The Grand Galloping Gala is awful. It can banish itself to the nearest heavenly body willing to put up with it, for all Celestia cares. That doesn't change that fact that she has to be there.
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2427682 Ah, if only she were! If Celestia got a Do Princesses Dream Of Magic Sheep? episode in season seven, that would be wonderful, and I think it's long overdue.
Hey thanks for the fave! I'm glad you liked it
You’re welcome!
Thanks for the fave!
i want to say
i saw your charmander pic and thought of this (yes i know it was a squrtle but i still thought of it)
2427682 Ah, if only she were! If Celestia got a Do Princesses Dream Of Magic Sheep? episode in season seven, that would be wonderful, and I think it's long overdue.