• Published 6th Jun 2018
  • 12,792 Views, 46 Comments

Breaking Daybreaker - SPark

Princess Twilight Sparkle has a lot of experience dealing with villains. But when she faces down the evil version of her formerly-beloved mentor, she tries an entirely new method of ending Daybreaker's evil.

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Comments ( 46 )
Jordanis #1 · Jun 5th, 2018 · · 1 ·


Celestia couldn’t help herself any longer.  She’d had the thought nearly an hour ago, and she could only stop herself from winding Twilight up for so long.  She was sprawled out on her back across the bed in her apartments, and tilted her head back to regard Twilight as she emerged from the washroom.  She fixed the smaller mare with her best innocent expression and waited for her to notice before springing the question.

“So... do you reform all your villains like that, or just the pretty mares?”

Twilight sputtered in indignation while Celestia grinned.  Once Twilight recovered and started marching her way toward the bed, Celestia’s grin only grew.


Miles away, Starlight Glimmer felt very disturbed, and had no idea why.

I absolutely love this one, SPark!

Wow! Well that is one way to snap Celestia out of being Daybreaker. Loved it!

I have read a comment.
Not even the story.
Why the hell did I get involved in this?

Actually since Daybreaker could very well be Starlight's interpretation of what an evil Celestia would be like, this could be happening in Starlight's dreams.


Luna: Ah, young Starlight. You have some interesting dreams of your mentor and her mentor.

See Jordanis' comment above. :pinkiehappy:


Then Celestia remembers that one of those pretty mare's was Luna.

Wow. This was really good.

8970526 8970561 8970690 8970828

Thanks! I'm glad people are liking this one. I won't pretend I think it's Great Literature, but I had a ton of fun writing it, and I think it is pretty good clop. Though I might be a little biased. :pinkiehappy:

Twilight visibly gathered herself before dropping into the fourth stance from Bad Motherbucker’s Guide to Kicking Tail

this is so perfect

That's a bit from Jordanis. He's good at that sort of thing!

D'awwwww that was really cute! Called it all being a bit of fun from the start, and loved how it played out. Cute little Twilight's first time as a Dom, so precious.

Yeah, not really a lot more to say beyond that, just an adorable little bit of sexy fun between second best Princess pairing. (Nothing can ever dethrone the pure glory that is Princest)

SPark #14 · Jun 7th, 2018 · · 3 ·

Princest is always great! And I'm glad people are noticing it's all in good fun and not for real. Some of these comments... :facehoof: *ahem*

8971113 I liked this but at the same time, I did not. Princest is a kink of mine but if you're going to do roleplay please don't set it up as if the world is actually in danger. I know fetish is a tag now but can you put a kink list in your long description. I'm not made just confused.

Twilight visibly gathered herself before dropping into the fourth stance from Bad Motherbucker’s Guide to Kicking Tail

Where can I get a copy?

"You will—” smack! “—learn—” smack! “—to be good,” she finished, punctuating it with another backhoof.

Reforming villains, alternative approach.

Good story!
Let's see how long she will stay reformed...

Which one had you read when you posted this comment?

I'm not sure what part of "very naughty pony" needing punishment and/or the "porn" tag led you to think this was a serious story. I don't think anything further needs to be added to the description, it's quite clear as is.

The very first comment.
it hurts on the inside.

Oh, but those are the best kind of comment.

8971919 I've seen porn fimfics where the evil villain is reformed through BDSM and sex a good example of this is after midnight while you do make it kinda clear it's a roleplay it still feels like a serious story but it's probably just me

My head is going to explode.
For the sixth time this week.
I need an in-house neurosurgeon.

Nobody Clockwork-Oranged your eyes open and made you read any of this, you know.

Actually, I did do that. I can't stay awake long enough to read everything I like, so I have to winch my eyelids open.

No, you need to stop applying the stress that is causing the explosions.

That seems more plausible.

Well that was as hot as you can get without actually bursting into flames. Maybe you could do a sequel where Mistress Twi tames Nightmare Moon back into being Princess Luna. I'd read that in a heartbeat.

I do have a mildly dom/sub themed Twilight and Luna one, but it's a stallion Luna, and a slightly different take on how things play out.

Not my thing having a stallion instead of a mare.


What is wrong with you

A lot of things.
Autism, clinical depression, probably OCD, complete and total loss of sanity.
Imaginary alcoholism.

And what do you two think about this one?
(Warning: Remotely comparable to the first one.)


:ajsmug::pinkiesmile::rainbowdetermined2::raritywink::yay:: "Hey Twilight!"
:twilightsmile:: "Hi girls!"
:raritystarry:: "So, we have heard how you had reformed you latest villain, darling."
:twilightoops:: "Okay..."
:pinkiehappy:: "And we want to tell you that we turned into villains and need to be reformed immediately, too"
:twilightoops:: "But... Why do you think you are villains?"

:applejackunsure:: "I have doubled the price for my apples for absolutely no reason."
:twilightoops:: "That isn't very nice, but not actually evil..."

:rainbowwild:: "I decided to become a Shadowbolt and scare innocent ponies!"
:twilightoops:: "Okay, that is evil, but not villain-evil..."

:yay:: "Today I had been dropping an empty bottle to the ground and waited five seconds before throwing it into the correct bin."
:twilightoops:: "That is definitely not villain-level evil, Fluttershy."
:rainbowwild:: "Under normal circumstances you are right, but remember we are talking about Fluttershy. By her standards that is villain-level evil"

:raritystarry:: "And I'm adding swimsuits to my next collection."
:twilightoops:: "That is not even remotely evil, Rares. In fact, I want to by a new one anyway."
:duck:: "Did I mention they are enchanted to dissolve after half an hour in water without any warning the moment at least 5 ponies of the opposite sex are staring at the wearer?"
:twilightoops:: "That's a perverse kind of evil. (And why would you even think of something like that?) (And I shouldn't by my next swimsuit from her.)"

:pinkiecrazy:: "And I'm baking Cupcakes!"
:twilightoops:: "..."
:pinkiehappy: "Without springles!"

:twilightoops:: "...."
:ajsmug::pinkiesmile::rainbowdetermined2::raritywink::yay:: "..."
:facehoof:: "You just want to get laid, right?"
:ajsmug::pinkiesmile::rainbowdetermined2::raritywink::yay:: "Yes!"

:moustache:: "Twilight!"
:twilightangry2:: "Do you want to tell me now you turned into a villain and needs to be reformed, too?!"
:moustache:: "No, I just wanted to tell you you got a letter from Cadance."
:twilightsmile:: "Good, what does she say?"
:moustache:: "She wrote that if you ever need to 'reform' another villain she would be eager to help. She claims she has 'lots of experience' with that; being 'Princess of Love' and all."
:facehoof: *facepalms repeatedly*
:moustache:: "But since you are already busy, can I get reformed anyway? (I mean, I have wings now, so I guess I'm old enough.)"

Can't forget the nightly reformation she does with Starlight. :pinkiecrazy:

Holy fartknuckles, dude.... that was one of the best things I've ever read in a comment section anywhere, even including the horror stories from sugar free gummy bears on Amazon. Well done.

What would happen if Spike can tame Chrysalis?

8974166, 8974684
Small sequel.

Even later:

Starlight: "Twilight, I finally decided I..."
:facehoof:: "...want to turn into a villain again?"
Starlight: "Um, yes. How do you know?"
:facehoof:: "Just got a hunch."
:twilightsmile:: "Anyway, go into my bedroom and put on the bridle and the leash. They should still be on the bed. (And ignore everything is sticky there.) I'll fetch the whip and join you in a moment."

But that should be enough now. Poor SPark is probably annoyed already .

Comment posted by Arrested4Loitering deleted Jun 11th, 2018

But can you handle... ME?
Yes, yes. I think I can. Delightfully so. :twilightsmile:

Daybreaker’s tailtip flickered dismissively. "You will be kneeling at my hooves and begging to come at my beck and call soon enough."

Ohhhh...I just got that. Wow. Hee.

Usually I'm not a fan of long licks but...
This was a fun read! Also straight forward without some stupid unnecessary excuses of consent.
It's all cleared up in the end and that s how it s done. Hope other s learn something here!

Role... Hot :rainbowwild:

Thanks for the fic!

Screwing Daybreaker out of Celestia, ^^; sounds fun.

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