• Member Since 10th May, 2015
  • offline last seen May 17th


Slamming my head against my desk until words come out.

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An Apology · 11:30pm Oct 8th, 2017

Hey, guys.  It’s been a while.

A lot of stuff has happened over the last year or so.  A lot of things have gone right, and a lot more have gone wrong.

The start of everything was when my hard drive died at the end of September, and with it went a lot of my notes for Two Mares and a Carpet Bag and, more damningly, Poor Reflections.  I poured a lot of myself into those stories, and the loss of so much time and effort (along with almost everything else) was a real blow.

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Report Icenrose · 437 views ·

The Stories that Leave Their Mark

Comments ( 6 )
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I've missed you too.

Author Interviewer

I hate to be a bother, but can I poke you for an ETA on Two Mares and a Carpet Bag? I'm rather awaiting its completion. :B

2222108 It's easy enough to overlook one's own avatar, but every time I really see her, I smile as well. :twilightsmile:

I feel like I've commented on your avatar before but even if I have, it still makes me chuckle

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