Hey · 9:04am May 17th, 2023
It has been... A time, y'all. A long time since I just... Sat down and checked in with you. Gave you an actual update on me and what's been happening. Well, firstly, I now stream and make music that you can find on YouTube and, hopefully at some point, Spotify. Uh... I still am writing as some of you may have seen what with Guardian's Rise coming out and having been recently updated. Been getting into D&D more often than not as well as working pretty often. Let's see, what else we got, uh... I'm still working happily with Scribbler and the team with FiT2, of course. Couldn't be happier on that front.
In all honesty, I think what I want to ask and want to know most of all is... Anyone still around? I write and I enjoy it but I just wanna know it doesn't just go into the ether. I like knowing you guys are still here and I have some form of an audience. To know my voice and my words are still heard and seen.
Anyway, I'm done rambling and should probably go to bed. Hope you have a good night. This is The Gamer Script, logging off for now!
Yo we're here hope u have good luck with your YouTube .