• Member Since 30th Mar, 2018
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago

Universal Librarian

Just a tired Welshman with a penchant for writing. You can also catch me on TikTok! Now with added Ko-Fi!

Comments ( 482 )

...though she privately swore that she would never, ever, let this game within a hundred miles of Pinkie Pie under any circumstances.

Already foreshadowing the sequel? :pinkiegasp:

And putting in a nod to the spin-off... :pinkiecrazy:

What is dogging?

A practice where people meet up in parking lots and things to watch each other engage in sexual activities

I think my favorite parts about these are the sheer effort put into the banter between the characters so it feels more lively than just reading cards. It feels super good and it feels like I'm privy to a real game. My second favorite part are the cards themselves.

OK? But why is it called dogging?

whelp, just saw this. I hit the favorites/tracker button at about 2% the speed of light

Aaaaand finished the first chapter. Better than I expected! :yay:
(The trick is to expect nothing!)

Oooooh Twiggles just decided to get serious! :pinkiegasp:

Cadence was certain that Twilight herself was some sort of closet deviant waiting to be unleashed.

I think Cadie's getting vindicated :pinkiecrazy:

Could you do a story where Grogar has the other MLP villains play Cards Against Equestria as a team building exercise?

Or you could do one where Lyra "borrows" the game and plays it with Bon Bon, Derpy, Octavia, Vinyl Scratch, and Cloud Kicker.

At the moment the list of potential sequels is:

The Mane 6
The Shadowbolts
Cadence, Shining, Sunburst and Idol Hooves (possibly)
The Pie Family
The Apples
The Cutie Mark Crusaders with Diamond and Silver
Twilight, Ember, Thorax, Grandpa Gruff, Queen Novo and Prince Rutherford

Just thought lyra would want to share such an interesting human game

I'll add them both to the list!

Plus, it's the perfect game for somepony like Cloud Kicker.

Celestia had the biggest, creepiest grin on her face that anypony had ever seen on a creature that wasn’t Chrysalis. At least, almost anypony.

Oh my god, she's gonna be great in this!

Twilight and Trollestia alone will ensure that this is all kinds of fun!

Most excellent.

“Thank you, Tia,” Luna ground out, having heard quite clearly the bit she mumbled in the middle. Hoping that the next round would turn out a little better, Luna picked up a black card, “What’s the next Happy Hayburger toy?”

“Thank you Tia,” Luna groaned, I also think you should remove the out.

Otherwise I saw no other grammatical errors and thought that this was pretty funny! I can’t wait for the next round!

It's implied that Luna is grinding her teeth when she says it, hence 'ground out'.

i thought twilight play this game already....


Please tell me I wasn't the only one to laugh at 'Pictures of Teats'. XD

Chrysalis, Queen Novo and Shining Armor need in this game with the other Alicorns. Twilight watching her older married brother try to win against Chrysalis his wife and the Princesses would be hysterical.

Oh my god, Idol Hooves would be hysterical! Especially if Topaz is also in the game!

Oh man can you imagine Chryssy, Cadance, and Shining discussing a 3 way?


I'd pass on the mane six play. That's been done a few times. The other groups sound rather amusing however.

I vote for Idol and crew.

Next sequel: Cards Against Pinkie

Why not have the Pillars or villians play next?

this is going to be a funny fanfiction, can' t wait to read future chapters

I'll have to see if I can get permission to use him

i'd love to see the wonderbolts playing this, or lightning dust in a group

I'm liking, faving, and bookmarking this instantly because I already know it's gonna be good

And already good. This was a really nice surprise to me when I found out. You publishing this around the time you finished the last one. Now we can have comedy for a bit longer.

Celestia had the biggest, creepiest grin on her face that anypony had ever seen on a creature that wasn’t Chrysalis. At least, almost anypony.

I'm concerned, deeply concerned.


Could be because when you're dogging someone (in the normal sense), you're following them. Here, people meet up for voyeurism.

God damn I love this already

I'm going to enjoy this one!

Still holding her pose, Twilight levitated a card over. “Why am I hurting all over?” she called out loudly. She blinked in surprise as three answers appeared in front of her almost before she’d finished speaking. Cautious despite her recent burst of confidence, Twilight picked up the first answer. “Why am I hurting all over? Swooping?”

Swooping is bad. Here's my evidence to support it.

she would never, ever, let this game within a hundred miles of Pinkie Pie under any circumstances.

Part of me would think that rules out The Mane Six for a sequel/spin off... but then again, Pinkie does have her way of finding out these things.

Welp, you've got a space right next to him in my Tracking shelf. I don't like reading incomplete fanfics, they have a habit of dying on me... So the two of you better not fail me!

And the hilarity continues. Look forward to more

Any chance to get more Idol Hooves is something I will support.

While I'm not a fan of the knowing what card belongs to who before voting, I am enjoying this so far.

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