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Possible twist: Fluttershy uses The Stare on Starlight (on reflex as a defense against the hypnosis), and Starlight becomes Fluttershy's pet for a few hours.
Possible problem: Starlight having a 'chat' with Discord about her trying to 'rustle his pony'.
Updoot? UPDOOT?! Update! Woo!
Conditioned mind.
*that* this first session.
So, this starts with Twilight being a friend, and helping Rainbow. And then, when that's done, deeply hidden Twi-slave comes out and ... does a massive overload induction/deepener on a trusting Rainbow.
I admit, I was looking for some reference to the line "Taste the Rainbow".
Fluttershy and next episode: Well, we know that Fluttershy, in canon, wants to spend time as the pet, from the dream episode. I'm sure that Starlight can help with that.
Discord ... will probably be like Luna. He'll see that something is wrong, and want to check it out. So ...
What if there's a slight change in pattern with Fluttershy? Leave her knowing that she had a chance to be in a relaxing, pet-space. No "owning" as a way to not offend Discord; just ... reduce her concerns a bit, so that she doesn't react as strongly. Just that Starlight is playing with the others, just as she gives Flutters "pet space", she gives Twilight "library space", or Rainbow with her "Trophy-Training" space. Just make Flutter feel that Starlight is a kind friend, and otherwise herself, so Discord doesn't react or get worried.
And here I felt hackneyed for and edited out the part where Rainbow Dash suggests after the hypnotherapy they go "Chillax"
I immediately recognized the Tether reference. You have good taste in smut!
I'm old school.
The weight stone idea was quite brilliant. Kudos.
Always love to see an update from this story
This story is so good! I'm loving slave Twi, and how her personality comes out after remembering her duty.
Great chapter
Waiting for the next chapter, I was giving it time, and just read it
I can't wait for the chapter. It seems like forever since the last one.
Very cool story!
Re-reading this before the new chapter.