• Member Since 19th May, 2012
  • offline last seen 19 hours ago


Backflipping through reality at ludicrous speeds. What does RB stand for, anyway? | Ko-Fi


Flurry's going through a phase. That phase has gotten her into poetry. Shining Armour knows about poetry; he studied it in school. So of course when Flurry comes to him looking for advice on a poem of hers, he's ready to leap into action.

If only Shining wasn't such a goddamn moron.

An entry into honourable mention in the Shining Armor is a Terrible Dad Competition! Read the other entries here!

Preread by ChudoJogurt and alafoel, who are both wonderful.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 10 )


Literary Ambrosia, Shining Armor is truly a Wordsmith of Masterful Artistry and Unmatched Acclaim

A stroke of genius, yes. Also known as an aneurysm of poetry.

And that was one of Shining’s better poems.

Good job, Shining! Most of those are real words.

I was curious if you were actually going to have a poem in here and you didn’t disappoint! :rainbowlaugh:

He’s an idiot, yes, but he’s their idiot. Lovely bit of silliness, and it’s nice to see a goth Flurry who isn’t so deep in the aesthetic that she doesn’t performatively scorn her parents. (And that her parents are supportive enough that she doesn’t have a reason to genuinely scorn them.)

Thank you for this, and best of luck in the judging.

tears in my eyes, homie.

Alurpel... Rhyme's with orange 😂

Bucking hilarious 😂 plus I'm always up for Shining Armor slander. :rainbowlaugh:

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