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Very good story.
As far as canon goes, I actually think Starlight is probably still a virgin. I don't see her doing anything with any pony after Sunburst left because she never got close to anyone after that.
As for Our Town...I don't see her taking that risk considering how easy that make up could come off.
As for after,.. it just doesn't seem like anything is happening between her and Sunburst, if that shyness of her seeing him without his cloak means anything. And her and Trixie can't see to go long without them arguing, so I don't see anything happening there.
The most affection from anyone Starlight actually seems to get comes from Twilight .
This is quite good. Educational sex is one of my favorite things ever, and Thorax was adorable. I'd enjoy seeing more.
It's good can't wait till next chapter
I'm inclined to believe you on the canon but I admittedly had to sweep some of it under the rug on this one. Glad you enjoyed it.
Congrats on the brief feature; well deserved!
It's a great story. I feel like I know what's going to happen next chapter. Is it a gang bang?
Nah. probably not but it's a good story. Well, in the very least, it's better than mine anyway. Titanhades70 can confirm that.
So,uh, nice work. Um, yeah.
It took me a bit but I finally got the title. I was like oh... ooooooh. Gotcha.
Will this story have any sex scenes, implied or otherwise, where the woman does most or all of the work?
Well, I have parts 3, 4 and 5 already mapped out in my head. Something in part 4 should pertain to that a bit, but I Imagine part 2 is as close as that is going to be realized. At least as far as I've rough drafted to this point.
I was kinda wanting a Starlight Thorax and a Trixie Pharax pairing but this works too.
That one hell of a story!
This is going to be awesome 
My heartstrings are beings pulled hard!
Well done 
Pretty sure Twilight enjoy the night with at least a bit of enviouse desires unfullfilled
Pillow fight yay
I considered putting something about that in but it ultimately got cut from the draft. I decided to keep the spicy stuff limited to the main 3 characters.
This chapter... sooo good
Very Lovely. Good chapter and something worth a friendshipletter for Celestia. Second part would maybe even worth Add something for herself
I'm going to have an aneurysm.
They get pregnant. Would not be surprised.
I dont see why Changelings couldnt do this before the invasion
Damn fine Work
This Story could go on FOREVER and never get less Interessting with so many combinations 
Oh that was hot, and exactly why I am into 'lings.
Hey, com e on now, ain't nothin' wrong with Thorax wearing the dress, Trixie'd be hot in a tux!
Awe inspiring Story.
Thanks a lot 
What troubles me is that Thorax doesn't communicate with Starlight the things he wanted to do with her even though he was told earlier that communication was vital to any relationship.
Well, just before that Starlight does say she wants him to take the lead and do whatever he wanted to her. I kind of reversed the consenting in that scene because I didn't want to interrupt the flow with him asking, 'can I turn into this, now' multiple times. I see how it can be misconstrued when it comes to the overall lesson about communication, but basically she communicated that he could go wild on her.
We all do buddy, we all do
OMG loved this story.
Glad to hear, thank you.
This is sweet. I have no choice but to give you, at minimum, three ❤ ❤ ❤.
This. This made me laugh.
Very nice and lovely story ^^
Some good instincts, but the pacing seems very rushed.
Slow down, give some details, and show your characters reacting to what’s going on.
This might seem twisted of me to say, but I would love to see a sequel where they decide they want to try something incredibly wild to spice up their sex life further and arrange an orgy, either with their friends or with the hive. I love that mix of awkwardness, romance, and lust that often results from stuff like that.
I've been considering a shorter sequel ever since I wrote this and it is basically going to be about the wedding. More comedy/romance than porn, which may or may not put off readers of this story.
Dang. Why not do both though, and then say one of them isn't canon to your story or something? xp
Ooo, this looks fun. I only read the first little bit, but I love the fact it has good grammar and I like the plot hook. I can see myself coming back to it. Does it have actual story and character development as well?
>implying I ever get back to my Read It Later list
Yes, it's a sweet love story and has been one of my most popular works. I hope you do get a chance to check it out. 👍
It's got 2,900 views so my expectations are high.
Gotta love the royal showers.
She also didn't have sex with anypony in "Our Town" because she's not a rapist, I mean she could mind control them but she could've done so with the Mane 6 as well and the towns ponies seem to have their free will because Starlight has to hide her cutie mark so she obviously gave them a choice when they joined.
No argument there, she's definitely a virgin. Yeah she probably is too shy to even do anything sexual.
I agree on that, but Spike also has his moments of being a good friend to Starlight.
The feels, so glad this isn't just clop
Thanks. I think that the 'why' behind characters' intimacy in a story like this is just as important as the intimacy itself.
It's alright, the I'm more here for the feels than the clop
This and the rest of the end of this chapter almost brought a tear to my eye, I'm so glad you focused on the relationship side of things throughout this story
I like stories like this. reasonably long with a short chapters, not being focused on just the 'pleasure', and having a few giggles here and there
i see what you did there
Same here, I'm not really good at doing pure 'porn' stories and I think they're better when they are more well-rounded with other elements.
please do more like this