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Wow, eso fue rápido, honestamente.
I am speed.
Oh really? >; 3
>tfw no gf (go fast)
Long have I waited for this day, shiny and chrome.
Awwww, this version is cute and wholesome! Maybe not my favorite, but I like it nonetheless!
Soooo....DSI Velvet Redux soon(tm)?
Of course.
Back at it again at Krispy Kreme(pie)
Juxtaposition is a great word. It contains both letters that need dots and both letters that need crosses when written in cursive.
... I feel so incredibly seen right now.
Same man. same.
I suppose it doesn't trigger when books are dropped on her, or for unpaid child labour, or doors being slammed onto her...
Jokes about how poorly spike was treated aside. Nice story.
I don't know why but I feel like we are going to velvet and barb in this marriage
percent chance percent there is a chance that you get a story where dusk permeates a is that you get a story where dusk permeates one of the mane
Very nice, now I’m really hoping for a Barb chapter of the story
I'd love to see a chapter where Celestia and Luna get knocked up and join his harem.
Not trying to be rude, but I feel like about half of this story was unnecessary.
Intersting read but feels rushed
Damn fine deep points. The difference between Starlight Glimmer and Twilight Sparkle being a Mentor... Amazing!
Damn, this is the second time this story has blown my mind!
First by explaining why I'm always happier when I'm single, I too need that alone time, and now by breaking down one of humanity's greatest problems that has flown completely under the radar, and a good solution to it.