• Member Since 2nd Jul, 2017
  • offline last seen January 10th


I want nothing more than to bring a smile to your face with a light-hearted clopfic! If you want to bring a smile to mine, leave a comment!

Comments ( 50 )

This was good.

Really good.

Sad sprout wasn't part of this!! He needs some attention

Thanks! Sprout probably 'sprouted' in the background. If you know what I mean. Probably made many a mare very happy.

Imagine sprout gets brought in and has a go with at least some of the mares, though definitely Sunny. Of course I'm sure all that wild earth pony magic will also lead to Sprout being reminded who's REALLY in charge

Id love to see that. With him getting with other mares. Not the ones in this story specifically

>no smol pipp, no Zipp

You have disappointed me.

The GOAT returns, with another clopfic that's comfortably too long to fit in the comments! :yay:

This is exactly the sort of G5 story society needs more of. Same funny characterization, same cute canon poners, but drenched in enough porno logic to satiate a filly's first heat. C'mon, people! G4 has over a decade of debauched smutfics to peruse -- the Mane Five deserve nothing less!

You captured the characters brilliantly. I liked Izzy especially, which surprised me, since it's easy to slip into writing her as Pinkie Pie-lite. Also, the entire scene with Misty was hilarious. Gotta love how even in the throes of rut, Hitch's super smart slut sniffer is incapable of penetrating the mastery of Misty's disguises. I kinda wish she'd shown up a bit earlier throughout the story, but I get she was a recent addition.

This fic also has the distinction of being the first one where Misty gets stallion-stuffed, which has gotta count for something! Opaline doesn't deserve her. :fluttercry:

One random worldbuilding thought I had - given the overwhelming virility of the stallions in your universe, even without earth pony magic or ZESPER or quantahol or miscellaneous unicorn enhancements - why is it that Equestria isn't completely overridden by ponykind? It feels like there's gotta be some mechanism to slow population growth, but I for one can't think what it is.

Delightful work, especially in capturing all of the messy biological details that other fics might gloss over. Thank you for not just good porn, but also a quality story. G5 getting more love—especially Misty—is always a good thing.

Seriously though, thank you so much for the comment. Means a lot.

It is cool to get the first Misty-stallion fic on the site. Unfortunately I'm pretty convinced we'll never see anything like to what we had in the previous generation.

I just am glad you think I characterized them well-enough. I have to admit I've only watched select episodes of TYT and MYM, and have been relying on those and the greater memeology for what I created.

Comment posted by PuzzleMaster98 deleted Jan 31st, 2023

Lovely work. I just want to say, I love that you're one of the few *good* writers on this platform that does cum inflation. I just wish we spent a bit of time with those bellies and the mares' reactions to them, before moving on to the next one. Filling is great, but we need some rubs, cuddles, and shocked expressions.

Always nice to see a new story from ya :twilightsmile:

It was hard pushing into her, like pushing a golf ball through a rubber hose…but the sheer force of his muscles, the power in his hips and lower body was driving all of him into her.

Is that a Full Metal Jacket homage I see?

Can wait to see Zipp and Pip with Hitch's foals next, pretty sure Zipp would be helping him a lot as she would probably be the most motherly of the bunch. Sprout needs his mommy!

Oh boy~ love the sequel bate

Sure, "perky" is a fine adjective describing Izzy, but I don't buy "little". The girl's tall!

This has been a very funny story so far, and things are obviously starting to get properly steamy now!

The Legend has (once again) returned with yet another great entry! :pinkiehappy:
Hopefully this encourages people to give more love to G5. :scootangel:

But did Hitch ever get to relieve his bladder before cumming? :pinkiegasp:

Great story! Good to see ya again!



This is where Sprout and them would be good. Two princess sisters mindbreaking into doing it with maretimebay's biggest loser.

Maybe have him and Hitch fight as they cant get control of the new testosterone boost. Sprout loses and gets sloppy seconds or just pipp cause shes short, pudgy, and not the virgin of the two?

I can't help but imagine Zipp using Hitch as rocket-assisted takeoff. Like one of those old water bottle rockets, just stuck on the end until the pressure finally forces hernoff andnshe goes shooting into the sky with a creamy white stream of 'exhaust' behind her.

Yeah. That'd be a good idea.

Him getting some love would be nice

That sounds more like PEAT than JATO

Isn't she lithe compared to Hitch?

You’d have to be a bit of a perv to try to corrupt something clearly meant for foals with sex and eroticism.

Yeah... yeah.

You’d have to be a bit of a perv to try to corrupt something clearly meant for foals with sex and eroticism.

I feel called out. :P

You’d have to be a bit of a perv to try to corrupt something clearly meant for foals with sex and eroticism.

I mean, there is already a monument to my (and our) sins in this website, so...

I'm strangely impressed to see an impregnation-fetish story acknowledge how much trouble it would actually be to deal with so many children at once.

Izzy’s tiger-grin was the last thing Hitch saw before a mercifully-thin tentacle of kinetic magic entered into his asshole, snaking up and forward… and milking against his prostate.

Been a while since I read magical prostate stimulation, nice one

“And I’m not usually that into stallions…” the unicorn giggled

“This is… this is just some weird haywire magic effect going on -- you guys aren’t thinking straight, this isn’t you.”

Legally obligated to make a joke about whether Izzy is, in fact, thinking straight.

That was actually unintentional, wow. Man my subconscious is funnier than me :(

It's always disappointing to see them cut off at water breaking or just the deed, even.

Only needs three things:
- Some oral action for variety.
- Pipp.
- Zipp.

Okay, I guess one more thing: In a story with one stallion and three mares, it’s a little disappointing that it’s pretty much just one at a time. It would have been super-hot to have the other mares helping their friends and being more involved. Like helping push Hitch in, or licking his balls, or licking each other. And maybe something like a big oral orgy at the end, where all the cum-drunk mares work together to suck him off and earn themselves a white shower…

Still, though, really hot. And a great story premise. The ghost of Big Mac would be proud.

Thanks man, yeah I opted for something a little more simple on this go-round. I've done the orgy-tastic stuff before, but wanted to keep it a little tighter as my clop-scenes tend to over-extend.

Next time.

I pray there's a sequel.

With sprout in it at some point

I'll commission one if I have to

“This sucks.” Hitch sighed, “I want cool powers too.”
Sunny shrugged and motioned to Hitch that they should go down the elevator. “Careful what you wish for…”

Hid wish doesn't sound that unreasonable...

As Hitch snipped off the branch, his eyes widened in fascinated surprise as the little tree sprouted a fresh branch exactly where he’d cut, the wood pushing out and sprouting little green tendrils of the beginning of a new, leafy branch end.

At least he'll never run out of firewood again.

“I’m sorry, old friend,” Hitch grunted, his eyes nervously checking over the way the bonsai branch was growing toward his window, wooden tendrils snaking toward the outdoors like some kind of strange, multi-headed snake. “But this must be done!”
He brought the shears down to Bonny’s thin trunk and snapped down hard.

It's not Bonny I'm worried about.

“Whatever.” Hitch rolled his eyes, “You know, like, a billion stories worth, enough to have a new one to tell the foals for the past, what, nine seasons?” [...]
Sunny grimaced and scratched her head, staring up and to the right and squinting as she tried to access her memories. “Uh… it’s kind of hard to remember, actually. She was always kind of in the background and not so-”

Hehe. Well-placed references.

“Yes! That.” Hitch huffed. “I would have thought your Dad would have thought to mention that in all his stories!”
“Eh. Not really.” Sunny shrugged. “I mean, the stories he told me were really all meant for foals. You’d have to be a bit of a perv to try to corrupt something clearly meant for foals with sex and eroticism.”

Exactly! Who would ever do something like that?!

“Even so!” Hitch cautioned, gesticulating toward the unsuspecting populace of Maretime Bay, “Just imagine what a whole town filled with horny, sex-crazed earth-ponies would be like!” He shivered, “Just imagine the litter. The clean-up! It would break so many bylaws!”

At least the town would get a healthy growth of population.

Good chapter!
I enjoyed reading it.

This was quite a funny story and Hitch should really know better than to think his mares are not interested in a repeat. Although it would be wise to limit it a bit more next time.

Hitch was running through Bridlewood.

Not his first time, not his last time...

“What is with these crazy dreams!?” Hitch groaned, his eyes already starting to droop. “I need my sleep, damn it!” He started to shut his eyes, ignoring the giant tent rising between his legs.

Luna! Are you behind this again?!

Unfortunately, this was the last straw of a series of coincidences, which was all that was needed to set the match to the fuse of pent-up sexual potential energy that had amassed.
By pulling Izzy’s tail, Sunny had lifted it up and away from the unicorn’s rump, especially easy since the perky mare’s dock was already rigidly flagging in the air… and it just so happened that Hitch’s line of sight and Izzy’s rump were perfectly aligned through the helpful feature of the floor to ceiling vanity mirror that adorned the bedroom’s West wall.

What's the chance Sunny did that intentionally?


Sunny, are you seeing this!?” Izzy squealed, doing a little tip-tap dance of joy on all four hooves.

Sunny: "It's impossible to not see it..."

A warm, squishing sensation as the unicorn’s magic levitated his penis upward, holding it against his belly. Immediately the warm energetic buzz was joined by a fuzzy, physical one.
Izzy was holding her foreleg against his length, doing an impromptu measurement.

I was hoping for her muzzle, but I'm sure that comes later.

“What? I always felt bad we were leaving Hitch out of the girl talk.” Izzy hummed, now idly pawing around on the top of Hitch’s cockhead, as if it were a joystick in a videogame.

Hitch: "We should have kept it that way..."

“Gah!” Hitch grunted, squeezing his pelvic muscles… Izzy’s dirty talk and the sudden nip caught him off-guard and made a sizable dollop of steaming pre arc out of his tip… flying across the room in a splatter…
And landing right across Sunny’s open, shouting mouth, and nose.

This will either end very bad or very good for their relationship.

A gold glow drew Hitch’s eyes back to Sunny’s forehead, as translucent, crackling magical energy emerged in the shape of a horn from her head… followed by a golden flash of sparkle-filled light and the eruption of Sunny’s wide, magical wingspan… almost painfully outstretched.

Will she at one point grow another magical organ further south, if you know what I mean?

The sheer pressure of Hitch’s ridiculous emission sent Izzy flying off of his thick flare like a bottle rocket, in an obscene fountain of stallion-cum.

Have fun cleaning that up...

There was only a brief interruption as his medial ring abutted her tightness… the impressive donut of his stallionhood was a clear separation between the relatively slender part of his upper shaft and the astonishingly thick growth of the trunk of his base.

Any mare taking all of it will get immense bragging rights!

Hitch wasn’t some animal… the odd tryst he initiated with one of Maretime Bay’s mares were always sensual, slow, often comedic sessions. He was a sucker for a good cuddle…

Such a gentlecolt...

“AAHahnngnhffnnn….” Sunny’s confused, slurred speech betrayed her complete submission… finally her conscious mind had given out, melting completely in surrender to the sheer pleasure and drive of the much larger stallion taking her in a ferocious rut.

Now I wonder: Would Sunny be able to overwhelm an inferior (unicorn/pegasus) stallion the same way as she is being dominated right now?
Or are they always on the submissive side?

Hitch’s nostrils flared, he knew he could smell a mare… an unrutted mare… somewhere nearby. His body was aching for it, his muscles tightening like a drawn bowstring. His nostrils flared, drinking in the heavy air as his ears pivoted left and right… Could this strange stallion be hiding the mare from him?
That’s when the delivery-stallion’s mustache fell off.

Run. Seriously, run.

“Oh… Okay… I’ve never- I mean… I haven’t… O-Opaline said I sh-shouldn’t- AH!” Misty squeaked again as Hitch grasped her by her shoulders and spun her, pressing her up against the door again, only now with him behind her.

What would happen if we introduce Opaline to this scene?
Like, her walking in to check how her assistant is doing? (Not that she would ever do something like this, but whatever.)

Hitch’s mind paused for a moment, the instinctive battlecry interrupted by a final, desperate push from his more modern, sapient consciousness. He couldn’t just… fuck somepony without her consent. He wasn’t a monster.

True. Hopefully she is as willing as he is.

But then I saw Misty. She is easily my very favoritest of the new poners. Can't wait until she is converted to friendship and experiences all the love and attention she truly deserves.


Sunny had used Hitch’s noble self-sacrificing experiments with the powerful, ancient, thaumaturgical force to devise sufficient countermeasures and suppressants to prevent all the other earth-ponies from suffering a similar fate to Sheriff Hitch…

Good, I was already worried about that...

“Yeah, he is a great stallion.” Izzy sighed nodding, before giving a noogie to Misty. “But I think all three of us can agree that we miss that big, fat, COCK.”
“Izzy!” Both Misty and Sunny squeaked at the same time.

They may scream out, but they don't deny it, do they?

Good story!
I enjoyed reading it.

She’d managed to rack up at least ten reports of a ‘suspicious pony’ to the Sheriff’s department.

Pretty sure there'd be at least two hundred or so reports about her...

🧩🐺🐉Loved the story, but I agree with some of the other comments, there needs to be Zipp and Pipp. Maybe a sequel, and maybe a birth seen, just a little suggestion.🧩🐺🐉

“No no no! Gah, jeez, STOP!’ He tried to mash the touchscreen with his nose to close the absolute deluge of pop-ups and spam assaulting him with various ads for ‘ancient shamanic rituals’ and ‘secret modern enlargement medicines. Smashing his face over and over into his phone didn’t seem like the best plan, but his other hoof was busy trying (rather unsuccessfully) to prevent the giant, ebony totem dangling between his legs from becoming a ‘bigger problem’ “Gah, FORGET it!”

Yeah, we’ve all made that mistake Those ancient rituals never work:rainbowlaugh:

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