• Member Since 7th Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen January 25th


Musician, Hypnotist, and Smut Writer living in Germany. Currently mostly goes by "Cadence the Hypnotic Floret". Profile Picture by Rae Asteria


Comments ( 82 )

...closest anyone's gotten to getting me into a trance from text. Still not completely, though; relaxed, but no inclination to obey. (also because I am not a big fan of Trixie :derpytongue2:).

At least it was slow. Sometimes writers do it painfully fast. I understand full inductions are not exactly economical for writing, but it's irritating when it's like "you are under my power *POOF* it happened" sort of induction.

Pretty decent hypnosis play, even if the emphasis on consent and lack of any conflict aren't my things.

Very nice to see some good old consensual hypnosis again. Also triggers and toying with Starlight's mind, what's not to love. :twilightsheepish:
Would love to see more like this from you.

I did a hypnotization story for Trixie and Starlight.

Loving this story so far, it is so nice for yet more caring hypno stories,
Sincerely, your dreamer


A good text-based induction takes time. 2000 words is not too much for it. If it's in a more interactive setting, like a chatroom, it can move a little faster, but these things are generally slow-burn. I've seen people take as long as half an hour for a good, deep trance, then another two hours to actually do fun stuff with it.

What was this supposed to do? Because all I read was nonsense

8056622 I think what it was is that the writer put us in Glimmer's PoV.

8056622 it was a hypnotic text script, designed to relax you and put you in a trance...

This is actually a really cool story. I love the whole 'hypnosis for pleasure' idea. Good job.
~Sincerely Your Dreamer

I have yet to be hypnotized but I do love the idea and this was very well written. I just can't relax enough.

Your Dreamer.

I'd love to hear this being done. I can only read so much before my breathing leads to my eyes going closed and unable to read any more of it! It did help calm my breathing, and I did spend time trying to push out those thoughts that were bothersome to me.


This would be a good candidate for a reading...

Damn, sounds similar to "Friendship is Mind Control", I guess I'll be putting this in my read later :twilightsmile:

That... made me feel very relaxed and tingly. I followed the instructions and shut everything else out.

the deep, dark, azure globes.

More purple than blue; "amethystine" would work better.

And I'd love a reading of this chapter, at least. :D

This was pretty interesting. I like the progression through the chapters. Just a creative application. I dig it.

I love how you've captured the thing about hypnosis that i find really appealing. and the amount of detail in this is nice. I like the pace and the feeling of happy helplessness i get from reading it. I want every hypno story I read to be more like yours.

sincerely, your dreamer

I know it's suppose to be kinky...but i can't help but think Trixie is being such a Sweetheart here :scootangel:

Tricky, Tricky Trixie...Tricky, Tricky writer~:ajsmug:

I see what you were trying...nearly succeeded too :applejackconfused:
But i've done something similar so i figured it out :derpytongue2:

The best kink is made of equal parts good pretalk and foreknowledge, good aftercare, and a good scene. :twilightsmile:

Oh noes, my covert hypnosis attempt has been found out! And I intentionally went out of my way to hide it!


i must say, i already tried text hypnosis and it worked on me, and here is the case as well, maybe a little rushed but it was still good and it worked fine, at least i'm relaxed and all my bad though are gone.

sincerely, your dreamer~

They may go to a Ponyville Hotel in Room 69.

Comment posted by Gutovi deleted Feb 25th, 2022

Well, that was incredibly interesting... Definitely one of the more compelling stories that I've found in my time, and I'm looking forward to where you take this...

~Sincerely, your dreamer.

Well, this gets an upvote. It's just so well-written, and I like me some hypnosis... I hope this gets a sequel some day. Nice work!

Not going to say it... Don't you dare say it!

~Sincerely, your dreamer.

God fricken' dammit.


Currently in progress. Knowing my work ethic, it should be out sometime between the midterms and the heat death of the universe. ^_^

8073440 Wait, really? That's awesome! You know what? You get a follow. I don't want to miss this. :derpyderp1:

Wow. I'm speechless. I got hypnotized myself and, well, really sucked into this story. This is by far the bestest fanfiction I've EVER read in the whole history of fanfiction, no questions asked. I don't even know what to say other than, AMAZING, TREMENDOUS WORK and YOU SHOULD REALLYY MAKE MORE STORIES LIKE THIS :raritystarry:

This is my favoritest book, fanfiction, writing piece, you name it, that I've EVER read in the whole history of ever!!!!!!! Keep up the incredible work!!!!!!!

This was interesting. I definitely like that, although it was a mind-control sex fic., it was a consensual mind-control sex fic.. Your hypnosis seems to have only had a partial effect on me, and a delayed one, at that. I only up-voted and tracked this story:derpytongue2: (Yes, I know that it's already completed, I put it into "Tracking" anyway.)

Your Dreamer

The Great and Powerful Trixie commands her aroused, tranced Dreamers to go to the nearest bathroom, lock your door, strip down, play with yourself for a little bit, then cum to my sexy body. Once you're done, you will wake up from your trance and remember everything that you've done before then.

Come on, what are you waiting for? The Great and Powerful Trixie commands it.

8108073 Those who hypnotize, and those who dig deeper into my hypnotic eye.


:rainbowlaugh:Don't worry, technically all of your safety commands still apply, so no one would get hurt.:twilightsmile:

Though I'm not sure about whether or not the consent was part of the hypnosis... Oops:derpyderp2:

:pinkiegasp:Wait a minute, if we all have experience in hypnosis, then why won't we start a group where we could write actual hypnotic fanfics?:rainbowhuh:

That way, we could make a genre dedicated for hypnotising the reader! We could finally get some more hypnotic text and thus make it easily available to the public. We could make genres for whichever kind of hypnosis, whether with mental healing or fetishes:pinkiehappy:

8108627 Good girl.

:pinkiehappy:Thanks for putting my story for read it later, I like some criticisms if you don't mind?:trixieshiftright:

8108768 *moans*

Ay, no probiez! It looked like a cool story :pinkiehappy:

And, yes, of course, I will >///<


Er. . .I've never tried. But this story did, indeed, hypnotize me. . .:rainbowwild:

Why? Were you thinking of doing it to me yourself:duck:

8108801 Not sure:applejackunsure: I do however am also required to give consent before hypnosis.

We should continue this conversation on private mail:twilightblush:


O-okay. Send me a note. . .I'm kinda new here.

8108073 We'll come back to this moral dilemma eventually, I'll just leave you this confusing message:twilightsmile:

This was really good. It really worked on me (which is likely clear) and I appreciate the effort that went into this. I hope you keep doing this for the other mane six. I'd give so much to have Pinkie Pie hypnotize someone. And I really like that this isn't kinda horrifiyng if you think about it, the way most porn is- it's honestly cute.
-Sincerely, your dreamer.

8114065 The problem with doing a pinkie induction is that the only way this is even remotely in-character is if it's a confusion induction, and I honestly don't know how to do those very well.

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