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Well, that was intense. It was certainly something to see Starlight using the mobile to make Rainbow fall at first, unaware of how strong Rainbow's determination and stubbornness is. I was on the edge of my seat as Rainbow made her attempt to escape and as Starlight ordered Twilight to help hold her down.
Starlight herself shows she knows how to adapt, making use of Rainbow's strengths to weaken her. I'm certain she'll learn from this with future conquests. And we now have parts of Twilight starting to find holes in the hypnosis for her old self to break through until the Twi-slave command comes, and Starlight's anger is lessening as she gets closer to Twilight. Seeing where these two go is fascinating. Looking forward the next chapter.
I still hope Starlight will eventually have a genuine change of heart.
She'll never beat pinkie I'm actually waiting for her to try and pinkamina turns her into a slave. Plus if they were having a hard time holding RD with there magic there's no way they could hold down a earth pony. Hymn... but it is possible pinkie might participate willingly .... but as a sub no. I could see her willingly release the beast on the other have fun with them...funfunfunfunfun.
Once she meets her friend in the crystal empire she will be forced to make a choice. I hope that her experience in the crystal empire will change her point of view.
I guess the important question is are you willing to wait 250,000 words to find out?
Heh, that much planned? Nice.
Love the creativity with the inductions still going strong!
This is my Game of Thrones, currently :P And the important moments are all planned, right down to the eggplant near the end.
Answer: Yes.
I waited over 800,000 for a wedding in another story that is
1,092,574 words long, not including the bonus chapters in the side story which add an additional 222,409 words. So yeah I can deal with waiting 250,000 words.
Bring it on.
I love these readers
Very enjoyable, but now I cAn hardly wait to see the Pegasus training
Perhaps Starlight should have spent a bit more time thinking about how to put Dash under and a bit less on how much she'd enjoy it once she had.
I had a feeling that Rainbow and AJ would be the hardest to control. Though I got a feeling that if/when Starlight figures out that Pinkie knows about there little “game”, that that’s gunna become her access point.
As always another great chapter and looking forward to where it’s heading
Aw sheeit yall, Starlizze almost fucked up yo yo yo
She is certainly has the ego to believe that.
She has a point.
I know that feeling.
I suppose I can't blame you.
I figured it wouldn't be that easy.
No, Rainbow just has a VERY powerful will.
Hey man, Quality over Quantity.
I understood that reference. Also, I suspect Fluttershy will be harder to tame than Applejack because her will is not as weak as it might appear, plus, she has DISCORD as a friend. If Starlight screws up with her EVEN ONCE, it could spell her doom.
I like that this almost went wrong on multiple points for Star. It's all been a bit to easy for her and I like to see her sweat a bit.
Yep, what have you done now?
No nail is ever completely driven through in just one strike. Hopefully, Starlight will remember this from now on.
Holy shit thank god, 250K words? It's like a dream come true. I've been burned too many times by unfinished stories due to authors just giving up, or good ones ending too soon.
I'm really happy with the direction this chapter went. I was never a fan of simple straight-forward induction because it seems unrealistic to me that an unsuspecting person could just be put under so easily. Rainbow being able to recognize that something was wrong made a lot of sense to me, and the resulting intern struggle of Twilight's mind was just perfect. I always prefered mind control where the characters don't completely lose themselves, because I think it's much more interesting if the character still realizes deep-down that something is wrong, but is powerless to fight it. You nailed that in this chapter, and I think that's why this is now one of my absolute favorite chapters. Fantastic job!
Excellent! Always good to have your hypnotist have to sweat a little now and then. I also like how she got careless with Dash instead of planning out her induction like with Twilight and Rarity and how that almost bit her in the ass. Looking forward to the next one already.
And I agree with the assessment that AJ and Pinkie will be the hardest to crack. Heck, I don't even know how she'd get Pinkie to stay focused and in one place long enough to do any sort of induction. As someone else said, she'd probably have to frame it as some sort of game, though how well that'll work I have no idea.
I will say what we're all thinking: MOAR PLEASE!
To get to fluttershy you must first go through the lord of chaos himself who is himself the master of hypnosis
It ought to be a great chapter
Indeed no one messes with his Waifu
Chapter Update: Next chapter is about 80% complete, but the story has expanded a bit since when I originally conceived the chapter and have to put some more work in. It should be ready by the 29th. Anyone prefer waiting for a weekend or is ASAP the preferred chapter release date?
Personally, it'd be ASAP for me. Although, if that should be the weekend, well, so be it. When it's ready and not before.
I'm fine waiting for a weekend, but if the chapter is done there's no special benefit to putting it off for one.
And he's probably not the biggest challenge, not with the
Killer Rabbit of CaerAngel Bunny and her other animals about.8588290
Who made fluttershy cry?
And as we know, Angel Bunny is the only creature allowed to do that.
A very monumental question
This is the first story I've come upon which I eagerly await for each update. I can't wait to see more of this, goodness you know how to keep a person hooked.
Hmm that's only when it's needed but even then it's a narrow window of opportunity for him
Of course Loyalty would not be easy to turn. Honesty will be even harder.
Kindness might fight back if you say the wrong thing during induction.
Laughter might seem to go under, but not actually as Laughter sees the world as one big game.
It's almost hypnotic.
You could say that
Is it bad that I like this. I mean how is it any morally better than 50 shades of grey?
It's not bad at all as long as you are cognizant of the bright line between fantasy and reality in this kind of kink. I could talk a lot about the MC kink to where it'd be better as a blog post than here in the comments bar.
For now, you're perfectly fine for enjoying this as long as you don't feel like the story is the literary equivalent of 50 Shades
My last exam is in half an hour, so new chapter should be out this weekend
Good luck retroactively!
Oh cool I'm looking forward to it.
Pretty much this. If you're talking about out of story, none of this is real and there really isn't a moral consideration to be had as long as you don't try to do something like this to actual people. In story on the other hand, it's about as dark as it can get, what with all the non-consensual mind control and sexual enslavement going on.
I'm really sorry, I thought I had commented on these chapters. Let me see if I can get the main questions I had out.
I can certainly understand if this was nothing more than Starlight panicking and doing something she shouldn't have, and then making it work. But really, what's the worst that could happen if she did nothing, and just let Rainbow work it off?
"I don't trust her".
"Why not?"
"Well, ... she was trying to get me to relax and remember something from my childhood"
"Is that wrong?"
"Well ... I don't know"
"Are you just being mean? She's trying to change."
It's not like you don't have almost the exact same conversation in a couple of chapters.
Lied to the villagers, not liked them.
No spelling error in the second quote; however it sounds off out loud as if there's a grammar error.
thats probably what it should be
well, wasnt 50 shades all about the dickheads pleasure? here at least the mind control allows everyone to be happy in the end, so id say its at least a little morally better. also the writing is better, so theres that.