• Member Since 11th Aug, 2017
  • offline last seen July 19th


A budding Brony who got roped into the Fandom by Turnabout Storm and Guile's theme goes with the Sonic Rainboom.


Derpibooru link up · 8:41am Nov 14th, 2018


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On hold, and not because of Writers Block but because I'm planning many other stories for other fandoms. I actually also have to re-watch certain shows for research purposes. I had an entire MS document 13 or so pages long worth of notes for the Anti-FoE but Iost it. It won't be out for quite a while but it will eventually.

how goes the anti FOE story? I'm still waiting on it

Comment posted by FoldabotZ deleted Dec 5th, 2017

new chapter of Switched!

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