
Viewing 1 - 20 of 470 results

Writing and You: Motivations · 4:11am Sep 22nd, 2020

I’m not shallow, you’re shallow.

What drives people to post their work online? Better, what drives you to post your work online?

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Report Greggums · 89 views · #advice

Spell of Love and Trap of Love · 5:30pm Oct 5th, 2019

Seeing that Spell of Love is my most viewed story so far, I wanted to know what ideas can put into the sequel, Trap of Love. I had Trap of Love planned out and now, I can't figure out how to word anything I wanted to put into the story. I may start writing short chapters to see if I can make it work that way, but ideas from you all would be very much appreciated.

Report ThiefRara · 189 views · #advice

Question for all you writers: · 1:20am Dec 1st, 2020

Does anyone know any specific tips on how to write these three?

Report BezierBallad · 179 views · #Advice

In case anyone is worried · 12:39pm March 3rd

Hello, all

I'm sure you know me by now. If not, hello, it is nice to meet you. Well, I'm not actually meeting you since this is a blog post and there is no back and forth going on, but still. I'm the Emperor of Sundagio and I'm here to tell you all something. Recently, a friend of mine brought up multiple key worries they had for content creation and how my stories operate as a whole. Mainly, they were worried that I might lose all my stories in the future.

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Report Spyder27 · 81 views · #Advice

Guy to guy advice · 11:48pm Feb 11th, 2016

I am no expert when it comes to females but I can say this, guys give your girl respect and she will respect you back.

Report KDDT · 325 views · #advice

Ready... Aim... · 11:59pm Jan 24th, 2015

As a writer, there are numerous factors you have to consider in your story. Are you keeping the reader engaged with your balance of showing and telling? Does the plot make sense, or at the very least, will it make sense in the end? Have you obeyed all the proper rules of grammar, like not using none of those double negatives?


Screw it, moving on. You see my point.

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Report Minds Eye · 395 views · #advice

Writing and You: A Guide to Failure · 1:38am Aug 31st, 2020

So you want to be a writer. An author. An artist of words. A Lothario of literacy. Well I have a few things to say to all you aspiring bestsellers out there:


Creative writing is a pain of a hobby, even on the best of days. Fiction or poetry, every key-press and pen-stroke is to teeter on the edge of exhaustion. A dead-lift a plate over your limit forcing you to push yourself beyond what you thought capable and the only reward is sweat and soreness.

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Report Greggums · 92 views · #advice

Philisophical Insights · 1:55am Jul 23rd, 2020

All poopoo time is also peepee time, but not all peepee time is poopoo time.

Report BradyBunch · 188 views · #advice

Tell me of thy plight, and I shall deliver thee a remedy · 5:53pm May 20th, 2016

I've already done it in this thread. I might as well do it as a blog.

Is your life not perfect?

Don't keep the pains to yourself. Share your troubles with me in the comments bellow, and I shall give you a Bad advice in return.

Report Bad Dragon · 427 views · #Bad advice #help #advice

Help? · 8:27pm Oct 20th, 2016

Hey everyone, I started writing a new story, but I'm seriously struggling with some aspects. Would anyone like to read what I have so far and give me some advice on how to advance? It would be very much appreciated.

Report Lotus Moon · 324 views · #Advice

How not to react: the importance of being honest · 1:51am Dec 23rd, 2017

(May or may not be a repost)
I feel I should start this off with this:

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Report Charles Spratt · 351 views · #Advice

Nice Guys Don't Have to Finish Last: BradyBunch's 4 tips to improve confidence, appreciation, and image · 1:36am Jan 14th, 2020

Recently on my Neckbeard meme post, I mentioned that Nice Guys shake their fist at the sky and wonder what's wrong with society, where nice guys like them don't get girls, but the jocks and douches do. Now, of course, they're douches too. But I have an answer for the timid, passive man as well. Niceness isn't the problem. It's your lack of action or confidence that makes your niceness slip down the slippery slope into Weinerdom.

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Report BradyBunch · 309 views · #advice

Writing and You 1: Habits · 5:53pm Sep 8th, 2020

Don’t shit where you eat.

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Report Greggums · 91 views · #advice

Tis been a minute · 11:59pm Apr 18th, 2022

Like before I've been learning to write more consistently. Frankly put I found one strange piece of advice that I have taken to heart and that is to write poorly. Writers block can come in a ton of different forms and sometimes the block is just nervousness. One second you could be blocked from writing because you don't actually understand your own characters, they're an idea not a person and so trying to figure out what they'd say or do becomes difficult because that's like asking how would a

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Report Gypsybard · 125 views · #advice

Meh.... · 3:41am Dec 20th, 2015

I'm sick. Have been for nine days now. I hope that this slight improvement I'm feeling is a 'getting better' kind, and not a 'fluctuate" kind like it was a few days ago.

Anyhoo, for anypony reading this, here is some random advice:

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Report Dream Bolt · 662 views · #advice

In Need of Serious Advice · 10:41pm Oct 26th, 2016

So, there's this friend I have from last year in college that I share the same major with. This year, he invited me to Bible study and I agreed, thinking it was going to be a group of other people. On the day of the Bible study, he texted me, asking my to come to the Library, and I agreed. He directed me to the back room upstairs, and I discovered it was just him.

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Report Summer Dancer · 910 views · #Advice?

Seeking Fan Fiction Advice for 1st Timers! · 12:01am Jan 16th, 2018

Hey, guys, I'm finally thinking of publishing some stories. Most of my ideas of kind of long and complex, though. So do any of you guys have any suggestions on how to write a short story that I could publish on here and get a feel for how publishing on this website work?

Report Wii Guy · 242 views · #advice

Outside of a formal literary setting, WRITE HOWEVER YOU WANT. · 10:10pm Jun 29th, 2015

Before I even say anything, just know that I have no idea why I chose to rant about all of this right now. Just something that has been in the back of my mind since I've actually started seriously writing fics again.

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Learn You Some Realism · 4:28pm Apr 16th, 2019

Ok, I don’t think I’ll be able to convince many of you to come all the way over to my level of obsessive realism, but I hopefully can convince some of you to either find people like me to help you or to do the heavy lifting yourselves.

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On Writing Advice—a blog by Nyronus · 1:29pm Jun 13th, 2017

Nyronus wrote a blog about writing and writing advice! As we all know, we get writing advice that while coming with good intentions does't really work for the story or work in progress. Sometimes authors are trying to do a specific thing and taking advice is always iffy one way or another, especially if whoever is giving it to you is unwilling to at least hear what you're trying to do.

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Report Wanderer D · 379 views · #Writing #Advice
Viewing 1 - 20 of 470 results