act like I'm beyond humans. I am beyond humans," she explained. "Aria, be quiet!" "No, Adagio! This worthless little mortal wants to know what we are, I'll tell him!" She said as she looked him dead in the eyes, "Sonata, Adagio and I," "Aria!" Adagio shouted. "What we are is--" "Aria, pretty please stop! I-I'm sorry for hitting you! Please, please don't make Cody hate us like everyone else!" Sonata cried. "The three of us are the sirens that attacked the town at the Battle of the Bands! We're devious, chaotic creatures of great power and might, feeding off the pain and sorrow of others!" She shouted with a wide smile. Code's eyes widened as he looked at her, his mouth slightly agape as he stammered a bit, "I-I... You..." He stopped before looking over at a newspaper he'd seen with three blurs, their eyes and some odd light the only things even partially comprehensible. He finally put two and two together, having not thought on the matter in a while. At the sight of his stunned face, Sonata's eyes welled up with tears as she screamed out "No!" At the top of her lungs and sobbed uncontrollably, her mind racing with pain and anger and terror of what he must've thought of them now. Aria smirked and shook her head, "No use in crying, Sonata. Humans are stupid, hateful creatures. Who cares what a single one thinks of us? We should just--" "No." He said softly, the three looking at him before he spoke once again, "That's... Not possible. You three are the..." "Yeah, that's right. So what? Are you gonna imprison us? Call the police? What do you think you can do?" She said angrily as she walked up to him. He stood there silent, his brain scrambling to find an answer before bringing his hand up to her face before it being grabbed and pulled forward as he felt a sharp pain in his stomach, making him gasp in shock and pain. Adagio and Sonata's eyes went to pinpricks as Aria held a wide grin on her face, "Stupid human," she whispered with a victorious tone to her voice as she pushed him out of the way and to the ground, "See? Humans will never be able to accept us. Not when they know what we'd done in the past. They're weak and useless!" She said as she kicked him, making him grunt in pain. She went for another kick before she was forcefully shoved away from the techie, falling over onto her back as she looked up and saw Sonata with a wrathful glare in her eyes as only two words left her lips: "Get. Out." > A Place To Defend > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Sonata, get the Hell out of my way. Now." Aria forced out through gritted teeth threateningly, her irritated glare plastered on her face and Code's blood dripping off her knife. "You attacked Cody... After what he's done for us..." Sonata said as she too clenched her teeth and rushed at Aria, the pigtailed girl raising her hand to smack Sonata. The hit easily connected and made her stumble back, holding her cheek. Aria grinned and walked forward, "You keep letting yourself get hurt for this stupid human. He's nothing compared to us. Mud, maybe even lower!" She said as she brandished the knife once more, Adagio keeping her place in front of Code as she rose the blade, only for Sonata to get in the way and slamming her palms into Aria's stomach. It must've been a heavy hit from the sound that escaped the knife weilding siren as she stumbled back and held her stomach in pain, looking up to see Sonata in a fighting stance. Her right arm risen with her fist clenched and her left stretched outward with her ring and pinky fingers curled in with her middle and index a bit less so. Adagio and Code watched in shock as he began to stand with some help from the floofy haired girl at his side, handing his phone over to her, "Call... Ambulance..." He forced out as she nodded and used one hand on his wound atop his own hand while the other held his phone. She waited hurriedly for someone to answer as she whispered hopefully, "Pick-up, pick-up, pick-up..." She begged to anyone who was listening before hearing the line answer on the other side. The dispatcher barely getting the greeting out before Adagio interrupted, "I need an ambulance immediately at my location!" She demanded hurriedly as Aria stood back up. She quickly took her chance to lead their injured host to his room, Aria giving chase, as she leaped over the couch with the knife risen before being tackled back over by Sonata. The two rolled across the room before Aria kicked Sonata off and into a wall with the momentum, making her shout and groan lying on the ground before forcing herself up unsteadily. Aria growled and let the two get away as she rushed towards Sonata with the knife only for her to get past and grab her wrist and drag her into her knee, making Aria gasp in pain before being flipped onto her back, Sonata pressing her knee to her empty handed wrist and taking Aria's knife hand in a wristlock, twisting her wrist roughly as she was then forced to drop it. In Code's room, Adagio was speaking to the dispatcher and giving her the needed information, "Y-Yes, get here quickly!" She said as she hung up and laid Code down on his bed, noticing the deep crimson upon her hands as she held his wound. She could hear the scuffle through the wall and finally heard a loud thud combined with Aria's pained scream. Aside from Aria's groans and growls of anger, the room seemed quiet and the fight seemed to be finished. She couldn't even partially register everything that'd just happened, it was all just too fast to keep up with mentally. She saw it all, no questions there, but the very concept of her sghtings sent her mind into spins. She grit her teeth and clenched her eyes shut as for the first time since they had been found, she cried. She clenched Code's hands tight over the wound and laid over him, letting out soft sobs, "What happened to us? What did we do to... To..." She couldn't continue that line of questioning, knowing and remembering exactly all the awful things they'd done. Remembering stealing the negative energy from those around them, forcing friends, family, lover's even to despise one another just so they could get a meal. They lived luxuriously through mind control and altered the world to their bidding through their songs. It wasn't that she couldn't question their right to this terrible situation, but more so that she didn't deserve to in her own mind. Before long she heard the front door open, the demanding voice of a police officer shouting at, presumably the two in the other room as Adagio called out, "In here! Quickly, please!" Within seconds she heard rushed footsteps moving to their direction as the door was quickly opened, showing paramedics behind it: a woman with light pink hair and alabaster white skin and a tan skinned male with glasses and brown hair. Seeing them, Adagio was filled with relief as they took her place at his side, removing his hands to assess the wound properly, "Alright, miss. Can you explain what happened here?" "I... We were coming home from a lovely day in the park with my sisters, and... I don't..." She stuttered, unable to even convince herself she knew what'd happened. "I can tell you..." Sonata said coming from behind a few officers, another hanging onto a handcuffed Aria with a dark glare in her eyes and her knife in an evidence baggy in an opposing one's hand, "We came home and Aria... She stabbed Cody for no reason..." She clenched her teeth and fists as her bangs fell over her eyes, "She just ran at him and... She..." "Oh shut up, Sona--" "No!!!" Sonata shouted as everyone in the room was taken aback by her sudden outburst, "You stabbed Cody! He could be dead and you stabbed him! He fed us, he gave us a home when we were alone and Dagi was sick! And you stabbed him!" She screamed as she punched Aria across her face as another officer grabbed and restrained her as she flailed and kicked at Aria, the officer trying to calm her down along with Adagio while Aria screamed at Sonata who was enraged and in tears. Among this chaos, a coughing could be heard by the three who had stopped and looked back over, all wide-eyed as they saw Code begin sitting up, the paramedics urging him to lay back down as he waved them away. He stepped staggeringly over to the girls as Adagio rushed over and put his arm over her shoulder and helped him get over to Sonata and Aria, bith of which were still restrained or handcuffed. He looked to the policemen and said in a pained, yet clear voice, "Let 'em go..." "We can't do that sir. We--" "I'm not pressing charges against Aria... Just let her go..." He said softly, all three of the sirens looking at him in shock, Aria most of all as the policemen looked at eachother bewildered and then shrugged, uncuffing her as she rubbed her wrists, both of which were bruised. The other officer holding Sonata back let her go as well as she ran over and hugged him tightly, sobbing into his chest as she snuggled into him, Adagio joining her in his embrace. Aria simply stood there, her eyes still wide in confusion as the officers walked away with the knife, the paramedics still on standby as they let them have their moment. They didn't know what was going on in the slightest, but one thing was certain. They must've meant a lot for something like this to slide. > A Place To Understand > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Code sat on his bed as he was treated by the paramedics, his top off so they could see the wound better as they stitched him up, "Thankfully it looked worse than it was. She didn't quite get to your stomach, just cut enough for it to bleed and look scary. You should be fine with a few stitches, bandaging and rest. Not to mention plenty of fluids." The woman said calmly yet with a stern tone as Adagio sighed in relief and Sonata smiled with her usual joyous attitude. Once they finished, they packed up their things and left, leaving the four tenants alone once again. Code grabbed his shirt off from the side and went to put it on before being tackle hugged by Sonata who broke out crying almost immediately, "Cody is gonna be okay~!" She sang happily as she wept into his chest once again, Code gently petting her head as he gave a soft sigh while ignoring the pain from the hug attack. "It would definitely appear that way, but be careful with him Sonata! We don't want his stitches breaking or something." Adagio said as she sat by his side and looked up at him, "You will be alright, right?" She said with a bit more worry in her tone as well as he wrapped an arm around and hugged her too, making her blush a bit as she leaned into him with a relaxed sigh. "I'll be fine, don't worry. I may be a coder but that doesn't mean I'm not--" "Why?" He was interrupted as the three looked up and over to Aria whose head was hung low, her bangs covering her eyes from sight, her arms crossed over her chest. Code looked at her confusedly as he let the other two go, the two both looking at her with stern expressions as he spoke up, "What?" "Why? Why didn't you let them take me away? Why did you protect me? I've told you over and over that I don't need your help and I don't want it so why in the name of Tartarus did you--" "Because you needed it." He said calmly as she went silent, looking back at him with startled confusion in her widened eyes to meet his own eyes of which held no anger. No fear. No malice or distrust. They were gentle, soft and full of worry, but not for himself. For her. "W-What?" She said, her voice angry and confused as she unwrapped her arms and came closer. Sonata and Adagio were about to get in her way, but Code placed his arms in front of them to keep them from doing so as she marched up, "You know who we are, what we are... What I am... Why would you wanna protect a monster?" He looked down and lightly chuckled as he looked back at her with a smile, "Aria... I never once cared about what you all were or what you'd done... I just needed a minute for it to sink in properly. And now, I get it... And I don't care." He said sweetly as he bent over and groaned standing up, the two once again moving to help as he held his hand out, "I'm fine... Not gonna keel over or anything." He said as he moved closer to her and placed his hands on her shoulders, "Aria... You, Sonata and Adagio have made the last two weeks of my life amazing. It's almost hard to believe I've gotten to know you all so well in such a small amount of time... And that you'd open your hearts like that for someone like me so quickly..." "You're our friend, Cody!" Sonata said hugging him tight on one side as Adagio placed a hand on his back on the other, both smiling up at him. He chuckled and pet Sonata's head as he looked over to Adagio before turning back to Aria, "You all aren't monsters... Just girls that are misunderstood and were mistreated. Was what you all did bad? Yeah, no doubt about it. But you did it because that's all you've known. No one has even taken time to know you all for who you are." He looked and pet Sonata's head, "Sweet, kind and full of surprises." He said as she giggled in approval. He then turned to Adagio and held her hand, "Smart, cunning and sensitive, even if it's not the proudest of moments." He explained, Adagio blushing slightly but keeping her smile up as she looked up to him. His eyes finally fell on Aria who looked back at him with hard, narrowed eyes, "Protective, cautious and misunderstood by those around you." He said as her eyes returned to their surprised state, as if he'd hit the needle on the head, "You want to be understood. To be known and treated fairly... You don't want to be alone." He said as she looked down and grimaced, growling as she clenched her fists, "Was I wro--" "Stop it..." She shuddered out as a tear fell, the two looking at their sister in surprise as she rose her head up, "Stop... Making me feel your human emotions... Stop it... Whatever magic this is, I want it to stop!" She shouted as she backed up against the door and covered her face as she cried, Code reaching forward and bringing her into his embrace. "I'm not, Aria... It's normal to cry. This is all you, I promise. It means you're guilty or remorseful, that you have a heart and can feel the pain of your emotions." "I hate it... I want it to stop... I-I'm not remorseful. I'll stab you... I'll kill you, I'll... I..." She choked out, trying to sound tough as she openly wept in his arms, screaming into his chest as she wrapped her arms around him and gave in, "Just hug me, loser! And if you let go I'll murder you!" She shouts into his chest as he sighs and presses her face into his chest, shushing her gently as the other two watched in surprise, looking over at one another before wrapping their own arms around their sister and calmly shushing her as well. As Aria wailed and screamed into their group hug, for the first time since they were banished to this world of odd beings, machines and devoid of any true magic, she felt something she had long since given up on centuries ago... Understood. > A Place to Prepare > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a bright, sunny day in the city as the cool chill of the crisp autumn breeze, gradually changing to winter's breath brushed against Code's face as he stepped out of the apartment building, waving back to Tide Turner who lazed around at the front desk on his phone. As he walked to his truck, he stopped and turned to look up at the window he knew led to his current housemates, "Have a good day you three..." He said softly to himself as he got in and placed his backpack into the passengers side seat and drove away. In said room, the sirens were all dressed in their pajamas and currently sharing a single bed, Aria on the left facing away from her sisters with her pigtails down and her hair straight and snoring as she was front down on the bed. Sonata was on the right spread out in one of Code's T-shirts again with half the covers over her drooling a bit as her hair was also down from it's usual high ponytail. Adagio lay between the two with her hair in a wrapping with an eye mask on, her hands cupped over her chest as she take slow, melodic breaths. Once they heard the front door close however, Adagio smiled and slowly eased her mask off, "It sounds like he's gone~" Aria's eye opened as she looked at the door, "Sounds like it... Ready?" "Ready. Sonata?" Adagio said looking over at the blue girl who continued to sleep peacefully, periodically saying things in her sleep. Adagio sighed as she gently rocked her, "Sonata, wake up." She said as she waved her away. "Cody, five more minutes..." She said turning over into Adagio who rolled her eyes. "Still kinda weird how infatuated she is with him." Aria commented as she stood out of bed in a pair of shorts and a bra as she went to grab her hair ties. "I don't question it. Remember that stray dog she carried around for a week or two?" Adagio recalled as she looked over to Aria. "Oh yeah... That thing was annoying." She growled as she headed into the bathroom and shut the door, the sound of running water coming soon after. Adagio sighed and looked at Sonata before shoving her out of bed with a crash as she shot up, "Owwie! ... Five more minutes..." She said as she pulled the blanket down over her making Adagio groan in frustration. Once the trio were dressed and ready, they walked out into the dining room area and found three covered plates set with each one's name on a folded name card. They had grown accustomed to Code making them breakfast before he would leave, so they sat and unveiled their dishes. Sonata leaped into her seat excitedly as she popped the top off her plate and gasped in joyful surprise to be met with a stack of pancakes with bacon and eggs at the top forming a smiley face, a slice of butter acting as a nose with a little cup of syrup next to it. She squealed and giggled at the face as she bounced in her seat, "It's soooo cuuuute~!" Aria and Adagio weren't all that surprised by her reaction since they all knew, Code included, that she loved cute food. With a chuckle, Adagio took her seat as well and unveiled two berry filled crepes and an egg white omelet with peppers, onions, sausage and swiss. She was more than amazed at the sight as she picked up her fork and cut a bit off the omelet before dropping it off in her mouth and giving a light moan of pleasure from the flavor, "He truly has outdone himself... It's even better than that hotel we stayed at before." She said before taking some of the crepe and gracefully guiding it to her lips for a taste. Aria looked at the two a bit confused before sitting down by Adagio and pulling the lid off to be met with an omelet with sirracha and grilled jalapenos decorating the outside with, what looked like, shredded pepper jack cheese. Cutting into it she found it was filled also with more spicy peppers, cheese, hashbrowns and what seemed like bacon and sausage. Her frown lightened a bit with a bright blush as she clenched her teeth, "That... Bastard..." She growled as the two others looked at her. "Aria, he made us breakfast, what could possibly--" she stopped as Sonata broke out laughing hysterically. She looked at Sonata confused before looking closer and spotting a normal fork in one hand... And a plastic knife in the other. Seeing this, she stared at it for a moment as Aria's blush deepened and scowl grew before the dam finally broke, Adagio breaking out into a roaring laughter as Aria growled and slammed the fake knife to the table as she stood up, "I'm getting a knife from the kitchen!" she shouted as she walked off towards the kitchen and to the knife drawer, going to open it up but only being met with a chain looped through the other drawers with a padlock tightly connecting them with a note saying 'To Aria, no knives. Code'. She stared in disbelief at this as she clenched her teeth tightly, leaned over and shot back up screaming at the top of her lungs, "You MOTHERFUCKER!!!" Code sat quietly in a cafe in the city, typing away at his laptop with a bagel and a cup of hot chocolate as he went on with his coding with a calm smile on his face before he suddenly stopped, and looked up from his screen with a surprised look as he looked around, "... Aria?" he said in bewilderment, swearing he could hear the enraged siren's voice. He looked back at his screen and then at the hot chocolate in his hand before slowly putting it down and raising his hand, "Uh... Is there something new in this recipe?" After finishing their meals and Aria finishing her raging tantrum, the three sirens exited the apartment building in their winter wear, snow lightly falling to the already coated ground, the soft crunch of the fluff beneath their feet as they looked around, "Alright, so what's the plan?" Aria said in frustration while Adagio looked at a piece of paper. "Firstly it seems that we will need... The food for tonight." She said tapping the top. "So... Why don't we just order it? We could just get some pizzas and maybe some tacos for Sonata. Easy." Aria said with a shrug before being hit over the head with the rolled up paper, making her growl and hold her head, "What the hell was that for?!" She growled out angrily. "Code takes time from his day to cook us magnificent meals! The least we can do is return the favor by trying our hand at it for him!" Adagio said in disgust of the idea as she unrolled the paper, "And he even left us a spending card to use, so we should at least use it properly. Wouldn't you agree Sonata?" Adagio said awaiting the fellow ex-siren's agreement but getting nothing as she paused in her reading and turned to look over "Sonata?" She said once again before seeing Sonata on the ground waving her arms and legs around next to a couple of children before hopping up and giggling. "Aria, Dagi, look! These little kids are making weird markings in the snow!" She said happily as the two walked over and saw what they assumed to be Sonata's sloppy attempt at a snow angel. Aria blinked and her face twisted into an annoyed glare as she slammed her palm into her face, Adagio sighing softly and grabbing Sonata's wrist "Come along, Sonata. We have to get everything prepared for tonight." She said as Sonata huffed before waving goodbye to the children who sadly waved goodbye back before they continued to play in the snow, missing their new older friend. "I was having fun..." "No time, Sonata. We have to get the things on this list I printed out last night while Code was sleeping!" Adagio said in a hurried tone. "How'd you do that?" Sonata said in surprise. "Easy, really." She said as she thought back on last night. Adagio knelt down by Code's door before noticing Sonata dazily walking out of their room and down the hall headed to Code's as she usually would late at night. Taking the chance, she knocked on the door and hid as Sonata was coming close, blinded by her half-open, barely awakened sight as Code opened the door, only to be walked into by the sleepy Siren as she snuggled in, "Cody... I wanna taco." She said softly as he then looked at a digital clock on his bedside table reading that it was three in the morning. He sighed and shrugged with a tired smile as he lifted her up and she happily wrapped her arms and legs around him like a child would their parent, carrying her off to the kitchen. It was then that Adagio slipped in and got everything she needed while he was taking care of Sonata before slipping out and back into their room, neither the siren or human any the wiser. "Oooh... Those were really good tacos." She said happily rubbing her stomach, licking her lips dreamily. "Ugh... Well whatever, what's on the list first Adagio?" Aria said semi-begrudgingly as she pocketed her hands. "First: Decorations. Lights, wreaths, anything that we need for proper aesthetic for the holiday." She explained as she started walking, Sonata and Aria following along at her sides. The two looked around at the streets as they went along, no longer listening to Adagio's listing as Sonata gasped and nudged Aria's shoulder to which she glared and began tk respond before she was grabbed by her chin and her head was turned upwards to look at something off to the side, Aria looking to Sonata as they nodded in agreement. Aria smacked her hand away and the two slunk away from Adagio as she kept going, listing things off to no one. Code groaned leaning back in the seat as he took a sip of a new cup of hot chocolate, giving a light sigh as he went back to typing away at his laptop, 'Wonder what the girls are up to... Maybe I should've stayed home today since this is kinda their, I guess, first proper Christmas...' he thought as he absentmindedly kept typing, his eyes staring off into space, 'Maybe put up decorations... Go shopping for groceries for tomorrow... Sit around and watching specials with snacks and cocoa...' as he went on a slow smile appeared on his face before he gasped and realized he'd been tapping away without thinking. Looking back to his screen, he saw that instead of working on his project, the screen was full of the things he'd been listing in detail of how he believed each of the girls would respond. His face turned the lightest shade of pink as he quickly highlighted what he had typed and paused for a moment to read through it. Meanwhile, Adagio had continued on down the road and made her way to the shopping center Code would take them normally, giving a sigh as she smiled, 'Huh, I guess this holiday truly is one of peace. Sonata and Aria have been so quiet, it's like they're not even--" she stopped as she turned to look back at the two sirens, only to find empty space behind her, '... There...' she finished as she turned back around before spinning around and calling out, "Where did they go!?" She looked around frantically as people passed by a bit confused or even giving light chuckles, 'They were right next to me, how could they have just wandered off like that out of nowhere!? I'm sure Aria would've shouted or something if someone grabbed them and Sonata would never just leave in the middle of something for Code, so how--' she groaned as she fell to her knees and wracked her brains about how far back they vanished or where they could've gone. She went on like this for a few minutes before giving a sigh, taking a breath as she rose to her feet, 'Remember, Adagio. They're still them and weirdly skilled at defending themselves. I am sure they'll be fine wherever they disappeared to...' she reasoned as she proceeded to look down at her wrist, a watch strapped around it, "Regardless, maybe they saw something they could use on the way here. Anyway, I'll just work on the rest." She decided to herself as she walked away and to the shops. Adagio wandered the grocery store as she looked over her list pushing a basket around, "Okay, so first is... A ham. I believe I've seen those somewhere..." She said pushing her way around the store looking through the meats and finding hams that were nicely sized but none that really stuck out to her, "Hmmm... There must be one that would be enough for Sonata and Aria's hunger..." She said before spotting the butcher area and seeing the largest ham she'd seen so far, "Perfect." She said speed-walking over and raising her hand, "Excuse me, I need some Ham." She said calmly as the large man in a butcher's apron came over. "Sure thing little lady! Howdy'a want it cut? Cubed, sliced?" He said with light enthusiasm. "Oh no, nothing like that! I'd just like a large ham!" She said holding her hands out to make her point. "Ah, I got'cha. But we got tons down the'e if ya' want one." "Oh I know, but I'd like this one." She said as another hand also pointed to the ham on display. "I need this ham!" Shouted a sudden voice by Adagio's side alerting both her and the butcher as by her side was the 'leader' she supposed of the Rainbooms herself, Rainbow Dash. Back at the apartment, Sonata and Aria walked back outside stretching, "That was actually a pretty good idea, Sonata. Didn't think you had those." Aria said as she walked by the proud siren before she paused and huffed realizing the backhanded compliment. "I do too have good ideas! But that was really tough wasn't it?" Sonata said with a light huff of exhaustion. "Without a ladder or powers, yeah. It was annoying. It was a struggle for sure." Aria growled cracking her neck as she once again pocketed her hands. "Yeah, especially since they kinda flailed all around the place and were really hard to keep still." She said with a light giggle, "Still, glad we could get them back home without too much--" "What're y'all doin' here?" Called out an annoyed, defensive southern drawl as the two turned around to come face-to-face with Applejack and Pinkie, Applejack's eyes squinted in a distrusting glare. Code sighed as he finished up a good portion of his work, closing and packing away his laptop. He strapped his bag to his back and walked out into the open air of the shopping center with a sigh as he started down the walkway, 'I should head back and check on the girls. I'm sure they're fine but... I should be there for their first Christmas Eve. It is kind of a big deal though I'm sure they might not think so... At least Aria won't anyway.' he thought with a light chuckle as he heard a commotion coming from his side. He turned to take a look and was suddenly run into by someone, grabbing them to keep them from falling over as he looked down, "Whoa, what's-- Adagio?" He said looking down at the wide-eyed siren holding onto a large ham as he then looked up to see Rainbow Dash rushing out and at her. "Gimme that thing, monster!" She shouted leaping up and shooting down at her, Adagio shouting in fear as Code leaped to the side with her, falling with her and the ham on top of him with a groan. "Ugh... Rainbow Dash? The lead guitarist of the Rainbooms?" He groaned sitting up and looking down at Adagio, seeing her scared face as he slowly stood up and pulled her behind him, "What do you want with Adagio?" "For her to buzz off and gimme that ham!" She shouted rushing at them as Code got in the way and blocked her from Adagio, groaning as she ran into his arms, Rainbow leaping back as she went wide-eyed, "What the-- Why're you protecting her?! Don't you know what she--" "Yeah, I do... But I won't let you near her." He said groaning rubbing his arms which were likely bruised from the impact as he kept his arms up, "She's with me." "Answer me, what're y'all doin' here an' who'dya kidnap?" Applejack said threateningly as she clenched her fists and rose them up to crack her knuckles as Pinkie hopped over with a bag of candy, munching away. "Yeah, and where'd you get that scarf? It's really cute!" Pinkie said pointing to Sonata's neck as she smiled. "I got it from--" "None of your business! Now fuck off, we've got better things to do than fuck around with you two!" Aria spat out defensively as she glared at the two of them angrily, reaching back for her knife only to find it was gone, 'Fuck, I forgot the police took it!' she grimaced as she backed up a bit. "Now there ain't no need fer' profanity! There're kids 'round here, don't need 'em pickin' up that kinda speakin'." She said angrily as she stepped forward, "Now answer me an' we won't be needin' no trouble!" "Fuck you, hick!" Aria shouted in response as Applejack growled, "What? Y'gonna cry to your cousin or something?" She shouted seeing her clench her teeth, a smirk appearing on her face, "Man, no wonder your sister's such a loser, she has a crappy sister to learn it from!" She shouted as a final nail before Applejack stomped, the ground beneath her boot cracking as Aria's smirk faded to a shocked stare. "Don't you talk bad 'bout mah' family!" She shouted as she dashed towards Aria, who tackled Sonata out of the way of a punch, the light pole they were standing next to being dented in half and ripped out of the ground by the force as it toppled over. 'Since the fuck could she do that!? Fuck fuck fuck! We can't go back to the apartment or else she'll find out about Code and we don't know where the fuck Adagio went...' she groaned as she thought about their dwindling possibilities, AJ shaking the light pain from her hand as she came up towards them, Pinkie grabbing her wrist and looking at her worried. She didn't pay her much mind, her mind set on the sirens before her as she pulled away from Pinkie Pie's hold. Sonata slowly stood, her head hung low as Applejack came closer before she reeled her open hand back and sent a palm strike at her chest, making her move back a bit, more surprising the raging farmer than anything, "Get away... Leave!" She shouted angrily as she took a stance with her hands crossed over one another with her back arched slightly, a glare in her eyes. Code and Rainbow Dash stared at one another for a while, neither one moving a muscle before she got into a track stance, 'Poor guy must still be brainwashed or something. Or did they get their powers back? Do they even need those things? Whatever, I'll have to knock the sense back into him I guess.' she thought as she smirked a bit, "Sorry, dude!" She said running at the two of them full speed, a rainbow blur as she dashed and zagged around. Code tried his best to keep her in his sight but to no avail as she seemed to appear out of seemingly nowhere, swinging to hit Adagio only for his arm to get in the way again, giving a groan of pain as he shoved her back, only for her to disappear into a flash again,"Make this easy on us both, man! Don't let her control you!" "Control? What're you talking about?" He said in pure confusion and pain as she dashed forward and jumped up to kick her, Code once again blocking her with his hands this time before taking a hold the best he could and flinging her back into the store door, another pained groan escaping him as he began pushing Adagio, "Come on... We gotta go!" He said through gritted teeth as the two made a break for it, Rainbow Dash working her way out as she growled a bit. "What are you doing, Sonata? Just cause you could put me on my ass once doesn't mean--" "I can do it..." "Sonata--" "I. Can. Do it." She said as she kept a glare on Applejack as the cowgirl tipped her hat and rushed at them, her footsteps almost making the ground shake as she went to grab Sonata only for her to duck and strike her in the chin with a swift lateral spin leaving Sonata facing away before shoving her elbows backwards and into her abdomen which though it felt like elbowing lead, made her give way a bit as she held her stomach and stumbled back. Sonata took a slow breath looking at Aria as she turned and took a new stance, her left leg far back as she stretched her arms, her upper-half tilted downwards as her hands were straight and flattened with her palms up in a stance Aria hadn't seen before. Who was this girl and what did she do with her dumbass of a sister? Elsewhere, Adagio and Code ran through the shopping center in a frenzied retreat, coming up towards his truck as he looked back seeing the rainbow streak closing in quick, "Adagio, get in!" He shouted as she ran and opened the passenger side door to get in. She tossed in the ham and leaped into the car, but as Code went to do the same, he was charged from the side and redirected off to the side with great force. He cried out as he felt his wound from Aria jolt with sharp pain as he doubled over and held it. Adagio's eyes widened as she jumped out of the car and ran to his side, kneeling down to put her arms around him, "Code? Code, are you alri--" "Give it up, Adagio! You and your puppet are through!" She shouted as she got into a running stance again, her wings glowing as they formed on her back and darted at them. Adagio's eyes widened as she clung to Code tightly and clenched her teeth, getting in front of him as she awaited the strike, 'I'm sorry, Code... I just wanted to do something nice for you... And now you're hurt... I'm so truly sorry...' she thought as she waited, Rainbow Dash's battlecry coming at them fast. Aria and Pinkie watched as the two girls went at it. Sonata going on the defensive as she took different movements and stances to dodge the heavy strikes of Applejack, almost as if she was dancing around her. Aria couldn't believe her eyes and Pinkie stared as if watching a performance take place. Aria could see some sweat forming on Sonata's brow but Applejack didn't seem even winded as she kept flinging punches, each one carrying a good breeze. Sonata, after parrying a punch away, went on the offensive. She curled her index and middle fingers and struck Applejack's shoulder, followed by her elbow, forearm and wrist of the arm she shoved away as it suddenly went limp, to everyone's surprise as she did so with such confusing speed and accuracy. Applejack growled and swung with her other arm as Sonata instead ducked it and struck the back of her knee, roundhouse sweeping the opposing leg as the powerhouse farmgirl flew over her crouched position from the momentum of her punch, having nothing to stabilize or stop her from moving forward as she crashed into a nearby pile of snow, groaning from the inside with an indent in her shape left behind. Sonata took a deep breath as she rose and pulled her hands up to her chest before giving a stuttered exhale as she moved her hands downwards palms down. Aria stared in disbelief along with Pinkie Pie, both of which had mouths agape before Pinkie ran over to check on Applejack. Aria walked up to Sonata and took her arm, "How... Did you do that..." She asked in a surprised tone as Sonata turned to her and smiled goofily as usual, "I have no idea, but wasn't it cool?" She said while Aria once again went agape, "Anyway, let's go catch up with Dagi!" She said pulling her confused sibling along behind her, leaving Pinkie pulling out a dazed, shivering Applejack from her frozen tomb. Adagio's eyes were clenched shut as she awaited the strike before realizing... 'Odd... Wasn't she faster than this?' she thought before opening an eye and looking up only to stare in shock before her, "You...?" Before the two stood a girl in black boots with magenta lining, blue jeggings and a black snow jacket, her hair like that of the sun itself as it waved behind her, her arms outstretched as she glanced back and sighed, her aquamarine eyes full of relief as she smiled. "You okay, Adagio?" > A Place To Reconcile > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adagio stared dumbfounded at the back of her sudden savior of whom her arms stretched out in front of their rainbow attacker with a steady sigh of relief coming from her. She looked ahead at Dash and slowly brought her arms together as if acting as a parent waiting for an explanation. Rainbow Dash, hovering a foot away with her fist inches from Sunset's chest as she stared in confusion at her, pulling it back and staring at her, "Wha-- Sunset!? What're you doing?! That's Adagio Dazzle, she's trying to--" "Do what, Dash? Go shopping? Oh wow, what a crime against humanity." She said in an irritated tone as she looked back at the two, "Are you alright, Adagi-- Whoa!" She shouted as she looked down at the two seeing Adagio clutching Code's hand to his stomach, his breathing becoming a bit more labored and strained as a red spot slowly began growing as Sunset's eyes widened and grew fierce turning to Rainbow Dash, "What did you do!?" "Whattya mean!? I didn't hit him that hard!" "Rainbow, that hit would've broken my ribs if you didn't stop!" "Well, I did! So, you're welcome!" "Dammit Rainbow, that isn't the point!" She shouted before clutching her wrist as their eyes began to glow, Adagio looking on in confusion and shock as she tried to bunch up his shirt and keep the bleeding to a minimum. Once it ended, Sunset sighed, "We'll talk about this later--" "Sunset, is everything alrigh-- Oh my gosh!" Said a softer, startled voice as Fluttershy and Twilight came running from the shopping center over to the commotion, "What happened? Rainbow Dash ran off suddenly to find a ham and then--" "Code?" Twilight said in surprise looking past Sunset as Fluttershy did the same, a scared gasp escaping her as they began to make their way around only to have Rainbow Dash move in the way, "Wha-- Rainbow Dash, those two need help!" "No, she needs to be put away!" She shouted pointing back towards Adagio, "She's dangerous! She's a monster!" she shouted as Adagio hugged Code tight in fear. "Rainbow Dash, what are you talking about?! She looks terrified and he's bleeding out!" Twilight said as her hands began to glow, Rainbow Dash taking on a similar shimmer as she lifted her up above everyone else. As she was lifted out of Twilight's path, Rainbow Dash struggled against the invisible hold as they ran past her. The moment they were past, Twilight released Rainbow who stumbled for a moment from the momentum she'd built up before crossing her arms defiantly. Twilight knelt down to Adagio and Code as she began to reach towards him before Adagio got in her way, "You stay away from him!" She shouted threateningly as she bared her teeth with her arms outstretched, "You will not touch Code, do you understand me, Sparkle!?" She growled before stopping to look her over. Seeing the glasses on her face, the way she dressed and carried herself and how much she differed from their prior meeting. "You... You're not Sparkle, are you?" She said as her eyes stayed hardened, but were no longer holding hatred. "The other Twilight everyone tells me about? No. I'm Twilight Sparkle but to keep confusion down to a minimal level, pinkie designated me the nickname 'Sci-Twi'. I suppose because of my scientific studies and the differentiation makes people more at ease about my appearance in the other Twilight's place." She explained as Adagio blinked and slowly shifted her eyes towards Sunset who held a nervous smile and shrugged before slowly shifting her eyes back to Sci-Twi. "Riiight... Regardless of who you are or claim to be," she started as she turned and saw the blood beginning to slow, "I need to get Code medical help. So if you truly wish to do so, I suggest you--" "We need to make sure the bleeding has completely subsided before moving him. If we don't, then the wound will continue to discharge." Twilight interrupted as she moved to Adagio's side and looked it over, seeing the gash, "It's not anything serious, but if unchecked it could become a major problem. Hold him steady, I think I've got something." She ordered as she went fishing around in her backpack, Adagio doing as she said with confusion as to what was going on. Turning back, Twilight was now holding a needle and thin thread, looping it through with a bit of annoyance as she looked at her, "This will hurt. A lot. So... Try not to let him thrash or anything, okay?" She said nervously as she took a breath and began stitching the wound, Code's eyes opening as he shouted out in pain. "How did you do that!?" Aria shouted as she ran alongside Sonata who skipped along at a quick pace. "Do what?" "Don't you 'do what?' me! You were fighting like one of those action stars except you were actually connecting and not shit at it! How the hell did you do that!?" she shouted in confused irritation. Sonata thought for a moment as they turned a corner, stopping with a hand on her chin as she looked up to the sky, "Well... I learned it from watching Cody, I guess?" "Code taught you how to fight like that? When? He's only ever on his computer or playing videogames or something usually! Plus, if he was any good at defending himself like that, he wouldn't have that--" she stopped short as she realized what she was about to say, turning to look at Sonata who glared at her, "... Nevermind. But seriously, when did he teach you that?!" "He didn't, the people in those games did!" She said as she continued on her way, leaving Aria even more confused than before as they were coming closer to the intersection to the shops. Before Aria could ask another question or Sonata could give another confusing answer, the two heard a man's scream and both turned their attention towards it, "Wait, was that...?" "Code!" Aria shouted as she grabbed Sonata's wrist and broke into an all-out sprint towards the parking lot. Upon arrival they saw Adagio holding Code down and apologizing as Sci-Twi stitched his wound to the best of her ability, other members of the Rainbooms standing around them. Aria, misreading the situation, reached for her knife only to find nothing. A grimace stretched across her face as she charged forward, "Hey, you get off of him right now!" She shouted as Sonata ran after her. As the rest turned to look at them, Rainbow Dash glared and cracked her knuckles, "You want some?" She shouted as she started flying again, leaving Aria surprised but unwavering as she kept running, Rainbow Dash taking it as confirmation as she shot forward at them only to be grabbed by the ankle by Sunset and pulled back in a swift movement. Once again, Aria was confused as she took the opportunity to gain more ground towards them, her teeth gritted before Adagio held a hand out, "Aria, stop! She's..." She looked back towards Twilight who was still tentatively working on the stitching before turning back, "Trying to help!" She finished as she moved her hand back to Code, holding him to keep his thrashing minimal though he seemed to slowly be calming down. Aria, hearing Adagio's statement, slowed to a walk before stopping next to them as she knelt down and saw the busted stitches. She clenched her teeth and looked to Adagio, "Who did it?" She growled as she stood back up and looked among them, "Which one of you did this!?" She shouted louder as a small group of passersby seemed to start accumulating nearby, one of them with a phone to their ear, possibly calling the police. Seeming like no one was going to answer, Sunset sighed and spoke, "I can answer that." "So it was you, Shimmer?!" "No! I ran over here to stop Rainbow Dash!" She explained pointing to the girl who was now being calmed by Fluttershy, "I don't know the whole story, but she's the reason your friend here is bleeding." "So it was you!" Aria shouted glaring at her as Rainbow looked at her and scoffed, only making Aria's blood boil more, "Hey, I'm talking to y--" she was stopped as Sonata rushed past her and punched Rainbow directly in her jaw, making Fluttershy jump back in shock, the rest of the group gasping from the action while Aria just stood there with a surprised yet understanding gaze. "Ow, what the he--" she was stopped as another punch was delivered, sending her on her back as she groaned and held her face. Sonata held a glare on her face with tears running down her cheeks as she moved closer to Dash. Before she could get too close, Sunset quickly grabbed her arm as their eyes began to glow. As she saw Sonata's memories, she saw all the things that had happened since their defeat. All the sleepless nights wandering and getting nowhere, the arguing, the crying, the terror. All leading up to Code picking them up that night. From then on she could feel and see the warmth and compassion he showed and gave to Sonata, all the time he would spend with her, bandaging her up, giving her food and shelter and care. She suddenly was pulled away from Sonata by Aria as she kept her wrist held while Sonata shook her head confusedly, "What the hell do you think you're doing!?" Aria shouted in a rage before she noticed that Sunset was crying, steady tears gliding down her face as she looked between the three girls, "Hey, what's your problem?" She barked as Sunset's hand went limp in her grasp. "I... Didn't know..." Sunset whispered, averting her eyes from Aria, "You guys have been through a lot, huh?" She said a bit louder, catching Aria off guard as Sonata paused and looked back to her. "How did you..." "Sunset...?" Fluttershy said curiously as she was helping Rainbow up, the sound of a few more footsteps coming as Rarity came running from the same direction as Sonata and Aria had, Pinkie Pie and a snow covered Applejack following behind. "What in tarnation is goin' on around here?" Applejack said in confusion seeing the dazzlings, Rainbow with a hefty bruise on her right cheek, the bleeding man on the ground, Sunset crying, the group of people idling around. It was certainly a mess to be sure. "Done!" Twilight said as she snapped the last stitch and tied it up, her hands covered in blood as she reached to her bag and was given a cloth to wipe them clean with before looking around and seeing the situation, "Um... Did I miss something?" The Dazzlings sat out in the waiting room of the hospital, each trying to keep their minds off of what had occurred. Aria messed with her nails, cleaning them with a kit that Code had gotten her even though it came with a sharpened nail filer. Sonata hugged her knees to her chest with her head hung low, her face hidden between her knees. Meanwhile, Adagio simply stared at the ground, the rush of the incident beforehand replaying in her head. Including how they'd wound up here. "Firstly and foremost, Rainbow, you can't just go chasing random people through shopping centers like that on a whim! I don't care what she's done, you injured an innocent civilian through your actions and that alone should get you put away!" Stated a policewoman with a similar skin tone to Dash, but her hair was shorter and a mix of more autumn colors, her eyes a similar shade of magenta as she lectured Rainbow Dash on her behavior. The police had indeed been called as well as the paramedics, turning out to be the same ones that had been called to Code's apartment. Before they could even ask the problem, Fluttershy and Sunset pulled them over to Code. He nodded quickly, needing no more explanation due to the scene being somewhat understandable as they came and put him into the back of the ambulance. Without so much as a word to the Rainbooms, Adagio and Sonata went to follow him in only to be held back by a few policemen who needed their testimonies on the incident. No matter how much Sonata pleaded or Adagio begged, the officers didn't back down. Soon enough, Code and the ambulance that he was placed in the back of was gone in the bustle of holiday traffic, the cars moving aside to let them through as they vanished from sight. It took a little while longer, around an extra hour, but the police got their reports and left after Rainbow Dash was finally given her earful before they departed. Adagio stayed by Sonata's side through it all as the usually cheerful siren sobbed openly, her own pained expression teetering on the edge of tears as she gently rocked with Sonata sitting at a nearby bench. Finally, the trio decided it was time to leave, but didn't want to leave Code's car. Soon as Adagio moved towards the driver's side of the car, she felt a hand on her shoulder which forced her to turn around. Standing there was Sunset, a sad smile on her face as she turned to the rest of her friends and said, "Hey guys, you go ahead and get home. I'll see you all later." Upon her declaration, the group of girls looked confused and concerned before Twilight nodded to them and they all went their separate ways. "You didn't need to do that... We would have managed..." "I don't think you would've, no offense." Sunset retorted as she moved to the driver's seat, "I'll get you guys back to your place. What do you want to do with the truck?" She said once she'd gotten into the seat. Adagio was astonished and a tad bit annoyed as she looked to the ground and then back towards Aria and Sonata, "I..." She wandered before Sonata bawled out. "I wanna see Cody!" She cried as she fell to her knees like a child having a tantrum. "Well," Adagio turned to Sunset, "You heard her." Sunset nodded as she started up the truck and nudged her head to the side, "Then let's go." Adagio gazed half-heartedly at the floor, counting the points of marble and their spacing between one another as footsteps approached her. Looking slowly up she saw Sunset with a few drinks in her hands as she held a bottle of water out to her, trying her best to give a reassuring smile. She took it and sighed as Sunset then placed a juice box next to Sonata and a soda to Aria who violently swiped it and went back to what she'd been doing. She then went and sat beside Adagio, watching her further gaze down at the ground as she decided to speak up, "I'm sure he's fine, Adagio... He seems tough." She said in an effort to reassure her and hopefully the others, finding their silence awkward. Adagio didn't stop staring at the ground as she said, "I hope so... He may be tough, but he is still just a human... And what that Rainbow Dash did..." She clenched her teeth with a sudden look of rage as her fists clenched, her light cream colored knuckles turning white before Sunset placed a hand on top of hers. She gasped as she seemed to snap back from her thoughts and slowly turned once more to Sunset, "What..." "You three... You really care about him that much, huh?" Adagio's face reddened as she peered back towards the ground before looking towards the other two, Aria went to respond before Sonata spoke up next, "I love Cody..." She said as she turned to release her face from her knees, "He's been taking such good care of us... Of me... He doesn't insult me or think I'm stupid or curse at me... He treats me so nicely..." She said as her own face became reddish-purple given her baby blue skin tone, "He's amazing... And I love him..." She said with a sad, teary eyed smile. "Love him? Ugh, Sonata, he's... Alright. At best. He's not a complete and utter creep like I'd thought but... He's an okay guy." Aria admitted though her face was tinted a light dusting of red as well, going against her tone as she rubbed her arm and snatched a cup of coffee from the tray Sunset was holding as the fire-haired teen sat by Adagio with her own hot cup in hand. "Right... You guys still have a good while of history with him. I... Guess you could say I saw it. Sonata's memories of him are strong, and he's done a lot for her and the rest of you from what I can gather. Especially after..." She looked down with a ting of guilt and sighed, "Especially after what we did to you." She said looking to Adagio, "We never meant to do that to you. Take away your gift. We just... We wanted to protect our friends. And each other. We were just--" "I know." Adagio said softly as she took a breath and leaned back, "I know all too well, Sunset Shimmer, what was at stake for you. But where you came of your own accord, we were tossed out from our home. We had to do what we could to survive. Any other day I'd wish to destroy you, but at the moment, all that matters to me is Code. His life, his safety... That's all that matters to any of us. Not you, not your friends, not our past." she said with a tone verging between seething rage and pained sadness. Sunset looked at her with only further guilt as she nodded, "Got it... Sorry ." She said as she stayed quiet and they sat that way for a long while in pure silence before a doctor came out of the operating room, a sigh escaping as he saw the girls sitting there. "Are you all here for a 'Scripted Code'?" He said knowingly as the four stood up, Sonata, Aria and Adagio rushing towards him. "How's Cody?" Sonata cried in impatient concern, clutching her hands together tight. "Is he gonna live?" Aria said with more irritation than concern, her tone dripping with annoyance. "Will he be alright?" Adagio said with a hopeful tone. "Please, all of you, calm down. He will be fine, I promise. His stitching that was done on the scene was actually quite well done, but the blow to his abdomen seemed to undo his original stitching as well as crack a rib or two, not to mention the bruising and cracked wrists, shoulder blade and a few other fractures about his body. From the X-ray it looked as if he was assaulted by a five pound weight at mach one speed." He said in confusion and concern, "Regardless, he'll have to stay here for upwards of a week or so, just to make sure that his stitching heals and his wounds don't worsen. Not to mention making sure the bones heal correctly." "Did you say a fucking week or so?!" Aria shouted in anger and confusion as she went wide eyed as Sonata shook her head in shock. "Would there be any way for us to stay with him during that time?" Adagio asked worriedly, "He's... Well, he's our caretaker, and we've been working very hard to--" "I'm sorry, but I don't believe we'd be able to accommodate all four of you at once as well as assure his well-being with all of you there." he said with a sad tone. "O-Oh, no! I'm not-- I don't live with them. I'm just the driver at the moment." Sunset protested as she put her hands in her jacket pockets, backing away lest Aria turn on her next. "We spent all goddamn day setting shit up at home, and you're telling me it was for NOTHING!?" Aria roared as she went to charge the doctor before Sonata grabbed her around her waist, making Aria struggle and growl like a rabid animal. "I'm sorry, truly I am. But to make sure he heals properly it's best he not move at the moment. You can come and visit him during the proper hours and, of course, stay over if you'd like. but only one of you at a time." He explained with a solemn look on his face as he sighed, "I do truly apologize." He said as he nodded to Sunset who nodded in thanks back to him as he moved swiftly past them, "He'll be moved to room D12 soon if you're that intent to see him now." He said in passing, which only gained a string of curses from Aria before the shouts died down to frustrated grumbles, Sonata still keeping her in place. Adagio looked to the ground sadly, holding her arm tight as Sunset slowly reached over and placed a hand onto her shoulder which made Adagio tense before giving a shuddering sigh, "At least he'll be okay... That's what matters." She said as she turned and went towards the elevator, catching Sonata and Aria's eye as they rushed after her, Sunset watching them rush away. 'Are these really the girls that we defeated at the Battle of the Bands...?' She thought before rushing after them, knowing they were likely heading for Code's room, and since she was their ride for the time being. > A Place To Discover and Explain > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After leaving the hospital and getting them back to their apartment building, with the reluctant help of Adagio and trying to listen through Sonata's whimpering pleads to go back, Sunset parked and locked Code's truck before following them inside. Once she was in, she was met by the sight of the sirens being confronted by a cerulean haired teen with a chained cross earring and striking seafoam eyes wearing a black tank top and dark grey Jean vest, their lower half hidden behind the reception desk. From what she could tell, Aria was getting into a shouting match with them while Sonata seemed to curl up into Adagio's back who watched with glazed over eyes. The confrontation only seemed to be escalating as Sunset rushed up to get a grip of the situation. "I said let us in, Rogue! We fuckin' live here, you can't just keep us out!" She shouted as Rogue crossed their arms. "And I told you that you're not on the lease and I don't see Cody with you, so without his say or him being present, you're not getting in!" They shouted back before Aria reached over and grabbed the collar of their jacket roughly with a fist risen. "Don't you dare use that nickname, you fucking peasant! Let us in or I swear to whatever celestial being you stupid apes pray to, I'm gonna--" "Aria stop!" Sunset said as she rushed over, catching both their attention, "Rogue Wave's just doing their job, there's no need for this!" She said as she rushed over and separated them, grabbing Aria's wrist and Wave's shoulder as their eyes all began to glow. Through it, Sunset saw all the trouble and moments that Aria had with Code. Going from her belittling and demanding leading to her attacking him, him calling off the police from taking her away and the following months in which Code would fall asleep at his computer only for her to move him to his bed or save his progress in the middle of the night. Other times she'd have moments where they'd be shopping together, in which she'd found herself staring at his hand in which he noticed and took her own. She gasped and growled her protests but did nothing to make him let go as they continued in their way, Code playfully apologizing but nonetheless continuing to walk down the street hand-in-hand. Finally, her memories lead to the most recent of her memories; the hospital hallway where she and the others were waiting for the news. As she sat there, glaring at her hands with disdain, Sunset heard her thoughts, 'Fuck... This is all our fault. If we never came to this damned world, Code wouldn't be...' She hesitated in her thoughts as she clenched her hands tightly together, the lavender skin of her hands turning lighter from the strength of her grip, 'Maybe we should've just died out there. At least then he'd be safe. From them, from us...' she growled at herself as she could be heard silently sniffling mentally as she held her enraged expression on the outside, 'From me...' She shuddered as her sniffles turned to light weeping to sobbing and then as she grit her teeth on the outside... Wailing. Utter rage and pain as she kept repeating the same phrase. 'This is our fault!' Once Sunset released them both, she and Aria's faces were trailing with unconscious tears. Before either could utter a word, they heard Rogue whimper slightly as they quickly turned and saw they too were softly crying, their eyes wide, "Code... He's hurt...?" They said as Aria stared questioningly and Sunset gasped with a sudden realization of what she'd just done. "He... Yeah. That Rainbow Dash bitch attacked him and Adagio. For no reason at all." She said through gritted teeth before she heard the ding of the elevator behind them, the sirens and Sunset looking over at it before looking to Rogue who had pressed the entry button. "Once he's better... Tell him to add you three to the lease. Okay?" They said with a teary voice turned away from the group of girls as they made their way in, Adagio following them before looking back and watching as Rogue seemed to start gathering their stuff in a hurry. Before the door closed, they turned their attention to the group, "I'll let your brother know that you brought them home. Sorry for the trouble." They said quickly as they ran off, that small tidbit catching Aria's attention. As they rode up to their floor, Aria glared over towards Sunset and sneered, "Hey Shimmer, got a question for you. How do you know Rogue Wave? You live around here?" She asked curiously which seemed to catch Sunset off guard, "And what was up with that 'brother' comment? Why would any relative of yours care that we got home? Or know we're even here?" She pushed as Sunset sighed and shook her head. "It's just... I've seen them in passing before. He and Code went to Canterlot High after all. I met him a few years ago, is all." She said a bit hesitantly as they rose to their floor, "Oh look, we're here!" she said nervously as she walked into the hall and left the three watching her confusedly as she seemed to find her way relatively easily as they followed behind and saw her unlock the door with Code's keys which only caused further confusion between them at the situation before them as they entered in behind her. While Adagio was busy calming Sonata in Code's room, Aria stood in the living room with Sunset who looked at her curiously , "Um... Don't you want to go see if Adagio and Sonata need your help or anythi--" "How did you know?" Aria interrupted with a cautious tone as she glared at her, catching Sunset off-guard as she looked around a bit shifty eyed. "How did I know... What?" she asked a bit more cautiously herself, now knowing well that Aria seemed to become prone to random acts of anger and violence from what she'd recently learned from her magic. "Don't give me that, Shimmer. How the hell did you know where Code's apartment was? Cause I know damn well that none of us told you and there's no fucking way you just made a lucky guess. So how. The fuck. Did you know?" She growled as she punched the wall next to Sunset's head and making her shout in surprise as she stared with startled, wide eyes at the seething siren before her. Sunset stuttered and looked around as she clenched her eyes shut, "I said--" "I just got Sonata to sleep, Aria. Can you not?" Adagio said walking up from behind them as she had her hands in her pockets, "Besides, maybe if you stopped to think for a moment it'd come to you instead of questioning her like she's a common criminal. There are quite a few questions that might become one obvious answer we've all been missing." She stated solemnly as she looked at the two, "Am I right, Sunset?" she questioned knowingly as Sunset looked off to the side. "Adagio, what in the hell are you..." Her voice lowered slowly as she began thinking as she'd been told. She thought about the last few months and what Adagio could've been talking about. It slowly began to make the wheels in her head turn as she remembered the things that began to stick out to her, "A well-cleaned second bedroom full of girl's clothes in a single guy's apartment... The feminine hygiene products, the vanity mirror, the make-up..." She spoke aloud as Sunset continued to look more and more guilty before it seemed to finally click, "... No fucking way..." She said as she looked towards Adagio, "... He's a crossdresser?" she commented as Adagio and Sunset both stared in confused and almost disappointed disbelief. "... Aria, just because Sonata is asleep doesn't mean you have to take her place." She groaned as Sunset sighed in relief, "Try again. And actually think about how all that connects to Sunset this time." She said in a tone befitting an annoyed teacher trying to talk a hard-headed student through an equation. "Fuck you, all those things have nothing to do with--" She once again cut herself short as her eyes widened to pinpricks as she slowly turned and looked back at Sunset, "Wait... All that stuff... It's yours?" She said as Sunset was halfway out the door, stopping short from leaving as she groaned and backed up into the apartment again, shutting it as she placed Code's keys in a nearby small silver bowl on a small table. "... I guess this means I've got some explaining to do, huh?" She said turning to look at them as Adagio and Aria looked at each other and then towards her, "Well, I guess get comfortable... This might take a while." She said as she walked over and sat on the far end of the half-moon couch and waited for the other two to sit with her. It was a little while after I'd first appeared in the world after running away from Equestria. I was confused, I fumbled around and was full of so much anger and spite. I wasn't thinking clearly at all and I didn't know what to do once I was here. Tartarus, I didn't even know where here was. All I knew was that I was in a completely unfamiliar world in a completely unfamiliar form, surrounded by a bunch of unknown and unseen creatures that looked, from their point of view, saw a stumbling little girl on all fours trying to run like a pony. Before I knew what was going on... He found me. "Hey, there you are! I've been looking everywhere for you, little sis." He said it with the brightest, warmest smile I'd experienced in such a long time. He pulled me up onto my feet and took my hand, telling everyone around that I was his little sister visiting from our hometown. Of course, it was a lie and I had no idea what he was talking about, but I just wanted to get away from all the curious and judgmental stares. After that, he brought me home. He set me up in his extra room that you all are staying in now. He gave me food, clothes, shelter... And he didn't ask for anything in return. He didn't question where I'd come from or why I was scampering around his campus like a little lost bear cub. He was able to get me into the school system, got everything that I needed to thrive as a student and he was everything I had once I came to this world. Even with all the things he did for me, I took advantage of him for so long. "Hey Sunny, how was school today?" He'd ask that every time and I could tell he hadn't gotten a wink of sleep from the bags under his eyes when he'd pick me up. But I didn't care what he was going through or if he was tired, I'd demand things of him all the same. 'I want pizza for dinner,' he would do it. 'I want a new outfit from the store in town' and he would simply nod and take me to try it on with the accessories and all. That entire walk-in closet was bare before I got here, if that gives you any idea of what he's done for me. He spoiled me willingly and I just ate it up. He treated me like family. Like his dear little princess of a sister. And I never once told him 'thank you' or acknowledged his efforts to make me happy. I just took and took, demanded and ordered... The only time I'd ever even taken his existence into account was when he'd ask how I was doing. How I was feeling... Like his day and what went on with him didn't even matter. "You can be a little bratty sometimes, sure. But that doesn't mean you're not a good person, Sunny. It just means that you can improve. That's what it means to be human, y'know?" He was right of course, but I didn't see it that way. I thought I was above everyone, that a world like this without any innate magic would bend to someone like me without effort. And for a few years, I was right. I started taking what I wanted when I wanted, using people like pieces on a board, like tools to build my empire. Until one day, some upperclassmen had had enough of me. As a matter of fact, it was Rogue Wave's brother that initiated it. He didn't rat me out to Principal Celestia or Vice Principal Luna, he took matters into his own hands and began bullying me back. Desecrating my locker, shoving me around in the halls, even throwing food at me... One day it'd gone too far and they cornered me after school. "Fucking brat, think you're invicible'a somethin'? We'll show you!" I was scared for the first time in a long time and even thought they might attack me until he stopped them himself. Even after all the terrible things I'd forced upon other students and the awful things he'd known I did to them and even to him... He threw himself at them and told me, in the calmest voice, "Get out of here and get home, Sunset. Go ahead and order whatever you want. I'll be home soon. You know what I like, yeah?" I didn't even give it a second thought. I ran as fast as I could and left him to deal with them all on his own... He didn't get home until the middle of the night. He was beaten up badly, his lip was busted, his clothes were muddy and ripped. He was an absolute mess... But he still smiled at me, his 'sweet little sister' like nothing had happened and asked me how my day at school was. That was the first time I'd ever regretted my actions even a little while I spent that night cleaning his wounds and getting him ice. "My little sister is gonna be the Fall Formal Princess again this year? That's awesome! You know you'll always have my vote! Though I don't know how much an alumni's vote counts." Even after he'd graduated he kept tabs on me through Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna, often coming in as my guardian since our 'parents' are both out of town usually. He'd never explained that part to me, but I never asked cause I guess I never cared. Regardless, he drove me to the school the night I planned to take Twilight's crown. He didn't know about the plan but he stayed for it regardless, against my wishes. You likely know what occurred through newspaper articles and other such means, but after all that'd happened: My transformation, the battle that took place, my defeat, the destruction of the school entrance and such... He found me shoveling the debris with Snips and Snails. I was so angry and upset and I broke down right there in front of him. I was scared that I'd be alone again after seeing me as the monster I was. Instead of scolding me or a disappointed glance, he just hugged me and said, "I don't know what just happened, but... A princess shouldn't be forced to do grunt work. I'll take care of this, you head home and order whatever you want, okay?" Even after everything I'd done to the students and faculty, he stood by me, hugged me and told me to head home. As if nothing ever happened. Sunset held her hands tightly as she bit her lip and stared at the ground, "After that, I did my damnedest to get out of here. Not because I resented Code for anything or he ever tried to kick me out. Pretty much the opposite, actually... He'd tried to do everything he could to get me to stay, but... I refused. Once he finally took the thousandth 'no' as a sign I wasn't going to cave, he helped me find a new place and I actually moved in pretty recently. It's not too far, of course, but it's a nice enough place... But I never came back here." She said as she ran her hand over the couch cushion and sighed, "... It reminded me too much of all that I'd done and that I don't deserve to call someone as caring as him my brother. I'm the last person that deserves his kindness." She admitted freely as she soon had tears flowing down her cheeks, a solemn smile stretched across her lips as she looked back at the two. Aria sat with a judging look on her face as Adagio had her eyes closed in thought, neither one saying a word for a long time. Sunset stayed silent as well, figuring the two needed time to take in all the information she'd just dumped on them suddenly as Adagio opened her eyes and looked directly at Sunset, "That does explain a few things... I understand why you'd wish to keep this all to yourself." "Why does any of this matter? All this proves is that you're a bitch." Aria retorted with annoyance. "Aria, that's uncalled for." "Oh come off it, you're thinking the same damn thing! She was a cunt to Code and now she's trying to, what? Reconcile for it by being nice to us? Well, I don't care how sorry you feel, you're still an--" "Important person to Cody..." said a soft voice cutting off Aria as they all turned to see Sonata in the shirt Code had given her, clutching to the bottom of it as she walked around and sat next to Sunset. She looked her in the eyes as she reached forward and took her hands, "... Do you still love Cody? Is that why you never wanted to come back?" She asked as Sunset hung her head and nodded. "I love him too... A lot. Cody's been so sweet and caring with us, but he's never been the type to hold a grudge. Even in the little bit of time we've known him compared to you, I figured that out. Especially after Ari tried to..." She trailed off a bit to glance over towards Aria who looked down before Sonata shook her head and smiled. "Cody is the greatest... And I'm sure he'd be happy to see you again, Sunset." She said before making an angry, huffy face, "Don't even think about trying to steal him away from us though! Cody's ours!" She said as she crossed her arms, letting go of Sunset's hands before giving a cheeky smile, "Okay?" Sunset blinked staring at her before chuckling a little and wiping her tears, "I won't... He's my big brother after all, that'd be kinda weird." She said as Sonata began giggling herself as the two laughed, leaving Adagio and Aria to stare in bewilderment before Adagio began laughing herself, only making Aria's confusion grow as she watched the three girls laugh at seemingly nothing. "Oh, I've got to tell you about the time he tried to teach me how to cook. I nearly set the kitchen on fire!" She said through the laughter as Sonata broke out laughing harder. "I'm sure we'd love to hear more stories, Sunset. I can speak for at least myself when I say that we want to know more about Code and your time with him. I think... It'd make us all feel a bit better until he returns." Adagio admitted as she looked to the others for their input. Sonata nodded with a newfound excitement, seeming to be her bouncy, bubbly self again while Aria turned her head and scoffed a bit. Sunset blinked with surprise at this but smiled nonetheless as she nodded, "Yeah... I'd be happy to sta--" "Not to mention you're the only other person with a licence in which to take us to visit him, of course." Adagio swiftly added in her old condescending tone with a smug grin which she quickly dropped and began laughing heartily to herself in which the other three quickly joined in, their spirits lifted. > A Place To Visit and Reunite > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had been a few days since Code was hospitalized, the girls coming to visit him almost constantly with the help of Sunset Shimmer. With every visit, they would have to hold Sonata back from tackling him or keep Aria from attacking thw doctor when it was time to leave. However, one thing they never did was mention Sunset's presence. Not out of spite or malice, but because she would ask them not to and they would, begrudgingly on Sonata's part, agree. Coming out of the hospital around four or five, the sun beginning to set, Sunset sat patiently on the hood of his truck looking over messages on her phone. She peered up hearing footsteps crunching in the snow towards her and smiles seeing the ex-sirens as she hopped down from the hood, "How's he doing? Any better?" Sonata nodded excitedly, "They said that he might be able to be released early for Christmas! I'm so excited to have Cody back!" She squeled and bounced around happily, Adagio giggling lightly as Aria rolled her eyes. "Y'know, we wouldn't have to give you an update every single time if you'd just come in and see him." The sharp tongued siren seethed as Sunset looked towards the ground, "What're you hiding from anyway? Didn't you say he cares about you unconditionally?" "I just... I still don't feel like I deserve to see him, is all. B-Besides," She gives a nervous smile and leans against the truck, "Someone's gotta, uh... W-Watch the truck! Make sure the engine doesn't freeze up or something!" She chuckled nervously as the girls all looked at her confused. "Well, if you say so..." Sonata said sadly but took her by the hand, "C'mon!" She called suddenly as she began dragging her, seeming stronger than she looked as Sunset tripped over herself some from the sudden tug. "Whoa, hey! Where are we going!?" She said in a panic as she regained her footing but was still forced to keep following the exfitable singer, "I thought visiting hours were over!" "Nope! We still got an hour!" Sonata giggled as Sunset looked back confusedly at Adagio and Aria. Adagio smiled knowingly as Aria scoffed and turned away, the two waving her off as she groaned and continued to be dragged into the hospital. As she and Sonata disappeared through the glass doors, Aria clenched her teeth, "Why'd we have to cut our visit short just for her to get some time to herself? This is such minotaurshi--" "So you admit that you'd have liked more time with him alone, then~?" Adagio interjected as Aria froze up and groaned, hoding in her scarf. "Sh-Shut up..." she grumbled, muffled by the warm accessory After checking in with the front desk woman as they had been doing for a week straight, they came upon Code's room. Sonata smiled brightly as she held Sunset's hand reassuringly, "Well? Are you ready?" She whispered excitedly as Sunset gazed at the door then slowly to the ground, her hand trembling as Sonata pat her hand, making her look over. "You'll be okie dokie... Cody's a good guy, and your his sister as far as he cares. Right?" She said softly as she guided her hand gently to the door's handle, "So go talk to him... He'll be happy to see you. I may not get a lot, but I know that for sure." She assured brightly, her smile only growing. Sunset stared at her for a solid moment, unsure of how or why it was that this dimwitted ex-enemy's words rocked her core... Yet it steadied her shakes and made her feel more in control as her worries flowed away. She withdrew a soft breath and nodded to Sonata who held a thumbs up as she knocked, a confused yet welcoming voice alerting them, "Oh! Um... C-Come in!" Hearing the voice, Sonata was confused at first until Sunset suddenly opened the door and, before them, was Twilight doing her best to peel an apple at his side, "Twilight? What're you--" "Sunny?" Code said in shock as she stopped short and stared ahead at him. They locked eyes and nearly stopped breathing as he struggled to sit up, Sci-Twi helping him as he kept his gaze on her, "You're here..." He said softly as she looked away a second before being dragged over by Sonata who leaned over to hug him, a gentle pat being delivered in return as she giggled and blushed happily, "Sonata told me I have you to thank for she and the others getting here safely every day... And for keeping my truck safe." He chuckled looking up to her, "But really... I'm just happy to see you, Sunshine." Sunset blushed at the nickname she hadn't heard in so long, a quivering smile growing slowly upon her face as tears started to fall as he held his opposing arm out as she rushed over and leapt into him, crying openly into his chest. Twilight moved to stop her knowing how serious the injury still might've been but was stopped as Code held his hand out to her and shook his head looking at her, mouthing 'I'm fine' as he hugged her tight and pet her head, "It's good to see you, Sunny..." "I-I've missed you so much... When I saw what Dash did to you... I got scared. When you started bleeding I was terrified... When I saw the Dazzlings... I got confused..." He chuckled and groaned softly, "Guess we both have some catching up to do..." He admitted as she nodded and climbed off of him to sit at the side of his bed with Sonata who was still cuddled up to him, her childish smile evident as she glanced happily to Sunset. "So... How've things been--" "Hold on, you have some explaining to do first, mister!" She said sternly once she'd regained her composure, wiping tears away as she pointed to Twilight who had since placed the finished apple to the side table and looked down a bit bashfully. "What's Twilight doing here?" "Huh? Oh! Twilight came to visit just a minute or so after the girls left and I guess she wanted to..." He turned to her confusedly, "Practice her apple peeling...?" He said inquisitively as Twilight's face reddened further. "W-Well, he's been my coding tutor for a while now and I figured since Rainbow Dash wouldn't come apologize herself that I'd visit and do it for her and check in on him! That's all, really!" She explained as Sonata and Sunset looked unconvinced by her explanation while Code smiled cluelessly. "Well that's sweet of you, Twi! Hopefully I'll be up and ready to get back to helping you after the holidays and all." He said as he looked down at Sonata and Sunset's huffy faces staring daggers into him, "Uh... Something wrong?" "No, not at all big brother/Cody." The two said in unison, stressing their titles for him as he blinked and chuckled lightly before giving them both headpats which seemed to immediately calm Sonata as she continued to cuddle into him as Sunset's huffy amberr face reddened lightly, glancing towards Twilight who was quick to avert her gaze. Once the awkwardness subsided, the four went on to converse about ongoings and what they'd each gone through. Code was excited to hear that Sunset and Twilight were, apparently, superheroes if by deeds alone. Twilight and Sunset, opposingly, were shocked and confused by what had happened to now with Code and the Dazzlings: Their shameful states when he found them, the rocky nature of his and Aria's relationship at the start, her stabbing him, causing all this, his willingness to continue housing them. It obviously concerned and confused Twilight, yet Sunset seemed... Unfazed. As a matter of fact, she seemed entirely understanding of the situation while Sonata clung tight to his arm but her eyes narrowed remembering what happened with Aria, quickly brightening back up once he'd moved on while adding her own cheerful footnotes where she could. As their time dwindled down, there was a knock as a doctor and nurse came in, "Ladies, you'll have to wrap it up, unfortunately. Visiting hours are ending in five minutes." The lot of them groaned and agreed as the two left the room, "Well, I suppose I should go. I left Spike with Fluttershy and I've got to go make sure he and Angel aren't fighting again." She said as she stood to leave, Sunset grabbing her hand as she was walking away bringing her attention to her friend as they shared a glance, their eyes glowing bright white. The two stood stock still before the light faded, their eyes both wide in shock as Twilight pulled her arm away and ran off, Sunset stretching her arm out to stop her but being far too late. Code and Sonata, who had just watched this transpire, stared in confusion and, in Code's case, shock. He looked back between Sonata and Sunset rapidly as Sunset walked over and hugged him quick, "Love you, Code..." She said quickly as she rushed away. Seeing and hearing this, Sonata hugged him tight and kissed his cheek, "See you tomorrow, Cody!" She said happily before quickly following Sunset out. He reached his hand out to them before sighing as the doctors came in, "... Love you too, girls..." He said with a confused but hopeful smile as the door was shut to run their examinations. Outside, Adagio and Aria sat in Code's truck casually in quiet. Aside from Aria blasting heavy metal and headbanying while Adagio checked her make-up, nails and the like with a small compact mirror. They'd been doing this for the last hour since Sunset and Sonata rushed back into the hospital, simply finding ways to waste their time. As the song ended, Aria took a breath of satisfaction, "Oh yeah, that's just what I-- Sparkle?" "Well, didn't expect you to pick up on Sonata's silly sayings. What exactly about this screaming tantrum you call 'music' is making you 'sparkle'?" Adagio said teasingly as Aria groaned and pulled the mirror down forcefully, pointing to the hospital door where they'd see Twilight rushing out, Sunset and Sonata not too far behind. "Oh! That makes more sense." She said as Aria jumped out of the car with Adagio giving a frustrated groan before following her out and towards the panicking bookworm. "Twilight, wait up!" Sunset called out as she and Sonata ran towards her, reaching out to grab her shoulder and just narrowly getting a hold, turning her around to face them, Adagio and Aria joining at their side. "What on Earth is going on here? Why are you two chasing down Sparkle?" The head siren inquired confusedly as Aria glowered at the sight of the nerd with her face turned away from them. "And what's she running for? Did you two do something? Did she do something?" She said cracking her knuckles before Adagio put her arm up in the way of her getting any closer. "No! She was visiting Cody too and then Sunny did the glowy eye thing and she ran away! Also, Cody said he loves us!" Sonata explained and squealed with excitement, pressing her hands to her face and bouncing around happily like a cheerful blue bunny. The other two reddened a bit at that as Adagio placed a hand to her cheek and looked away with a sweet giggle while Aria huffed and crossed her arms, glaring defiantly away from them though she grew a light smile. Seeing them act like this from that announcement, Twilight's eyes widened, "... You... All love him too?" At that, the three of them snapped back to her, their eyes wide as she nearly fell from the force of their stares alone, "Back up, did you just say 'too'?" Aria questioned pointedly. "So that's why you ran away... That's why you came to visit! You're--" Sonata was stopped short as Adagio placed a hand on her shoulder, keeping her eyes trained on the startled, blushing face of Twilight. "You've got a thing for Code too... Don't you, Twilight?" Sunset asked knowingly as Twilight looked away, fumbling with her hands, "Since when?" "It... It's not important. I liked Scripted Code quite a lot... When he first started tutoring me, he was the only person that saw my intelligence as a strength for me to go beyond my limitations... Not as a tool to be used or a reason for seclusion or a way to force my way into prestige. Simply a strength... And I guess... I fell for that. Not that I think he was lying or acting or anything! He just..." Twilight stammered as she looked for the words to say. The four girls stared in semi-stunned silence as Sunset smiled, "He knows how to make people feel special. Wanted..." "He knows how to brighten a day like no one else!" "He's good at bringing the good out of people." "He's a jackass, but he's a weirdly good-hearted jackass..." Aria said as the girls stared daggers into her, "... What?" "Anyways," Sunset strained as she looked to Twilight, "He's got a big heart, but he's denser than a Redwood. He may not have realized that he has a hold on so many hearts. Even when he'd visit for alumni days at CHS, he'd get candies and cards and stuff and he just thought they were being nice." "It's true! I told Cody I like him and he pat me on the head and said 'I like you too'! He's super oblivious! ... Which is probably another reason I like him so much!" She giggled happily as the others rolled their eyes but collectively chuckled. "The bottom line is... You shouldn't run away from him. He's just not... Good at recognizing things like that. Doesn't mean you should hide from him... Those three, maybe." Sunset admitted as the sirens all had their eyes on her as if they were trying to mentally immolate her then and there, "But not from Code. Okay?" She said as she let Twilight go who nodded. "Right... Besides, to have a crush on him now would be ridiculous! He's older than me and besides, I... Have a guy in mind already--" "It's Timber, isn't it?" Twilight's face glowed red as she groaned and hid her face, "Yep, thought so." "So... You're not after Code's heart?" Adagio inquired. "No no no, I just... I look up to him as a mentor and nothing more! ... Anymore." She stated as they all gave a sigh of relief. "Besides, with you three living with him and all and Sunset back in his life? I wouldn't stand a chance if I did!" "Damn straight." Aria said under her breath before realizing she'd said that out loud, swiftly turning to the teasing grins of Adagio and Sonata as she groaned and hid her face in her scarf, "Fuck off...!" Sunset and Twilight giggled at the three as they turned to each other, "Well, now that that's figured out, these three and I need to figure out stuff for when he gets home." "He's being released soon, right? I think the doctors said maybe a couple of days just to be sure when I checked with them." Twilight admitted as they all turned to her. "A few days?!" They said in shocked unison as Twilight was taken aback by the sudden shouts as she nodded to the dismay of them all. "I still never finished the shopping for groceries!" "I haven't finished decorating the apartment!" "Fuck, we haven't even gotten him a present yet." The sirens continued to go back and forth with one another, trying to figure out a plan as Sunset and Twilight watched, "Wow, they're... Really trying, aren't they?" "From what they told me, he basically saved them from dying on the street. So he means a lot to them... Just like me." Sunset said, a smile on her face as it then turned to a thoughtful stare, "Now, how're we going to get all this done in a couple of days... Maybe I could use the money I have to hire someone? How much does it cost to hire decorators and caterors...?" Twilight looked among them then began thinking herself as she gasped and snapped, "I got it! Sunset, you won't have to worry about a thing, I promise! Just text me the address and I'll get everything sorted!" She said as Sunset looked at her confused, but nodded just before Twilight rushed away without another word. Seeing her run off, Sunset rounded up the sirens and headed home to start preparing for their preparations for Code's return. The clock now ticking a bit faster than they'd hoped.