• Published 8th Nov 2016
  • 16,244 Views, 559 Comments

Obedience is Magic - Windyspirals

Everyone's acting strange around Starlight Glimmer, but it's nothing to worry about. Starlight has been reformed and can be trusted completely. She certainly isn't hypnotizing Twilight and her friends.

Comments ( 25 )

Umm ... what?


Let me re-read this...

This reaction makes me feel like I woke up and chose violence with this chapter :P

Discord finally looked over as he kept humming along to the music. I just have so many wonderful ideas on what to do with you. I barely know where to start. Though this seemed like a good place."

Missing an opening quote

I think I get why you’re doing this, though. All these wildpunishments...

Minor typo -- wild space punishments

Anyway, I have a certain Frenchman I’m overdue to torment

... is that Jean-Luc? Of course it is.

Well ... this was not how I expected things to go after Discord. Not in the slightest.

And yet ...

Starlight does bring up some important points. People do hide parts of themselves.

Depending on how you do hypnosis, it can be a way to bring out the hidden, repressed sides of people. It can be a way to bring out their inner creativity, and the part of them that they don't want to show.

But ... there can be a reason for them to not show it.

I think it's time for a re-read, and looking at how Star's hypnosis has "grown" over time. My thinking is that she went from "because I can", to "I can help them, AND because I can".

And ... yeah, a lot of it seems to be sensual, if not sexual. I'm not sure how helpful vs hurtful she's been. Defintely not ethical, but that was never the question. As Discord puts it, is she actually allowing these people to express their inner selves, or is she just being a manipulator.


Oh, is Discord actually going to make her become ... a *therapist*? :-)

All I'll comment for now is with Starlight's arguments, I very intentionally chose her choosing the word "boundaries" as something to push though

Hey, this fic is years old at this point. Adding an inflation tag might help bring in a larger audience.

I had to do a spit take at that line, and wasn’t expecting to see Sunny in this fic but was a fun surprise.
Cant wait for the next chapter

The rock thing felt like an Everything Everywhere All At Once reference.

It is. I was visiting my parents and looked around for rocks at their house to try to find ones that would "look" like Star and Discord

The rock gag is such an instant classic. Great movie. Good chapter too; glad you found a way to have the mind control progress without ignoring Discord or making him too weak.

Oh dear.

Glimmy is still working on the principle of

Everyone Can Be Everything They Ever Wanted.

As Long As Its What I Want Them To Be,

WAAAAAAAA.. BaBa WAnna new toy. Toy wont break on floor. Waaaaa Toy broke on floor. Waaaa Baba Wanna toooooy.:trixieshiftright:

If you notice, this can also work for the rulers of countries.:pinkiesick:

Fourth Wall powers, activate! Simply delightful, though I am also looking forward to more shenanigans between the story-heavy chapters.

You were missing a sub-chapter for Rainbow Dash! Of all Stars victims she’s suffering as much as any, seems she deserves a little revenge here along with the others. Also wondering if the parts with Applejack, Big Mack, Pinkie Pie, and perhaps even Yearling will inspire Star when she gets around to them in the real world.

I had a variety of extra ideas that I could have added in but the chapter was already leading up to five thousand words. Various ideas that I didn't end up including for length and wanting to actually finish the chapter:

The towel rack for the Wonderbolts
An alternate world where Starlight, though Discord manipulation, obsessively is going around trying to enslave inanimate objects starting with Tom Dan
Just a one line reference to Snips and Snails having a Star doll
A scene of her being enslaved to lemurs or being being turned into one in reference to the other project I need to revive
Sent to Tartarus
Alternate world where Starlight is manipulated into being a perfect ecstatic friendship student for Twilight

And I'm sure I could come up with many more. I was considering thinking something up for Cheese Sandwich but didn't get as far as an idea there

Well heck, this was creative. I'm a big fan of EEAAO so seeing its meaning get perverted (literally) to be about experiencing every kink at once was kind of entertaining and I entirely understand your reasons for doing it. Honestly, nothing but respect for going out of your way to set up the rock scene rofl, I'm sure that took a good bit of effort.

I’ll be making sure to study Fluttershy especially closely.

I will contend that Starlight so totally caught Discord lacking here; he could probably have like, tapped Fluttershy's head himself and accomplished the same thing, but he was too busy being down bad instead lmfaooo

Smart way to transition this into a story with clearer goals and higher stakes though! But, I wonder if due to Discord's shenanigans, Starlight's mind has splintered at all ;P

In fairness, Rainbow Dash is *Twilight's*, not Starlight's :-)

any kind of spells he could think of to double check Discord’s claim


unzipped his panda


into his waiting mouth


“It’s it so much nicer when you’re helping people, providing a needed service? That’s what friendship is all about, don’t you think?”

It's it / isn't it

“Hey, Mac.” Applejack called out. “That new cow is getting full, can you help me out with milking her?”

I need a break :raritydespair:

I formally requesting that 'unzipping your panda' be left in and regarded as a euphemism. For what exactly? Don't know, don't care.

The psychic damage from all the typos I miss is indescribable

Which chapters contain boobjobing?

Great work on this story!

Wow; how'd I miss that!? :pinkiegasp: Heh this is a wonderful example of how the subconcious will fill in the blanks :twilightsmile:

Comment posted by Lunas_Sloot deleted July 5th
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