• Member Since 9th Oct, 2012
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Gamer Script

Writer, singer, dancer, voice actor, gamer, streamer, and wide open for commissions.


Hey · 9:04am May 17th, 2023

It has been... A time, y'all. A long time since I just... Sat down and checked in with you. Gave you an actual update on me and what's been happening. Well, firstly, I now stream and make music that you can find on YouTube and, hopefully at some point, Spotify. Uh... I still am writing as some of you may have seen what with Guardian's Rise coming out and having been recently updated. Been getting into D&D more often than not as well as working pretty often. Let's see, what else we got, uh...

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Report Gamer Script · 161 views · #Update

Exciting Announcement! · 2:55pm Apr 13th, 2022

Hey everycreature, exciting news! If you follow the illustrious Scribbler Productions on Youtube, you might've seen that I've been Cast in her newest project, Friendship is Tragic 2! This has been a longtime dream of mine and I couldn't be more excited! I do hope that all of you will watch and support not only me, but the rest of the cast and Scribbler herself by checking it out once it's ready! I'm so over the moon for this and I could never thank

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December Update · 7:32pm Dec 1st, 2021

Hey everyone, Kirin here and I know. It's been a long while since I've done anything and a good few of you may not even be here, and to that I say I appreciate you for the time you were and hope you have a good life. To those still here, the same as well as season's greetings! As you might've seen, I released a new story and will be working on it from time to time, but in even greater news, I will FINALLY starting back up on Siren's Keeper! It's been way too long and I've

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Sigh... · 10:37pm Nov 2nd, 2020

So, uh... Kirin or, um... I guess he really hasn't announced a new name yet... Sorry. Anyway, he wanted me to let everypony know that, alongside The Guardian being rebooted, my story with Jet will also be completely redone. And since there's very little there, he was planning to... Completely get rid of the original, I-I guess.... He just wanted me to let you all know... Sorry...:fluttercry:

Report Gamer Script · 226 views · #AnotherOne #Sorry #Redo

Why!? · 4:42pm Oct 1st, 2020

Okay, I know it's pretty early for another blog post but I am dreadfully curious on something... Why did anyone like The Guardian!? Just re-reading through it made me hate my own writing, it was subpar at best! I don't expect an answer or anyone to respond, but I am just so confused! The writing is sloppy and has so many errors! The story is so fast paced I felt like I was getting whiplash from the relationship progression of the characters. Is there an opposite to tooting

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Saying Goodbye to the Old and Hello to the New · 5:02pm Sep 29th, 2020

As some of you may notice sometime today, my very first story, The Guardian, is now cancelled. This was a decision I believe to be right seeing as for what I wanted to continue, I would have to completely redo everything and I don't want to just slag along doing the same story. It was my first attempt and, in all honesty, I don't have a passion for the original story anymore. However, there is good news for those that appreciated it. I will not he continuing it, but for those that

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Changing It Up & A Big Announcement · 3:24pm Aug 20th, 2020

Hey everycreature! As you can probably tell by now, I've changed my name and such. That is because Gamer Script is no more. Everytime I look at that picture I get a feeling of pain. Like I wasn't good enough. But no more! Gamer Script is gone, but the Raging Kirin will stand in hie place! Which, actually, segways into my next point: I have just uploaded my very first music video!

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Commissions Open (Correctly this time) · 7:37pm Aug 1st, 2020

I did this a while back and I was overwhelmed to a heavy slew of requests so I've decided, to make the massive list of requests shorter that I'm going to try commissions for stories and readings for whatever people want to see. Let me know what story you'd like, specifications and such and we can talk pricing.

The last time I did this, I was told how to price it by someone who had no idea what they were talking about. So if those prices prior put you off, apologies.


Hey everypony! · 2:07pm Jul 29th, 2020

Wow, okay. So... It has come to my attention because I actually decided to pay attention for once that I'm dang near 100 of you all reading and following my stories. To me that is absolutely nuts and I cannot thank you enough. But with that thanks also comes an apology. An apology for not posting as much as many of you might like, apology for not getting stories out when I say they will, apology for... Just being a procrastinator and being swamped by my work. I have so many

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Happy Independence Day! · 6:25pm Jul 4th, 2019

Howdy e'erypony! No big updates 'r nothin' today, just decided ta' c'mon by n' say Happy 4th'a July! Script says it's a real important day fer' y'all so thought Ah'd participate! Tha's all, really. So uh... See ya' later!:ajsmug: