I'm an IT Brony who writes stories based on a show for 8-year old girls whose content is meant for anything but 8-year old girls.
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It's just the prologue and there's already a reference to Firefly. And I love it.
I started to read UtM just out of curiousity and found it very ... peculiar???
Is this story gonna be at that level? You know, just to make myself psychologically ready.
The pacing and overall thrust will be much different, but yes. This is a companion story to the original UtM that takes place on the other side of the portal. Like that story, this one is hardcore fetish fuel, if a slightly different set of fetishes from before...
Reading the original UtM is not necessary, but feel free to do so as its events are at least occasionally referenced at points in here. When they are, I’ll be taking pains to explain them for the new reader. And yes, there’s a Firefly reference here. I couldn’t resist.
Can’t promise there won’t be more references to it or other stories of mine as well...
The sequel I've always wanted!
It's a solid headcanon. I always forget to mention that for some reason in my own stories. Too busy playing up the sparkling aspect of unicorn horns I guess.
You okay, Twilight?
Nah, man. I'm pretty fucking far from okay.
I must be the element of Panzer Corps because I'm still stuck at Budapest 1944.
As long as the deepest desire of the imbiber is to drive in a straight line you can't pull them over for drunk driving. I swear!
This can only end in friendship!
But... muh mustache!
It doesn't even involve blowing (I think... I mean I know!).
I will sail this season 4 artifact until I die. Long live Rarijack!

Search for your friend, Twilight. But do not trust a hope. It has forsaken these lands... [Rohan Intensifies]
I'll stick with the wholesomeness of the Cake Twins as foals, thank you very much!
Let's just say her stare doesn't cause me to freeze up, but it did make me rigid.
Hey AJ, Westermarck called. He said you should have built the wall ten feet higher.
My first clopfic involved Trixie taking some fortunate soul back to her wagon. Good times those were.
Trixie, you should write clop. Seriously.
Sad! Many such cases.
So proud I could inspire the clop writing on this scene. Pity I can't show what I wrote that inspired it because it only exists on googledocs. I'm working on chapter 5 as I write this. Be patient, folks!
I felt my hips buck. Dayum, that's good shit!
I can only hope this thing stays charted and you get another big hit like UtM, but this is a bit hit with me!
Pinkie dressed up as Pennywise, didn't she?
Give the Luna Lover a cookie!
Yes. Yes, she did.
God I love that movie!
PS. Thanks for the cookies!
8518992 They all fuck down here, Georgie.
Anyone else felt arouse while reading this???
That’s the idea! It was certainly fun to write, too!
And it only took me nearly two years to get to it. Hope it was worth the wait!
Well, you’ll be happy to know I incorporated another preference of yours here. Remember how you said you liked it when there were multiple horn eruptions at orgasm and not just one big one? Well, that’s what she got here!
Well, she may not be about to hire a couple of homeless guys, but you can bet she’s going to go Medieval on somepony’s flank before too long!
I hate to say it, but even for as far as you’ve gotten, you might want to consider restarting and going with a more balanced force with more infantry and fewer tanks. It’s a lot cheaper to overstrength infantry than tanks, after all, and four-and-five star infantry can crush even in the strongest tanks in close terrain.
Tell that to the cops who occasionally set up sobriety checkpoints around here! Doesn’t matter if you’re driving erratically or not; if they see you acting drunk or just don’t see proper pupil contraction when they shine a flashlight in your eyes, you’re still as good as busted.
Doesn’t everything? Or Friendship with Benefits, anyway...
As you say, at least give Spike credit for being genre-savvy!
It involves sucking far more than blowing!
These two are the epitome of ‘opposites attract’.
Who wouldn’t when it comes to you, Rainbow???
Fun fact--if you watch that sequence of Two Towers closely, you’ll see Eomer’s sword slide downward right out if its scabbard and onto the ground.
What? No Shining Armor/Twilight?
It’s a good thing Fluttershy isn’t normally evil, because she could abuse that ability all to hell! Then again, there have no double been more than a few stories along those lines...
But which version of the wall?
My first was G4M. Ah, back to the days when we were so young and innocent... and the fandom was still so new.
She can’t. She’s too busy sitting in judgement and insulting everyone in sight while being Elsa Pone in the Phoenixverse!
Hey, low energy or no, I’d vote for Trixie any day! Besides, her platform of peanut butter crackers for all is worthy of consideration...
Jeb was doomed from the get-go. He was just too easy a mark. To say nothing of completely uninspiring.
Can’t wait! And you know me... I’m shameless. If I see something I like, I will shamelessly steal it and use it in my own works! Earplay and distinctive mare scents are just two examples of that here!
Hey, I only do the good shit, not the cheap stuff! Unless we’re talking about gargle-grade liquor, that is, which I keep around for medicinal purposes.
I hope it’s more than a ‘bit’ hit! I prefer a big one.
It's always the quiet ones.
This can only end well... *Laughs evilly*
Ahhh, I think I see where this is going.
Always the most repressed, yes! But it isn’t just Fluttershy who has a repressed dark side within her... far from it in this story!
I’m enjoying this so far. Starlight is really well written, and to be blunt, there’s a criminal lack of Starlight focused clop stories out there.
Satrlight Y u always doing something STUPID! this suppose to be friendship is magic not the other way around now its magic solves everything

Yep. Sorry for not having this chapter ready yesterday. I really did want it for the initial release, but the prereads weren’t in yet and the most likely date they would be was Tuesday. But instead, my prereaders hit it last night, so here we are.
This story is similar to the original Unleash the Magic in at least one major respect--it’ll focus on one member of the Mane 6 in turn, chapter by chapter, corruption by corruption. And when there’s nopony left...?
Watch out, Starlight!
Well, magic certainly didn’t solve everything here! Yes, that’s the lesson she still has to learn, but she meant well, even if it’s now backfiring badly. Why does she continually resort to magic even for little things? Because it’s what she is and what she knows. Kind of like that old saying about if the only tool you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail to you. I think this time, she might finally learn, though...
It’s true! For all her neuroses, Twilight does have some serious self-control and doesn’t lose her temper easily. In fact, she holds herself back most of the time, even with regards to magic... as Starlight is going to learn the hard way...
For a moment there, I thought you said, "a lack of criminal Starlight focused", which is somewhat true - I haven't seen a whole lot of 'evil Starlight'.
Guess that depends on the definition of ‘well’!

Appreciated, thanks! And yes, that is odd considering how much shipping potential she has with various ponies from Sunburst to Maud to Trixie. I’m actually glad I didn’t write this last year as I originally intended now, because the new season gave me a lot more to work with regarding her character and, say, Trixie.
Maybe because we already saw her ‘evil’ side? Well, she wasn’t so much evil as deeply hurt and misguided, but still...
So, we now got Flutterbat, Timberjack, and Timber Mac. Who will come next?
I could tell you, but that would spoil the surprise!
Just be assured it’ll be a logical progression. Or as logical as a story like this can get, anyway...
Preparing my jimmies for über rustle: Spike in a sexual setting.
Didn't get to review it before it went live so I'm going in raw. I'll try not to reee~ too loudly and disturb the neighbors.
Soooo many horrifying implications here. Pinkie might have no clue how sex works but it's unlikely given this is a Firesight Pinkie Pie. We're left with the idea that this is how Pinkie sex works in some inter-dimensional cartoon realm where she's fucking who knows what, or she perceives some unspeakable madness within Twilight that can only be contained by extreme fetishes.
Nothing going up my ass with ever improve my day. Just ask Ving Rhames from chapter three about how it improved his day.
Pack it in lads. Pack it in Twilight's anus. There's a good lad!
Another ship I really like. I think it's the whole virgin/chad (alpha/beta) dichotomy. You just know Rainbow is wearing that adorkalicious ass out on the ground and in the air now that Twilight has wings.
This bust is a key piece of evidence. You can't just dismiss this, Trixie!
What is it with men's fascination with busts?
> Horn disabled
> Can't shoot longbow
Spoken with all the guile and smoothness of Shaggy from Scooby-Doo. I wonder if the two of them ever toke up in the wagon after they're done engaging in glorious F/F? Not that that would be a good thing... OH GOD DUTERTE, PUT DOWN THAT GUN!
Jimmies status: Unrustled. Needle currently reads 0. This is a nice show accurate portrayal of the little guy, being the faithful assistant he's always been. I've always liked Spike, even if his writing has been pretty shaky. More bad episodes have been written about Spike than any other character I can think of; it's odd given the fact the show has male writers.
I'm sure something was re-written in the interim since when I first read this. I'm still not even at all rustled. All is well!
This is a crazy notion, but why not strike out and go ask Princess Ember for a crack at that? You'll never be as happy with a mare as you'll be with your own kind. Also you'll be able to have children! Children are a wonderful thing, Spikey Wikey. Deep down you know I'm right, little guy! Think about it, okay?
Much like with the Twilicorn controversy, it's good to see the fandom survive another meltdown with dignity. We can let the guy get his dick wet, surely?
Why would he appreciate it if was never a big deal? I appreciate ice cream when i eat it only because I don't let myself eat it very often. Also, my jimmies have really taken a hard rustle. Time to rip the bandage of quickly...
Ohhhh fuck me sideways! My Jimmies are gone. Mother of God, only the dead can no peace from this rustling. Ugh! Bright side to this ship? Well... at least his puny, underdeveloped body will be able to reach their genitals? I'm moving on. Someone send me a PM if they find my jimmies, if they haven't left orbit by now. Dammit! Where's the medic with the morphine? Fuck it. Just leave me here to die. I will never fuck Victor Charlie the way Victor Charlie fucked me.
Yes she is, and that's why she's not fucking DEAD now! Dammit, stop handing me the Stefan Molyneux memes, I'm supposed to be dying!
Ouch! You made me laugh. Can't you see I'm dying? All the same, the humor involved in Mayor Mare being a swamp creature is too good not to warrant a smile.
Awww! You shouldn't have! A reference to Linky the Maregolian of Siege of Castle Harmony! It was a bold attempt at creative fiction. Alas, I just wasn't ready to make it work just yet.
Say that today and you'll be called a kook for spreading conspiracy theories.
Press F to pay respects.
Well this is my favorite Firesight clopfic now. Jeez, this is just hitting all the buttons. More than making up for the scene that shall never be mentioned again.
You can bet if AJ wrote the welcoming sign for Celly, she would have been able to fit it all in!
You and me both, dude.
I'm going to love this story.
Since everypony will eventually fuck each other in this, there better be a payoff for Spike in this, and not just because of the blatant Rarijack in this...
....and there better be the "I like you as a friend but you're too young for me" speech that I think Rarity owes to Spike for pretty much leading him on a leash for all this time while fucking Applejack...
....hell if Fluttershy stays the way she is, I would love for Spike to get her....
Honestly? I think you're more angry at the canon than the story. Rarity has literally been teasing Spike since My Little Pony 1.0 back in the 80's. You like Sparity, I get it bro. I happen to like Rarijack. Can you be happy that Spike is getting something?
There are too many stories, both completed and in-process that seem that it makes it look like Spike's gonna be taken care of, but at the end, he's the proverbial odd-man out, either because someone plays off the age, species, fillyfooler/yuri tag or some other sort of mechanism that basically means a big "FUCK YOU" as far as Spike is concerned.
And yes, my fanatisim of Sparity often blinds me from the somewhat brutal truth, but honestly it's more like I get tired that everybody seems to get someone else, and spike's alone, and I just want to see that happen for him....and hell I don't even care if it's one of the CMCs (though it annoys me constantly).
Wow i wonder how many times what showed that in the show
Redundancy Department of Redundancy
“Infected! New zombie!”
Oops. Fixed, with apologies.
Indeed--now we have Timbermac and Timberjack! And they’re not done yet...
I get your frustration, but at the same time, it makes perfect sense Rarity wouldn’t be interested in him due to size/species/age whatever. I have him in his mid-teens while Rarity is in her mid-20s, at least. You don’t see many relationships like that, and those that are tend to be somewhat creepy if you ask me. But he does have/get someone here. He is NOT being left out. Giving him the CMC may be cliche, but makes sense because they’re his age and size. There’ll be more about how they got together when the scene shifts back to Spike later.
You will have your wish here.
He’s not alone in this story, either before or after all this... though things will change for him after, as it will for all of them. There’s one more major difference between this and the original UtM in that those taken by this corrupting magic will have memory of the events after, and nothing can really be the same for it. Imagine that first real awkward talk between AJ and Big Macintosh, for example. And Spike...? Well, to say what he’s going to go through would be a spoiler, but his scene/chapter is coming. Who will it involve? That’s a secret as well, but I’ll at least point out that unusual pairings are the order of the day in this story.
You say it's creepy for spike to be with rarity but ok for him to be with the cmc you have to remember he's 7 years younger then twilight who of which is maybe 23 at the most by season 7 i would even go far as to say she's a little older now and to say that he must be at least 16 or maybe 18 at the most and the CMC whom are much closer to say 12-13 years old how is that not creepy also?
I state very clearly in the chapter he’s sixteen, and I don’t consider an age difference of 16-to-13 to be a particularly egregious issue. He’s certainly of an age where he would be interested in mares and here he found the CMC. In my view he was twelve or thirteen when the show began while the CMC were eight or nine; four years and change have passed since. Your headcanon might work differently, but this is mine, and that’s what the story works from.
I'm actually surprised that you replied to my comment, so major kudos for doing that out of your schedule even when you didn't have to--I truly appreciate it.
Yeah, it's a little weird with my love of Sparity, I've said it before. I guess it's a classic case of actually having the underdog actually getting the girl, when in reality, it's more like the underdog is chasing his tail...
Also, I don't have a hatred whatsoever with Spike going with one or all of the CMC...my main beef with that is that it is used lazily to solve the Spike/Rarity problem, mainly "how do we break up Spike and Rarity even when they aren't even together" question. A lot of it is based on Sweetie Belle--the classic 'go for the sister' trope, which is kinda cheap to Spike AND Sweetie Belle, same with Scoots and AB respectively.
Knowing you, especially with your work collaborating with others on "Turnabout Storm" as well as your work on the Lawyer and the Unicorn, I should know better and know that you have a bunch of twists and turns that even make what seems cliche and passe work so well. I truly know that all the character are in your very capable hands, and based on what I've seen so far, I'm definitely looking forward to another treat you have for us.
Also, I love the way you have made Fluttershy/Flutterbat be a bit less her canon personality...I could really see what happened between her and Twilight actually happen in canon (well not necessarily Twilight, but there is a reason that FlutterSass is here to stay, and I love that she can stand up for herself w/o being an asshole
Okay, good start to this, and I'm honestly liking where this could be headed!
Specially those tags in the desc, mmm... 
I'm hopeful this'll go deliciously...
Good work on this so far, it's a good start so far and I'm already liking it a lot.
Second chapter in, and the clop's just getting started... whew... okay, next chapter, this'll be veeeeeery interesting.
Good work so far, hehehe... oooh poor Flutters, this is gonna end crazily.
Good work on this, and a saucy little scene with Twilight, makes me wonder what'll happen next.
That’s the idea!
That’s one word for it!
This was just a teaser and very tame compared to what’s to come, but you’ll see for yourself soon enough! Now onward to chapter 3! That’s where the story really gets going...
Mmm... not gonna lie, the idea of Timberjack is an attractive thought, and now I ponder what will happen to Rainbow in this... she's dressed up as Zapp so... hmm.
Good work on this, I'm liking it so far.
Annnnd I'm finally at the end for now, and unf... I like how this chapter went, quite delicious, Timberjack is
Top unf.
Legit though, lucky lucky a certain pony is, hehehe.
I'll have to wait for more, and this is looking great so far, I like it Firesight, so damn good job to you and your editors and so on!
Indeed it did start, hehehe, keep it up dude
Maybe not where you live but where I live, that's an 8th grade girl hooking up with a high school junior. I find the age thing becomes less of a deal the older the ages themselves are. The inverse is also true. While a 69 and 79 year old dating wouldn't bat anyone's eye and an 18 and 24 year old couple would rustle a few feathers, a 13 and 16 year old dating might just end with the cops involved depending on the situation. Also, Mama Twilight. I really dislike that concept but that's more of a personal thing so just ignore my complaints about that.
I just thought about this after I made my reply to your comment (which once again, major kudos for replying me back
It's probably never gonna happen since reading the latest chapter showed how Spike really handled it, but part of me kinda wished that there would be a scene of Sweetie Belle going off on Rarity over Spike, why Little Sis would be pissed off at Big Sis is anyone's guess, but maybe it would be a point where being in love--even if slight immature--would embolden even the meekest of fillies to attempt to tame a tiger, metaphorically. And Sweetie Belle could possible have a bone to pick with her sister over Rarity's handling of her (and the other CMCs) newly found drakefriend.
Where does it rank on the Xeno scale where a 10 is Lero getting into a threesome with RD and Twilight?
Uh-oh. You’re bringing out the bubble wrap. Just remember that into every pair of jimmies, some rustling must occur...
Good, because you’ll set off the dog downstairs.
Or she just thinks it’s fun. In fairness, the others showed her some tamer stuff and she was warned off it, but she basically did it to one-up her counterpart. She’d never admit that was the motivation but on some level she wanted to prove herself better than Sci-Twi.
No, it only improves Twilight’s day!
Actually, I’m thinking it suggested more in terms of things like... well, the Japanese word for it is paizuri. I’ll leave you to look it up. I’m sure she also learned how big humans were on oral, even between different genders as well. She hasn’t yet told her friends she’s been giving head and boob jobs as part of ‘fooling around’ with Flash.
Oh, you know it’ll be packed at some point during this! After TLaTU, it’s a given that Twilight’s tail is a magnet for such things!
I’ve seen one or two good stories over the years, but I can’t recall the names just now. If nothing else, I’m sure Rainbow was only too happy to show her the basics of proper wing care and preening!
Sadly, Trixie’s not in possession of the sharp legal mind she has in my other verse... then again, if she was, would her friendship with Starlight make more sense, or less? Ditto for her Elsa-like ice powers in the Phoenixverse. How would they be received by Starlight?
*Franziska’s whip cracks* My eyes are up here, Phoenix Wright!
She fought off a giant desert scorpion or two with her magic, so a Timberwolf isn’t much of a problem to her. But you’re right--disable a unicorn’s magic and they’re pretty much helpless; they don’t know how not to rely on it. Over in Firefly, the Gryphons are working on a means to deny unicorn magic use over a small battle area. The trick is doing so without cutting off their own...
Well, that would be her Scooby Snack! You have to wonder what was in those that Scooby and Shaggy would be willing to do anything for them... must’ve been some real high-grade hash!
Yeah, dude, it’s not even loaded! Seriously, look. It’s not.
I think the main issue is that they’re trying too hard to make a male character appeal to 8-year old girls and the only way they can think to do it is play off the ‘boys are dumb but girls are smart’ meme that girls that age seem to have. Nevertheless, you’re right that more bad episodes have been written about Spike. There have been one or two exceptions but for the most part I haven’t liked the Spike episodes because they turn him from the sensible one or Twilight’s trusted scribe into a near-villain or total dumbass, making him completely OC in the process. I hated the debt-to-AJ episode for that very reason.
My favorite Spike episode was actually the Powerponies one because they subverted that trope and made him the hero in spite of him taking the role of Humdrum, which was supposed to be the comic relief character of the group. And actually, I really liked him in the first Equestria Girls movie because it showcased him at his best--he bravely charged into the portal after Twilight and when he got to the other side, he grounded her and kept her from losing it on more than one occasion. He was her rock and she couldn’t have done it without him.
I’ve got to be honest--I just don’t know what I did here that changed things. Ah well. I don’t have to tell you by now the rustle-jimmying was soon to come...
You’ll have to check DB’s new fic for that!
Well, the thing about dragons is, given their long lifespan, he has plenty of time for such a thing. I could see him learning about dragon mating from ember eventually, though I’m not sure she seems him like that right now. There’s also something to be said for the fact he can’t impregnate ponies, as he’s far from ready to be a father. I’m sure his current marefriends appreciate that! As would their sisters, if they knew...
We’ve said it before, we’ll say it again: the attraction makes no sense. But fine, I’ll go with it. Flash is a decent guy and in all honesty I really don’t like the way he’s been dumped on in the last couple movies. Nice guys finish last? I hate that trope. Hence me making sure Phoenix Wright gets the girl, and maybe some of that attitude is now rubbing off on Flash too. Will he appear later in the story? I haven’t decided yet. Just have to see where it goes.
I think I’m going to reword this slightly to say that he came to appreciate their anatomy more as he got older and little more interested in the opposite sex. It makes more sense that way.
Dude, that would hurt!
Into every life must come some jimmy-rustling, and every clopfic of this nature will have some. In fairness, I’m hardly the first to propose something like this, and as DanvilleBengal noted in one of his comments, it’s actually rather cliche to have him shack up with Sweetie Belle instead as a result of the date-the-sister trope. That’s not what’s happening here, though. I’m sorry you find this so off-putting, but it’s pretty much impossible for me to write a clopfic like this without rustling some jimmies. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t a lot of stuff in here you will like, including at the end of this chapter!
But you can’t die now!
Then you’ll miss the coming scene! And you do NOT want to miss the coming scene...
You’re welcome! I thought you’d like that. See? I included some balm in the following section.
And this was the other balm! And no, the story didn’t take off, but Linky the Maregolian lives on as a side character in your other stories and in the comments section of mine! And believe me, her commentary is always interesting...
Right. I forgot we live in a world where facts aren’t as important as feelings.
I am rather curious to know what Rose might think of this scene...
There may be a few scenes in here that aren’t your thing, but believe me, there’ll be plenty more that are!
But can she take all of Daybreaker?
If he died right then and there, he’d die a happy stallion.
See? I can rustle your jimmies and rivet you all in the same chapter... and there is so much more to come!
I get what you’re saying, but there is an overriding problem with your argument here. And that is that you’re trying to apply human societal standards to fictional pony society that can have any rules I wish. In my headcanon, pony fillies are considered to be of age of consent when they first enter heat, which typically happens at age 13-14, and the CMC-to-Spike is not an apples-to-oranges comparison for the very simple reason that Spike is in fact LESS physically mature than them despite his greater age, due to the fact that dragons mature very slowly because of their long lifespans. Regardless, they found each other, and I’ll detail just how when the scene shifts back to Spike later. Perhaps I can make these points more clear in the story. Nevertheless, I’ll answer your points.
Which I promise you does happen. The thing about that the teenage years is that physical and emotional ages are not tied to any number. You can have late-blooming 16-year old boys looking like they’ve barely entered puberty and 13 year-old girls who are both more physically and emotionally mature than them.
While it’s true that age differences become less meaningful as you get older, unless the situation between a 13 and 16-yo involves an actual rape, I doubt it. Parents might be upset if they learned, but that’s it. Statutory rape and age of consent differs from state to state but when you’re talking two people who are under the age of consent, it becomes a lot harder to apply.
In any clopfic like this, it’s impossible for me to not rustle a few feathers along the way just for the sheer number of characters and concepts involved. All I can really do is try to make sure there’s something for everybody; more they enjoy than don’t. So in the end, all I really ask is that you go with it. I’m not making a statement in support of anything you see in this fic; it’s just supposed to a fun and suspenseful sexual fantasy.
Glad you enjoyed!!!
Lucky lucky indeed... if he died right then and there, he’d die a happy stallion. More is definitely coming, though I find myself waffling on what to write next--this, Firefly, or TLaTU. Regardless, I do need a break from this after putting on such a strong push to get this released in time for Halloween.
Thanks again for the comments and hope to hear more of them later! Until next chapter, take care, and I will continue to preread your new story!
Why surprised? I always try to reply to comments unless I find them trolling. I want people to comment, after all, and if I don’t reply to the ones I get, why should they? I crave feedback, especially thought-provoking posts that make me need to sit back and think about stuff for a minute.
Well, the underdog getting the girl is exactly why I had Phoenix Wright win Twilight over in Turnabout Storm and TLaTU. He never got a reward, never got the girl in the games, so I made the decision that in my works, he would. As for Spike...
Right. They’re a convenient substitute of sorts. But here, Spike is reliving something that once happened to me where the object of my crush hooked up with someone else and left me crushed, then feeling liberated for it, free to pursue other avenues. How’s the song go? You can’t always get what you want, but you might get what you need. And he did.
I agree. You’ll learn more about how exactly they (meaning Spike and the CMC) got together the next time the scene shifts to Spike. Here’s a hint--it didn’t start with Sweetie Belle.
I appreciate you having such faith in me, and I promise I will do my level best to deliver.
So be patient. All will be explained, and Spike will NOT be neglected in this.
Thanks! I’m actually quite happy with my portrayal of all the characters so far, though honestly, the one I’ve focused least on to this point is Rarity. That will be rectified in the next couple chapters, and be assured you haven’t seen the last of Flutterbat either.
Thanks for all the comments!
You’re very welcome! Now let’s see what you have here...
Without spoiling future chapters, I think you’re going to be very happy with how things develop. Sweetie Belle has certainly shown she can get angry enough at Rarity to not want her as a sister anymore (see the Sisterhood Social episode) and Rarity’s past treatment of Spike may yet bite her in the corrupted flank in this story. She hasn’t been taken yet, but it’s hardly a spoiler to say that she will be...
So stay tuned! Plenty of wild and crazy action to come, and the eventual aftermath should be interesting too, as unlike UtM, the characters will remember what happened. Nothing else to say at this point except enjoy the ride!
And you pushed yourself? Mmm... sometimes that can result in something good, othertimes-(I speak form experience)-it can lead to some bad results, but this story is the exception! So good on you man, I'm eager for more, but don't rush on my account, hehehe.
Hehehe, indeed he would die happy, I think most of us would
And thanks man! I really appreciate having your help for this