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Pretty funny first chapter I wonder who the dates going to be
I wonder will the Princess of Shipping short circuit when she finds out that her work on her 'cases" here was basically for nothing?
*<>* Plot Twist - Cadence played off knowing where mark was located and basically said all she said so their would be no "secrets" the two royal sisters could hide from Mark.our guess is she could smell each individuals scent in the room from the start ...
Oh Cadance if only you knew the truth. 1: you would be mortified that you are being a homewrecker. 2: You are in a room currently with 2 of Mark's marefriends right now. Honey Mark, Celly, Lulu, and Twilly are taken. When she finds out she is gonna be devastated.
Dang, I want to see the horror stories of Cadence matchmaking now.
You're welcome!
I hope a diam polisher shows up looking for Mark hoping to catch up with them and maybe having around with him like she did in heat week with him
I sorry I think you lost me there for a moment, why would someone that works on jewelry would even want to catch up with them?
Jeje well have you ever heard of "There is no rules in war and LOVE?" Cadence follows that creed to the letter, meaning she would use all sort of tricks, like truth spells, locking couples, booze to lose them up, and what they dread the much, a puppy love spell that make it harder for anyone to think of anything else until they confess their feelings.
Like you feel uncomfortable and itchy all the time trying to do the simplest of tasks, she quite literally force you to live the phrase "I can't sleep, I can't eat, I can't work. I just need to see her/him"
And the heaves help you if you are a sex worker, she then doubles down in her efforts until you ever abandon that job or turns a whore house into...well Mark already say what she did there.
That is the true horrors of Matchmaker Cadence
Sorry I messed up on there meant to say hope that Dime polisher from heat week shows up again looking for Mark hoping to spend a little time with him
Ah I get it, jeje well she will appear later on
She really needs to learn when to mind her own business. Cadence is going hurt someone if she doesn't stop butting in.
Understandable but don't forget, we only know she is getting her nose where don't belong because you know that the princesses are ok.
From Cadence perspective, Celestia and Luna are a complete mess, burring themselves in work and over all been miserable, with Celestia reaching a new low by locking herself on her room with only her "hand" and making a mess.
In the eyes of Cadence, Celestia was basically shouting for help at that point.
That is why she press so hard on helping her out, and not wanting to hurt her feelings, make her worried even more, having a track record of bad company and to avoid seem suspicious, Celestia was kind of against the wall and kind of got carried away so that is why she accept her proposal.
I get that she means but you can't force people to accept help no matter the help. And the fact that they are slightly annoyed with her means if she wasn't a princess and family they would be a lot harder about her help.
fair point
If Cadance drugged her, that messed up.
Woops didn't notices, thanks for that
him, if she referring to Mark?
Got them
I see Fancy Pants is being a baaaaaaad boy.
Definitely worth it. The sequel is getting more exciting indeed. Will we see sparks flying between Mark and Cadance? Will Celly ever announce that herd? Will the Dom Mark one day? Find out next time on This Man Got GAME!
Very nice chapter.
choose this
She also going to shocked when she finds why they didn't tell her. She is nosy when it to love and she can't face that she doesn't have the right to decide what kind relationship people have with each other.
Personally I wish he would use whatever that plan was to give cadence a taste of her own medicine. I get she means well but she also needs to learn let others love the way they want to. Her idea of love is everyone has love similar to hers and she has no right to decide that for others. A taste of her own medicine would get to realize that her behavior is wrong.
Agreed. I mean she is called the princess of love for a reason right
Agreed, but also happy since she can call mark uncle
I hope celestia announces that she formed a herd with mark at the end of the story along with saying the other two members are.
This is going to backfire hard
Agreed and hopefully mark and celestia and Luna tell her that they are in a herd at the end, because She keep doing this until they either grow a pair or whatever and tell her the truth.
For Pete sake slap her or something. They need to tell her the truth, since no matter what she will keep coming back and not stop until it happens. Plus this plan will backfire on them.
And make her understand that how other people live their lives as long as nobody else is hurt isn't her business in the first place. Because if they tell her without her getting that message she just gonna shot from the rooftops and they don't want the world to know right now.
True, but not of someone has her secret feish book and her shipping book.
Maybe so but she needs the lesson in order to get on a better path. Blackmail will only make her resent those doing it.
Fair but still we keep it as plan B
Fine with me but you might want to convince the author as well.
Fair. But don’t they have to announce it anyways if he gets them pregnant? Or married at least.
I know they planned on finding a way to work around the nobles but cadence showed up and put that on hold with her let's force them into love policy. Hopefully they can teach her when to butt out and work around the nobles before anything happens.
Probably not. And knowing most of the nobles there going to be like nobles, and how dare you filth touch our princess and twilight. Or something like that.
Plus it would be quicker to just rip off the bandaid so to speak.
Maybe but they chose this path and considering how they ended up together in the first place the nobles don't need more encouragement for hating the guy. I sure Celestia would have come with something had she been given time to think about it.
True. But maybe they will in the future since imagine if you will they have a new country discoved and the princesses or one of them or all of them have to marry that diplomat in order for there to be peace between them. And oh boy that will be interesting.
And as for the nobles fuck them except for (fancy pants sort of) and his wife. All of them can suck it.
Probably the plans were to include security because of the nobles being so determined to get rid him. If they hated him being a fair and trustworthy mayor I can't imagine how much they would lose it if he married the princesses. Considering they openly broke the law just to get him out of the picture.
True. But they are going to have to tell the public sometime in the future and all of equestria and it’s citizens. But why do I get the feeling that there was still a little bit of heat left in them. Because there just the same as ponies but function in a different way and cool down time so they probably had one day left of heat and could possibly still get pregnant.
Just saying it’s a possibility since you know different biology and such
Probably they plan to tell after they made sure the nobles couldn't hurt him for it and cadence show up and put all planning on hold. I wish they just tell her off. Sometimes people mean well but still need to be told back off and get lost and no means no.
All good points, and in normal circumstances Cadence is in the wrong. It just her tittle make things a bit more difficult. Even if not a changeling she can feel the famous "hole in the heart" kind of deal, so when facing someone saying they are fine and they are not. Well for her it like seeing a love one cutting their wrist in front of her.
That is why she is so noise. She think they are hurting themselves...aaaaaaand she technically has leave them alone before. She intervene now because she though Celestia reach a new low when she spot her.
Sure she is in the wrong for what we know but from an outsider perspective, it feels like she couldn't take things no more.