• Member Since 30th Mar, 2018
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Universal Librarian

Just a tired Welshman with a penchant for writing. You can also catch me on TikTok! Now with added Ko-Fi!


Comments ( 64 )

This was fun and I think that sequel idea sounds good.

Fuck, finished the Starlight one and then discover the sequel AND this?! Oh blessed day.

“I asked Sunset if she had another copy of that Cards Against Equestria game.” Trixie’s face split into an evil grin. “Guess what Pinkie’s taking to Twilight’s ‘Welcome Home’ party?”

Daaaamn, Trix's eeevil! :rainbowwild:
I love it :twilightsmile:

The sequel idea is pure gold, do it! :rainbowlaugh:
Just remember Twiggles takes her books seriously, there's no way any of those volumes are any less than thirty thousand words at least. Sure, it's going to be excerpts, but it's still going to be absolutely hilarious :derpytongue2:


“I asked Sunset if she had another copy of that Cards Against Equestria game.” Trixie’s face split into an evil grin. “Guess what Pinkie’s taking to Twilight’s ‘Welcome Home’ party?”

Oh shit.....

Normally Trixie wouldn’t have bothered going anywhere the castle when it was empty. After all, aside from raiding the kitchen there was very little to actually do there when nopony else was around.

You forgot near.

Fucking hilarious ass story bro.

“Sunset Shimmer,” Starlight replied instantly, shamelessly passing the buck. “She sent it through the mirror for me, she thought it would be a good way for my friends and I to bond at the sleepover.”

Damn at least get the number of that carriage you tossed Sunny Buns Jr. under.

Oh wow, twilight Is a perv, and she still acts as if she is pure to the princesses? wow, she really is in the closet XD, anyway, I really want to know why she was sore in the after-party, perhaps she did a dare in running? or in levitating Celestia? or competing in strength with the guards? I can't wait to find out :D

Cards Against Starlight. Oh dear

Kind of expecting Twilight to turn around and give Trixie some 'hoof-on' demonstrations of what's in her books.

I can see discord pop a copy and play with the other villiens he say it be fun, but afterward we find out it was they punishment.....
also got to do one with the CMC spike dimond and silver spoon in one major group

All your "Cards against..." stories are so very hylarious, I really really applaud you. Regarding the idea for a sequel, well I do love me some Trixie, and I love the you write her. So if you want to do it, go for it.

Hehe this was silly and dirty fun

‘constructively decimate’ her old room. Whatever that was about.

Well, to 'decimate' is to 'reduce into tenths', so...I assume 10% of Starlight's old room will remain intact.

“Oh, my bad!” Spike hurried up to the door and lifted up the welcome mat, revealing a single golden key. Trixie smacked a hoof into her forehead as the little dragon unlocked the door and stepped through, politely holding it open for her, “Here you go!”

Rule number one of breaking and entering: Always check under the welcome mat, the undersides of any nearby flower pots, or any other potential hiding spots for an emergency key to the front door. And it doesn't take a burglar to know this rule (although that's a very good reason not to have an emergency key in such places).

“Proper Orthographic Research Nomenclature?” Trixie mumbled. Something didn’t feel right. Twilight was more than a little anal-retentive when it came to organizing, especially when it came to re-organizing books. Having one out of place in her own personal study was more suspicious than a sweaty stallion lurking around a school playground in a trench coat.

...Subtle, Sparkle. Like a neon sign...

Trixie’s smirk grew as she levitated a book out of her carriage. Tales of Trixie Vol. 37: Trixie, Slave of Sombra. “This is the next one that Derpy wanted to borrow, but she couldn’t figure out how to get the bookcase open. Imagine how much its going to annoy Twilight when she can’t find this one no matter where she looks.”

...Trixie, you are evil… It's so annoying when a book is missing from a collection and you don't know where it is. Or just knowing that your collection is relatively complete, except for a few holes. Or, for comic books, that you have copies of the first few and the most recent hundred or so (with a few holes because comic collecting is a task), but you're missing everything in between because they're too old to be new and too recent to be classic, and you're never gonna complete your collection of Sonic the Hedgehog comics and rrgh!
...It also bugs me that I don't have the Genesect movie. At least I got a copy of Zoroark, though, the Zorua line's one of my favorites...

Kinda surprised that she didn't burn the library down. Or flooded it with cheese.

Omigawd. Omigawd. This is even better than I thought it would be

trixie, if you read the other volumes, you would invoke the nightmare and become trixie nightmare just to end twinlight.

I don't guarantee it would work, but at least you would expose everything she has ever done wrong to her friends, acquaintances, enemies and more.

Better yet you can reveal all this to disagreement and ask him to send it. Each volume of a poney is written for the wrapped poney itself and written something like that.

A sparkle twinlight gift, the princess of amisade for you. ... or something to that effect.

I wonder what celestia, luna, candence, and crysaliss would think about their sagas in these kinds of books.

sorry bad english, online translator

wait ... what does she write about, pinkie pie?

You could have twilight picked up volume one of the tales of celestia, luna, or nightmare moon, candence, discord , and crysaliss and magically send it to their receptive owners and then step back and watch the chaos occur.

she could also have taken volume one from starlight and given it to her, it would be interesting to see his reaction.

Twilight looks so cute!:rainbowkiss:

“After party” you say? Well that’s something to look forward to in the sequel.

“Guess what Pinkie’s taking to Twilight’s ‘Welcome Home’ party?”


I know the rules don't allow mst3king other fanfiction I have no idea what they would make of doing it to fictional fiction inside a fiction

(Un)fortunately, Chrysalis is currently a rock.

(Right, automated translation. That first word is either or both of "fortunately" and "unfortunately" depending on how you look at it, and most native English speakers would recognize it as such)

Not bad. Not bad at all!:moustache:

thanks for the tip
well could she be normal in your universe?
but the others I mentioned (including thorax instead of crysaliss) are not with the full schedule. xDD

Spike scowled and planted his fists on his hips, “I’m supposed to be, but, apparently, Sugar Belle decided that she and Big Mac had to have another quick workout session before I came over. Now they’re all sweaty and hungry so Big Mac asked if I can bring over some more nachos while they shower. I swear, they do this every time.”

Oh Spike. Poor, poor, little misunderstood Spike. :rainbowlaugh:

“Let’s see… broom closet… bathroom… map room… broom closet… party-”


“… cannon.”

... Pinkie :facehoof:

...two more encounters with party cannons...


If it wasn't obvious; I fucking love this thing! I found only one typo (One the one hoof, specifically), but if you need proofreading these things, I'm your man.

Trixie; you glorious bitch. :ajsmug:

Honestly the idea of Trixie reading snippets of porn about herself is very hot and sounds like a splendid idea.

I'm not the author. I'm barely even an author.

*Gets whiplash from headsnapping just for the dramatic effect.* MANE SIX NEXT? PLS ANSWR YES OR NO?!

sorry online translator
I meant.
it would be nice if in the universe of this story.
crysallis were not stone
would have more comedy.

If all goes according to plan, I'll actually be putting up two sequels to Cards Against the Princesses at around the same time. One of them may or may not involve the Mane 6...

Yeessss . . . . Yeeeessssss . . . . .Goooooood . . . . .Goooooddd. . . . . :pinkiecrazy:

If you want a laugh, try feeding its own output in backwards, translating the English back into whatever your native tongue is. It'll look just as broken as the things you apologize for.

I have to say, that pic of Trixie is hella cute!:moustache::trixieshiftleft:

Please include the after-party in Twilight's story, whether it's as a comedic scene or a legitimate NSFW bonus chapter. X3

Well damn, that fictional porn of porn was really good :rainbowlaugh: I'd love to see a sequel of Trixie commenting on Twilight's work.
Hope Maud doesn't find out Trixie introduced the game to her sister after all! She'll be in waaay more trouble.

I write without errors, but the online translator translates the wrong sense most of the time.
Unfortunately this is only when I will comment. ¬¬

I'd like to see one with the Young Six.

Really, really funny work yet again! Whatever keeps your wheels rolling I’m sure it’ll be awesome :yay:

I love the idea that Twilight has a secret library of smutfic she's written herself (alongside her Secret Shipfic Folder) where she vents her frustrations after each episode/special (Let's just say that the one tied to "Magical Mystery Cure" would have most likely ended with Cadence intervening, claiming domain infringement)

Oh my... That Trixie really IS one sadistic bitch.

On a side note, I REALLY want to see how the princesses’ game goes! :trollestia:

Hah, this!! I wanna see Yona get her freak on. :rainbowlaugh:

They must react to Tiwlights stories


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