What to do now? · 4:26pm Jul 23rd, 2020
Hello Everypony!
Well... I think it's time!
I'm back to writing again!
Sorry for the long break, my body is just too lazy to do anything. Even waking up sometime.
But that's not the point!
The point is my "bleeeeehhhhh" period is over and I'll start writing again! :D
I think I've solidify my withdrawn story enough that there won't be major "oh noes, I could have done this," moment.
Hope who ever read this would be excited that everything is coming back at high gear.
Wazzup guys and gals, it's me, the Human Writer! It has been a while since I have been active on this site, and I want to change that.
I also want to apologize for the lack of updates to my story. My mental health has increased, thankfully, and I believe I can continue writing UNCOVERING soon. Just note that the updates are still going to be inconsistent due to my busy schedule, but I aim to get an update out every two weeks if God will allow me.
Eeyup y'all,
It has been a while, but my new story is finally uploaded. Well, the first chapter is.
More of future Spike and the princesses. More family.
And just in time for Day of the Dead.
Hey everyone, Kirin here and I know. It's been a long while since I've done anything and a good few of you may not even be here, and to that I say I appreciate you for the time you were and hope you have a good life. To those still here, the same as well as season's greetings! As you might've seen, I released a new story and will be working on it from time to time, but in even greater news, I will FINALLY starting back up on Siren's Keeper! It's been way too long and I've