• Member Since 29th Mar, 2015
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago


your body is a collection of beautifully complex systems and processes. are you really gonna use it to type something mean to a stranger?


All I Want for Hearth's Warming is You Now in Korean · 3:18am May 5th, 2016

After weeks of waiting, we finally have the exciting sequel to Caressing the Kernel Ring Goose!

The lovely hanel2527 has recently finished translating All I Want for Hearth's Warming is You into Korean. So if you know some peeps in Korea who want some incestual equine romance, you know where to point them. Kim Jong-un's gonna be hype.

It's split into two parts.

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New Fic on the Way - "Technicolor Domination" · 9:08pm Feb 29th, 2016

Hey, friends. I have a new fic on the way, and it's a bit different than anything I've posted before.


As the warning says, if this kind of thing doesn't sit well with you, please don't read. That being said, I think that I did a very good job with this one, and I'm hoping that you will enjoy.

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Squeaky-Clean Fun Now in Korean · 9:32pm Feb 23rd, 2016

Hey, friendos. Just wanted to let you know that Squeaky-Clean Fun is now available in Korean, thanks to the efforts of hanel2527!
It can be found here, and on the story page itself.

This will be useful if:
1) You speak Korean
2) You enjoyed Squeaky-Clean Fun in English, but have since lost the ability to read the language and must rely on Korean

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[punny blog title] · 5:24am Feb 18th, 2016

Not even trying with this one.

Anyway, hey there, butt buddies! As you've probably noticed, about one day prior to this writing, All I Want for Hearth's Warming is You fell out of the featured box, garnering about 390 upvotes and about 4.2k views during its stay. Thanks to everyone who read and everyone who enjoyed! You make the clopfic business all worthwhile.

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Squeaky-Clean Fun sequel is up! · 11:30pm Feb 12th, 2016


Guess what's done? And guess who's looking for editors? · 8:54am Feb 6th, 2016

Hey friendos!

The sequel to Squeaky-Clean Fun, tentatively titled All I Want for Hearth's Warming is You, is done! Finally, right? It currently clocks in at about 11,000 words, and contains about four separate clop scenes. Note that it's quite a bit different than the original. While the original was just a straight clopfic, this one is a bit more of a romantic drama. Still, I think you guys will like it.

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What's goin on? What's goin' wrong? (sequel update, commission info, etc.) · 5:38am Jan 24th, 2016

One drop of tear falls to the ground...

Oh, uh, ahem.

So, what's up, everyone? Hope you all had a good holiday season, and that the new year is treating you well.

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Another 1000, and Sequel Update · 1:47am Dec 5th, 2015

Hey friends! Just wanted to give a big THANK YOU to all of my awesome readers for helping Squeaky-Clean Fun pass 1000 upvotes. That makes Squeaky-Clean the second fic on this account to pass 1000, and my fourth overall. It's lovely to think that a silly clopfic I wrote in a day could have such an impact.

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Bathtime's Over · 9:32pm Nov 13th, 2015

I'm still there? It's been, like, a week! Kick me out! Kick me the fuck out! I DON'T WANT TO BE HERE ANYMORE

-me every time I've seen the featured box over the last two days

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Two New Stories YAYYYYYY · 2:03am Nov 7th, 2015

Hey friends! Hope you've all been doing well.
Over the past week, I've written two new fics! Keep reading to hear about them!

I know that there are probably a few of you who haven't liked my last two fics. After all, both of them catered to some pretty specific fetishes. So, with that in mind, I present to you...

Good old fashioned incest!

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