• Member Since 8th Aug, 2016
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


Writer of many kinks. And if you like futa, whooooo boy are you in for a treat. http://www.patreon.com/Drace


Barcast Appearance: Saturday 12/4 at 7 PM CST - Call for questions! · 3:25am Dec 3rd, 2021

Hi everyone!

This is a little on the short notice side, but on Saturday I'll be appearing on the Barcast to answer user-provided questions. They can be anything from questions about the smut writing job, what I've observed engaging in fandom for nearly four damn decades, or even just random dirty questions about which EQG is the most cumblastable. (It's Sci-Twilight because of the glasses.)

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Report dracedomino · 517 views · #barcast #questions

My debut novel is free on Kindle this weekend! · 4:09pm Sep 17th, 2021

Just a small heads-up that my debut novel, Rise of the Battlebitch, is totally 100% free to add to your Kindle library until Monday. (You don't have to read it by Monday, just add it and you're good for life.) You can pick it up right here!

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My debut novel is 75% off on Kindle! · 12:19am Jun 4th, 2021

Hey everyone! Just a quick note that my debut book "Rise of the Battlebitch" is only 99 cents on the Kindle store for the next week only! It's to celebrate two things - first and foremost, this week marks SEVEN YEARS that I've been writing smut for a living. Been a loooot of magical dicks in that time. But I'm also going to be posting a cover reveal of my next book next week, so keep an eye on my Twitter for that!

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My debut novel: Rise of the Battlebitch! · 10:34pm May 7th, 2021


My second book, Herself in Her: Acquisition, is now available! · 12:21am May 1st, 2021

Hey folks!

If you're reading this, that means you might only be familiar with my Equestria Girls work. But I write plenty on top of that, and not just other fanfiction stories!

Case in point: My second ebook just released today!

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A Week of the Girls! · 5:25pm Dec 11th, 2018

Hey everyone!

Just wanted to give you a heads up that as part of my December Debauchery plan, this week we're doing all Equestria Girls stories! A new story every day, starting yesterday with a fresh chapter of A Little Dash Will Do. This'll run until Sunday, so buckle in and get ready to see what those sloots at CHS get up to!

And make sure to follow me on my brand spanking new Twitter!


Important Notice if you follow me on tumblr! · 6:17pm Dec 3rd, 2018

As some of you may know, tumblr is killing all NSFW on December 17th in a profoundly stupid move.

If you're one of my tumblr followers, PLEASE follow me on Twitter. Moving forward it's going to be the closest thing I have to a feed to let you know about new stories across the various platforms. I'd really appreciate it if you took the time to give me a follow!


E3 Week - A week without ponies. · 6:27pm Jun 7th, 2018

Hey folks!

Just wanted to give you a heads up that next week I won't have any new FIMFiction stories available - it's E3 Week so my posting schedule is going to be entirely video game related. You can keep tabs on my stuff on my tumblr or my AO3 page, if you're interested. I've got PLENTY of smut coming, and if you like my futa work you won't be disappointed.

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Report dracedomino · 565 views · #update #schedule #e3

Sequence: My new sci-fi comedy about futas in space! · 1:37am Feb 20th, 2018

Hey everyone! Small break from smutty Equestria Girl related news - I wanted to mention real quick that I've started a separate Patreon account exclusively for funding the development of my new novel. This is a series that will be taking place over the course of the next year, funded entirely by readers.

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Report dracedomino · 927 views · #sequence #patreon

Writing Advice Podcast: The Lust for Comments · 2:50pm Jan 6th, 2018

Hey everyone!

Yesterday I recorded a little podcast in response to someone on my tumblr asking me about frustration over not getting comments. I thought I would share it here just in case it's relevant and useful for anyone.

Listen here!

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