• Member Since 22nd Apr, 2016
  • offline last seen April 21st


Sacrifice in my name


When Twilight first began her experiments in trying to figure out better ways to access the Aether, the realm of magic and souls just outside their physical realm, she did not expect to make significant progress. After all, pony kind has been trying to find out the answer to that line of thinking for centuries.

When she felt herself connect to the other realm Twilight accidentally manipulated its energies in a different sort of way. The Aether bent to her will much easier than before. Getting just a bit too excited, Twilight played with the Aether a tad too freely and the reality-bending powers of the outer realm sucked her into its bottomless depths.

Fortunately Twilight was able to direct herself back to the material realm using the closest, and brightest, soul she could find as an anchor. And the second she looked up at the skull of the skeleton sitting on top of a golden throne, she knew life was about to get more... interesting.

(A crossover with "If the Emperor had a Text-to-Speech Device")

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 127 )

Emperor is surprisingly fine with sudden purple pony princess.

Then again, she's the only other thing that he's seen in a long while that isn't insane. She's pretty much the shining example of most of his beliefs.

As the only other text-to-speech device Fanfic for Fimfiction I know of, I look forward to reading this!

Oh I imagine Twilight's first meeting with the fabulous custodies it's going to be just grand.

Brilliant! Oh god I couldn't stop laughing.

7978557 Thanks, I love Khorne Flakes. I really need that extra dose of heresy to get me through the day.

7978568 Me too. They're the perfect food to start a heretic hectic day.

I will be watching this.


Maybe they'll ask her to judge one of their ab-oiling contests

I'm sure the Ultra Marines can fix this.

YEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSS!!! It has finally happened! It has happened! A crossover with my favorite show on YouTube, and MLP! Oh glorious days of days! Truly this is a day of glory!

This looks pretty good. I'll keep watch over it.

So what happened now?

And what this story take place in it the Emperor had a Text-to-Speech Device from anyway?

7979366 Takes place just after Magnus becomes a part of the series

7979410 ok and going to happen in the next chapter?

7979428 The Emperor gets an epiphany.

7979514 a sudden realization

7979536 That'd be a spoiler, I'm not big on spoilers.

Shouldn't Twilight have reacted a bit more to how much the Emporor swears. or say something when he ordered someones life support cut.

“And don’t forget this time to tell them to cut Guilliman’s life support.”

Papa Smurf.
If the recent White Dwarf issue has any truth to it... probably should've done that alot sooner.

“Sounds to me like you mentally fought off a daemon and then landed in Nurgle’s domain of the Warp. A disgusting bloated blob of fat, rotting meat, corruption, and pus. He’s also the Chaos god of pestilence.”

Papa Bless.


The crossover the world never needed, but got anyway. +1

Starlight Glimmer, a freeloader that is there to learn about Friendship.

Mah man, I like the cut of your jib.

I. . . I did not know I needed this.

I am going to just smile now.

You need to make a parallel in the Pony world at some point XD Give like, Celestia Unicorn custodies or summin XD

this is will be fun to watch

The best part is that I can hear everyone in their voices. I also foresee something like this in the next chapter.

Kitten: A-Are you sure you don't want to take a break, Ms. Sparkle? It's only been thirty minutes and that's your fifth bottle.


Kitten: My Lord, shouldn't we stop this?

Emperor: Actually this is kind of fucking hilarious. Keep bringing her whatever she asks for, I want to see how far this goes.

7978030 I kinda want to see the Emperor's opinion on Celestia.

Emperor: So you mean tell me that this Princess Celestia has been ruling over her kingdom and basically the whole world for a few thousand years, raises the motherfucking sun by herself, and still tries be a humble and approachable person?

Twilight: Pony. And yes, pretty much.

Emperor: That's actually impressive. Idealistic and naive, but impressive nonetheless. The two of us should talk.

Twilight: So you can figure out how to rule your empire more benevolently and spread the magic of friendship?

Emperor: No. Because I'm sure that if she really acts the way you said she does she's bottled up so much shit over the millennia that it's waiting to burst out of her like a fucking feces volcano. We would both have a good time complaining about the stupidity that we've had to deal with.

7978397 I see one of two possibilities.

Emperor: Congratu-fucking-lations, you oiled up lunatics. You've managed to make her reach for the brain bleach with those stupid male stripper outfits of yours, even though she's from a society where nobody really wears clothes anyway. Bra-freaking-vo.

Twilight: Woof.

Emperor: Oh fucking shit. I'm actually feeling pretty fucking uncomfortable right now.

.....Yes. There is no end to the amount of yes this fic deserves. Oh, I can't wait for the Emperor to hear/find out about/Meet Discord. No, seriously, I'm almost imagining his telling Twilight that her kind got lucky getting a Chaos God like Discord and not like one of the main four the Imperium has to deal with. Good gods, Magnus might use Discord as a point for the whole "needing Chaos/Chaos isn't evil" argument.

....He'd also be wondering when/where the fuck Discord actually came from and why he never heard of him before, since a full on reality warper seems like something he should have known about.


Emperor: So you mean tell me that this Princess Celestia has been ruling over her kingdom and basically the whole world for a few thousand years, raises the motherfucking sun by herself, and still tries be a humble and approachable person?

Twilight: Pony. And yes, pretty much.

Emperor: That's actually impressive. Idealistic and naive, but impressive nonetheless. The two of us should talk.

Twilight: So you can figure out how to rule your empire more benevolently and spread the magic of friendship?

Emperor: No. Because I'm sure that if she really acts the way you said she does she's bottled up so much shit over the millennia that it's waiting to burst out of her like a fucking feces volcano. We would both have a good time complaining about the stupidity that we've had to deal with.

Don't forget that her regalia is made of gold, which is in absolute the best color.

We need a story showing Celestia's life like the one of the Emperor, passing her time sitting in her throne and complaining about her kingdom :rainbowkiss:

Oh god this is gonna be good.

Maybe, but eventually it would become just another thing, given he has no way to express himself other than verbally. The guy really needs some catharsis.

This looks promising. And i can really hear the Emperors voice in his dialog. Captured his character quite well

Though Twilight seems awfully calm, after essentially stranding herself in another dimension and talking to a living skeleton on a skull covered shiny chair. You'd think she'd be freaking the fuck out.

I'm looking forward to her nerd-off with little Magnymagic.

But my Baneblade powers.
I know its not text to speech but hey its done by the same guy.
Also Diomedes is best space marine.

Coincidentally, a friend just introduced me to the series.

I have absolutely no clue what's going on, but It's good so far.

7980128 I believe he only refers to Marneus Calgar as Papa Smurf, since he's the Chapter Master.

This story is pretty much awesome, though I hope to see their reaction to Twilight's sudden intrusion. A marvelous comedy!

This is great. I can't wait for the next update

“Didn’t you just release a Daemon Prince Primarch riding a motorized bike into the most heavily populated planet in the Imperium?” Kitten asked.

“Hush, you. Don’t ruin my son’s first bicycle experience.”

"May I also ride my bicycle through the palace Father?"
-Rogal Dorn

interesting , i am looking forward to the next chapter .

All my yes, this is a wonderful start, i can hear the Emperor loud and clear. this will be quite an enjoyable story.

*insert bones rattling with amusement here*

I want more so bad. This was super funny.

aaaaaaAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH Yaaaaaaaassssssssss

OH HELL, F*\+#¥G YAS! THIS! IS! AWESOME! Also, I can (for some reason) easily imagine Twilight somehow becoming embarrassingly aroused well past the point that wing-boners come into play by the fabulous Custodians!

I just recently found about this amazingly hilariously series, so I'm stoked that there's a crossover fic:rainbowkiss:. Hope it get updated soon:pinkiesad2:.

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