• Member Since 3rd Feb, 2014
  • offline last seen 55 minutes ago

Marezinger Z

Always looking to learn and enhance my craft as well as share in the fandom fun.


This story is a sequel to All That We Become: The Grand Galloping Gala

It has been a full year since Aurelian, Faye, Aestus and Brayok parted ways to experience this foreign time period for themselves and much has happened. Now, they come together once more to share their experiences as well as what they have learned about the world and themselves. But as soon as they reunite, they part again with Aurelian beginning Celestia's training to pass on his magical skill and knowledge.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to All That We Become: A Part of the Family

It has almost been a year since Aurelian promised to return to begin passing his magical knowledge and ability on to Celestia. With her impending leave to study under the ancient Alicorn on the horizon, she moves the Gala up in schedule in order to have a grand get together to celebrate all that has changed over the past year.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Sunset Hunter

It's summer vacation and Applejack as well as the CMC have taken on a job to renovate an abandoned home so that it can be utilized by a charity organization. The long-forgotten home seems benign enough until the girls are attacked by a series of spirits. Not knowing what else to do, they contact Hunter for help who may just be in over his head on this one. Hunter calls on another agent friend to assist in the matter and find out that their haunting is far more tragic and dangerous than even he imagined.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to All That We Become: I Am the Deep

In spite of how well things have been with Cadence and her family following their reconciliation and newfound bond, Chrysalis is still quite shocked when she is asked to spend the day with Shining Armor and Flurry at the traveling fair. The seemingly benign trip becomes something far more important for both of them as one last awkward wall between the two finally falls.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to All That We Become: A Normal Little Girl

Brayok, the most isolated of the ancient four, has been spending his year apart from his friends exploring the modern oceans. Finding little of the world he knew; he comes across a lone creature in peril that leads him to an underwater metropolis. This new and foreign location leaves Brayok with an unexpected friend and a reunion with a deadly enemy from his past.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to All That We Become: Dragon Renaissance

Cozy Glow has taken to her life in the sea-side city and now she begins her first steps into the world as she starts attending Mariner Elementary. The positives and negatives of her new life work to find balance as she continues to move on from the legacy of her infamy as one of Equestria's greatest villains.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Good Will Hunter

Following the emotional rollercoaster of their first separation due to Hunter's work, the new couple continue to find their footing as normalcy begins to return to their lives. But being a magical pony from another world and a government agent means things rarely stay normal for long. Hunter must deal with a nightmare scenario as another agent with the same skill and talent as himself begins targeting Sunset. The two pit themselves against this new enemy and things only get stranger when the pair learn the identity of their mystery assassin.

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to All That We Become: Between Love and Change

Ember and the Dragons have grown much since Aestus returned to the world. With so much progress made and so much to look forward to, Ember invites friends and royalty from across the world to witness just how far they've come.

Chapters (1)

A mysterious flower sets off a chain of events that brings Wallflower and Sunset closer together and gives Wallflower the courage to make her feelings known.

Written for the SunFlower Shipping Contest

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to All That We Become: A Single Step

The wedding between Cadence And Shining Armor is perhaps one of the most bittersweet moments in recent Equestrian history. A famous union of true love between Princess and Captain of the Royal Guard, tarnished forever by the insidious treachery and assault of one of Equestria's most infamous villains. Even so, time has seen love conquer the bleak moments of the event and the villain of the story on the path to reformation; time though has not healed the deep wound left by the event which is something Celestia is hoping to see done. Chrysalis and Cadence come face to face, with family at their sides, in an effort to both move on.

Chapters (1)