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Ooh, nice new cover art.
That was... delicious
I'm glad that I waited a bit before reading the last two chapters, now I didn't have to wait for the next chapter ^^
Btw, love the new artwork for the story
Well we see Twilight utterly enslaved as she doesn't bat an eye at helping take Spike. Sort of bummed Spike's preparations were just how he would be enslaved and nothing more, though perhaps we'll see details on just how devoted he has been conditioned to be. Starlight now has full control of the castle; can't wait to see her move on to enslaving more ponies with so many options now available and some trustworthy help.
in starlights shoes i would be bored within minutes.
Rather brilliant. Play on Spike's fear of how his species separates him from his pony family, then flip it so that it means staying with them forever. Even if there wasn't sexual compulsion at play here, those are perfect circumstances to get his devotion. Been waiting for this twist a while, and it works perfectly.
SO AWESOME! Keep it up really enjoying the show!
I'm really looking forward to a moment where Starlight lets Twilight do something that totally goes against Twilight's ethics, maybe resulting in a small inner struggle that she's bound to lose since she gave up her free will. That would be really neat.
interesting take on inslaveing spike. and as walys love the planning that give the story its own flare. still waiting for how this is going to bite STralight in the end. hopefuly it will be an unusal way instead of the normal breaking free of the control after only one heart of the cards speach.
also cant wait to see the real backstory you come up with for starlight.
I was wondering what Starlight planted in Spikes head^^ This was worth the wait^^
This is really interesting though I have to wonder where Starlight is going with this whole thing? I mean enslaving the Mane 6 and Spike makes internal sense for her revenge but long term I feel like she'd run into the same issue her canon pony counterpart had. Removing the Mane 6 from action kinda means Equestria stops existing once real threats turn up.
Or the Map finds itself without it's earn girls and well given that it literally dissolved the Mane 6's bodies to give them their Rainbow Power forms...
Idle speculation about potential horrible backfiring for Starlight, I'm really liking this story. It's sexy but also compelling.
The girls are perfectly capable of defending Equestria. So long as that's what Starlight wants. I'm sure her Twi-slave is up to the task of impersonating Twilight Sparkle.
I was thinking more along the lines of accessing their friendship-based powers. Can the still do that sort of thing if friendship isn't the core of Twi's being? It'd actually be pretty funny to see Starlight try to get Twi to do something like that now that I think about it.
*Beholder (because I want a Beholder in the show so bad) appears and starts killing everpony*
"Twi-slave, go stop that thing!"
"How would you like me to stop that thing, Miss Starlight?"
"Uses your friendship powers or whatever!"
"I don't have friendship powers or whatever to use. Only you have friendship powers or whatever to allow me to use, Miss Starlight"
"YOU'VE DONE THIS FIVE DAMN TIMES BEFORE and now that I say that out loud I really should have seen this coming. Oh well I'm sure Celestia and Luna can-and they're both dead...".
If there's anything last season and this season so far have taught us it's that Twilight and the other princesses are useless compared to Starlight anyway.
This is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so glad you updated thx.
It's certainly possible that Starlight's manipulations will have adverse effects in regards to the safety of Equestria. It's not so simple as Twilight being too robotic to actually do anything. The hypnosis she is using is far more flexible than the spells Starlight used in Every Little Thing She Does. If the Mane 6 are twisted to Starlight's will, they will still be able to use their usual judgment and natural talents, simply at Starlight's discretion.
Less certain is whether their friendship powers would work or not. Keep in mind, though, the team doesn't have the Elements of Harmony anymore and has only used 'friendship powers' once since they gave the elements up. If some big threat to Equestria appears, we'll just to see how things go.
8185373 Glad you're enjoying it :) Next chapter should be out in two weeks.
That makes sense. Twi-slave is still Twi just with her priorities changed to obeying Starlight. It isn't like she erased her personality or anything. And technically we don't even have a canon answer to whether the Mane 6 still have their friendship powers since they haven't faced any legit villains that would need rainbow blasting ATOW.
I wander what would happen if Starlight didn't allow Twi or the others to answer the Cutie Map's summons? I mean to them/her not whatever they're being summoned to.
Anyway I'm looking forward to seeing how this story turns out.
Your story is very interesting and I look forward to the next chapter.
I cannot help but wonder... just what is the end game? I can almost imagine Starlight winning and having control over everyone. But I also wonder if it will all come back to bite her in the ass...
So what the revenge is supposed to be: create a sex slave dominatrix, or give me your nuclear codes kind of deal? was the sob story with Sunburst was bogus too?
Update soon?
Very soon. RL has been keeping me busy but the next chapter is almost complete.
8198430 I hope not, honestly. I hope she wins, simply 'cause I get annoyed at fics that don't fulfill my power trip fetish by sabotaging themselves midway through. Like this one where Chrysalis is abducting nearly the entire female population of Equestria to turn them into willing broodmothers for her Hive, but then... well, you'll have to read it for yourself. Just look up "A Changeling Invasion", that's the name of it.
Considering in the show they only used it once and that was because of discord coronation gift.