During the night of Rainbow Dash's humiliating performance with the Wonderbolts, Twilight and her friends go and check on her to see if she was alright, only to find out that Rainbow Dash had immediately resigned from her position and flew away home before anypony could stop her.
Determined to convince the crestfallen Pegasus to rejoin the Wonderbolts, Twilight and her friends must do everything in their power to change Rainbow Dash's mind. Can Rainbow Dash forgive the Wonderbolts and try again to live on with her dream, or is the damage to her pride too great for her to be convinced?
AUTHOR'S NOTE: This fic contains spoilers for Newbie Dash. If you have not seen the episode before, then you have the option of watching it before you read this fic. This is a fic about what I think should've happened between Rainbow Dash and the Wonderbolts.
So basically this is just another fixfic/accusation fic? For an episode that was perfectly ok?
7256233 One; yes.
Two; the episode was not okay. It deserved something lower than a C- on Google.
7256246 The episode was fine.
The people complaining about it, like this fic, are just too busy begin stuck on Rainbow Dash being called a name to the point of twisting, if not outright ignoring, context of the episode to fit ridiculous beliefs. That and/or a lack of understanding between different social dynamics.
The whole episode was on Rainbow Dash's head. All the problems caused were makings of her own devices. Not the Wonderbolt's fault.
I actually liked the episode, I also liked this fanfic.
A few missing speech intonations here and there, and we didn't really need Dash's extended exposition about all recent events. But yeah, a good drama filled story so far, and I look forward to seeing it continue.
Catchy username, too.
Well, the episode itself was okay... any kind of fic can be made from it... so I say go for it, "anything goes" as I say in fiction
Well, that was intense. Keep it up :).
Instant like for this story.
Poor, Rainbow, I want to hug her.
7256258 Pfft. Who cares about stupid things like "context" or "logic" or "rational thought" when there's whining to be done? Don't be silly. It's ridiculous to think that the always perfect and humble Rainbow Dash could ever conceivably misunderstand a situation or cause herself problems due to her ego, so obviously it must be the fault of those horrible Wonderbolts. Why, to suggest that there might be any fault on Rainbow's part is nearly as implausible as claiming that Twilight has problems with overthinking things and panicking, or that Fluttershy has problems with anxiety.
7256246 I utterly agree! When Rainbow fell into that Trash Can - and the other 'bolts started laughing - as their Commanding Officer, Spitfire should have immediately turned and barked at them to shut up / quiet! Then she should have immediately ordered / assisted Rainbow out of that Trash Can, something like, "And that's what happens when you don't look before crossing the runway, recruit! Return to Barracks and get yourself cleaned up; be back here in ten!" Spitfire should have immediately reprimanded the team for laughing at Dash, then leaned on Dash as well--to teach, not to humiliate!
Yep, the Wonderbolts are in serious trouble. Oh dear.
'Newbie Dash' isn't the best episode that I've seen, but it's not the worst. Not as offputting as that Mare Do Well episode.
I can understand why Rainbow Dash would be upset: people can be really hurt by some nicknames, particularly if they're connected with past bullying incidents. She could have told Spitfire though, at the start.
The Wonderbolts should have realised that Rainbow was getting upset, but maybe they were used to ponies just accepting their nicknames and not making a fuss. Especially Spitfire. Spitfire does seem to have a habit of not noticing mishaps until they metaphorically blow up in her face. Lightning Dust creating that tornado, nearly abandoning Soarin at Rainbow Falls and believing that note from her 'mother' without really thinking about it, to name a few.
In short, I think that Twilight is right, and Spitfire and Rainbow Dash are both in the wrong.
I like this story! Keep on the good work!
So, the whole "name calling" was merely the straw that broke the camel 's back after so many times Dash chose not to see how unworthy were her idols. Right?
Finally, a story that perfectly speaks my mind after such a stinker episode.
While I've always maintained that Ponyville Confidential is the most mean spirited episode in the series, that dishonour now goes to Newbie Dash, because let's be honest, we've ALL gone through this before in our lives; redeculed at a young age that effects you even into adulthood and can easily cause some form of trauma if brought back by someone (intentionally or otherwise).
There are many things the Wonderbolts have been described as in this episode, but I believe one word suits them to a tee:
The Wonderbolts are Bullies in every sense of the word: they see someone that impresses them, they bring them on board, that person makes a tiny mistake, they take the mick out of them because of it and just to rub salt in wound, they win in end, like all Bullies do.
Thank you for this, you get an upvote and an instant fav.
Thing is, they did know something was bothering her. They openly acknowledged this. Fleetfoot specifically made an effort to make Dash feel better on her first day. Dash responded by brushing her off and not only saying she was fine, but bragging that she would improve their routines. Spitfire flat out told her that she didn't know why Dash was acting so strangely, and then presented her with a Wonderbolts jacket like theirs. Dash responded by asking them to change the jacket. In both cases, she was given a perfect opportunity to tell someone what was really bothering her (in the latter case with almost complete privacy with her CO), and refused to because she's too stubborn and proud to admit what the problem is.
And you can't say "well, they should have known it was about the nickname." Nothing indicates they knew her history with that name, and there were plenty of other explanations for her behavior. She was nervous about her first show, she was nervous about being on a team with her idols, she was wound up about trying to learn their routine at the last minute, she was trying to make up for her earlier mistake. Given that Fleetfoot and Spitfire both talk about her getting used to being on the team, and Rainbow herself tells Spitfire she's just trying to show she can contribute (while not asking about the nicknames even after hearing Soarin's), it's pretty clear they thought it was just nerves. Something that trying to make her feel like part of the team would help with...hence the nickname, and the jacket, and at least a couple of attempts to reassure her.
I'm sorry, but no matter how people try to work it ,Dash was the one at fault here. They never used the nickname in an aggressive way except when she was being inappropriate. They made multiple attempts to reassure her and make her feel included. They gave her multiple openings to discuss her problem. Rainbow blew them off and just kept trying to show how awesome she was. It isn't their fault that she kept refusing to do so. Expecting them to fix a problem that she refuses to tell them is even a problem is ridiculous. And all of this even after specifically opening up to her friends and listening to their advice about how she should treat the Wonderbolts like them...which she then ignored in favor of imitating them.
Honestly, what bothered me most about this episode was how much character regression Dash had to go through just to make it last more than a few minutes, which is about how long it probably would have been if RD had just told the Wonderbolts (or even just Spitfire) what was up.
Yeah, that would have been the right call. She should have told Rainbow what her mistake was and then ordered everyone to knock it off and get back to work. Oh wait...
Huh, funny, that's exactly what she did. But, like with every other blatant example of the Wonderbolts actually being supportive and decent in the episode, people desperately grasping to demonize the Wonderbolts and remove any and all responsibility from Dash seem to conveniently forget any part of the episode that doesn't support that effort.
Also, I'm guessing you don't actually know much about the military. CO's don't jump in and start reprimanding people every time someone gets some light teasing from their squadmates. Hell, getting an embarrassing nickname isn't just something that a CO won't generally reprimand, it's basically an unspoken requirement when you join the team. And frankly, given that Rainbow nearly caused an accident because she ignored a rule she was specifically reminded of not ten minutes earlier and then immediately tried to blame her squadmates for it, as the Commanding Officer Spitfire would have been completely within her rights to dress Dash down right there in front of the team. Instead, she calmly reminded her of the rule and told everyone to get back to work.
The Wonderbolts aren't bullies in any sense of the word. Nearly causing an accident on a runway because you carelessly ignore a rule that you were reminded of just ten minutes ago is hardly "a tiny mistake." Not to mention that she immediately followed that mistake by attempting to blame her squadmates for it. The fact that she didn't receive any retaliation save for a silly nickname was pretty freaking good-spirited of them after that stunt. Never mind that friendly teasing with a mild jibe (based partially in truth) is hardly "bullying," and actually quite common among friends. Especially in the military and on sports teams.
But hey, let's say that it is bullying. Based on your reasoning, the Wonderbolts were only giving Rainbow Dash a taste of her own medicine, given that she's been doing the exact same thing to Twilight since season one. Or are we just pretending that Rainbow hasn't repeatedly teased Twilight about her nerdy tendencies by calling her an "egghead" now? I find it funny that everyone jumping to Rainbow's defense against that oh-so-horrible nickname seem to conveniently forget that Rainbow displays that exact same behavior herself on plenty of occasions.
So either we assume that blatantly friendly teasing between friends and squadmates isn't bullying and the Wonderbolts weren't being bullies, or we assume that it is bullying and that Rainbow is a bully that's just on the receiving end of the bullying this time.
Agreed it was the worst season 6 episode with AppleJack's Day Off being close now. Right now this is better than the episode and it should have been 2 parts because this should've happened cause it probably would've been decent if this happened. Tracked it and hope this story continues. Be careful if you're doing the Anon-A-Miss story soon because there's a pretty good amount of them already.
7256258 Completely agreed.
Congrats on the feature! "4th from the bottom)
Celestia. I hate the Wonderbolts and I REALLY wish Rainbow Dash didn't join.
However, in the episode 'Newbie Dash' Rainbow Dash and the Wonderbolts both did something wrong in my opinion, but mostly Rainbow was at Falt.
To me the Womderbolts are useless and are not needed in Equestria. Every time we see them they don't help at all, sometimes they just make things worse.
This story made me cry twice and I can't wait to read more.
7257579 I once saw this video "Glass of Water: Down with Celestia" that hints at Celestia being no better than the Wonderbolts in terms of helping throughout Equestria when she might be needed. Even my own princess OC who isn't even a 'royal' princess would make a better leader now that I've seen that video and it further fueled my reasons to deem Celestia the worst character in the series.
As for the Wonderbolts, I had been under the impression that they were too prideful and possibly Mary-sued since Season 4's "Rainbow Falls". What a joke. I personally think that Rainbow Dash should form her own squad called the Rainbolts and have them rival the Wonderbolts to show what true championship is all about. Believe me, I know what true championship is all about. I went there. Once.
7257444 Thank you. And don't worry, my Anon-a-Miss story will be different than all the rest. I'm adding a little something extra in the story.
Eh, no. Just no. To be honest, I find myself agreeing with the Wonderbolts more then I do with Dash. This is a very good example of Strawman Has a Point. I'm a Rainbow Dash fan, but in my opinion any problems in the episode were on her and her alone. As far as I could see, none of the Wonderbolts actually knew why the name they gave her was so bad.
7257503 Thank you so much for pointing that out! That made my day!
7257648 I'll have Fluttershy and Twilight talk more about this to Spitfire soon.
Based on those standards Celestia, Luna, and even the Mane 6 generally useless and unnecessary in Equestria. Most of the early episodes (and plenty of the later ones) involve them learning a lesson because of a problem they caused in the first place. Like many of the other background and support characters, the Wonderbolts might not really help all that much, but when it comes to actively causing problems or making them worse the M6 have an edge over pretty much everyone except for the antagonists. And even the antagonists have managed to do some good now and then.
I mean, just look at where this line of reasoning leads us: If we're judging their value to Equestria based solely on their rate of solving problems versus causing them/worsening them (relative to their screen time), Flash Sentry has a better record than the M6. He's not even in Equestria, and I hesitate to even describe him as a "character" rather than a blank piece of cardboard, but he actually has a 100% record of being useful (proving Twilight was framed) versus causing problems (none, save for when under the influence of the Sirens) across three full films.
Down this path, only madness awaits.
more please.
When I said 2 parts I meant the episode, just thought I clear that up.
I'm still waiting for someone to actually make the Wonderbolts point out everything Rainbow Dash did wrong in this episode in one of these rant-fics.
I'm sorry if that hurt anyone with common sense and a spine.
Exactly. I don't even have to read the fic to know this. It even seems to become more common lately, this trend of "Man, this episode sucks so much, I write it better and show how it should be!".
The fact that those accusations, as well as the fics some write based on them, always come from people who just don't understand an episode of the show and who are too lazy to use their brains doesn't make matters better.
I'm starting to think that there should be a rule made here against such fics. Fanfics that get written for the purpose to pick the show apart or to let the author feel superior over the writer of the episode shouldn't be a thing.
Thanks for writing those comments. Very elaborate and greatly explained.
Good to see that there's still some common sense left in this fandom.
Edit: I love it how that group there on the right openly admits that fics like this were written for every single episode when the author felt that a character was too mean and that such fics are written because of hatred of episodes. This group basically screams "Don't take us seriously, we are just entitled pricks who write our own episodes!"
You guys just don't get the pain that everybody went through upon viewing Rainbow's humiliating experience. The Wonderbolts should be brought to justice for what they did. I mean, obviously you're supposed to feel bad for Rainbow—just look at the cover! See how unhappy she is? If you don't like fave and follow right now, you support the murder of babies.
Right. Equestria should bring the stakes back into use. It worked fine for all those pesky scientists who didn't believe in magic a thousand years ago, it can work now too!
Spitfire? More like Spit-on-fire, amirite?
Exactly. And not to forget Soarin' Flame.
Roarin' Flame. And Fleetsoot.
When you gonna update?
7259208 When I get to it. I only published the story yesterday.
7259331 well i hope its soon this is good.
This is actually a pretty good fic. It analyzes both sides of the argument, Spitfire and Dash's, and calls out both their problems with the unbiased view of Twilight. Not only that, it doesn't destroy Dash's character like the actual episode did.
"Your broken arm doesn't make my broken leg feel any better." The WB's nicknames don't matter. Dash has had to carry around this baggage for a long time. Yes she should've just said something, but that point has past now and her view of her dream team has been too tarnished to bear. This feels really well done. It could work as a sad oneshot, but I'm glad its not. i can't wait for more.
(Also, while I agree the episode was bad,I think it pales in comparison to the shitpile that is Mare-Do-Well. We all have that one episode, ya know?)
What really scares me is that people are more concerned over Rainbow Dash being called names than her destroying government property, which she said would cause a drought, all so she wouldn't lose Tank for a few months. That episode murdered her character and it wasn't until this one that I could take her seriously as a character again. Not to mention all the problems with this episode were her fault (I'm gonna cross without looking, I'm going to imitate my friends because I have zero brains, I'm going to change up the Wonderbolts formation then bitch out at the last minute because YOU CAN'T UNDERSTAND THE CRAWLING IN MY SKIN). Where does this pity train end? What happened to standards?
Good one! What do we make of Misty Fly?
Also, since I just came across this, here's a, hopefully deterrent, example of maximum, entitled fandom whining:
7260289 It's because Rainbow Dash is considered to be the most awesome of the main six (I personally think other five are way more awesome than her). Rainbow Dash is the fandom's darling. Think about it. She's a lot of people's favorite/best pony. So if someone mocks or criticize her in the show or real life then the fandom will rip them to shreds and villainized them in fanfics. Of course when she does or says something wrong, no one bats an eye. Hell, most fans will justified and defend her terrible characterizations and actions by saying "Oh, that's just our Rainbow Dash for you!"
7261368 I don't think people really care about something if they don't criticize it. The Sonic series has been criticized heavily for years now because the games could be amazing but Sega simply wants to make a quick buck nowadays, made worse considering Colors and Generations were pretty decent and then things just went back downhill from there. Devil May Cry is just RIP thanks to the insanely idiotic choices with DmC along with Capcom's inability to complete their games and piss off fans, and Megaman's only real chance for surviving is through a game not even about him in any way besides developers: Gunvolt. Starlight Glimmer still gets shit on because she represents everything about how to not write a character, including being better at some ponies special talents for no reason, being super strong for no reason, having a backstory so cringe worthy that it might as well be bad fanfiction written by Helen Keller while inebriated as fuck, and the excuses her supporters come up with is purely "we haven't seen enough yet". You want to write a terrible character not a single person on the planet can relate to, do it outside of the canon. Forcing characters people do not like into something is how you lose viewers, the same happens when you turn a character into something you would never expect...AIN'T THAT RIGHT, MARVEL?
Uh huh...
Season 1. Episode 4. Applebuck Season. End of Episode Twilight levitates a bunch of apples off multiple trees easily.
Twilight Sparkle
Was Amending Fences over a 15~20+ year period. People loved Amending Fences.
Season 6. Episode 7. Starlight Glimmer made a cake faster than Pinkie Pie or the Cakes ever could because that type of joke on this type of character is totally appropriate.
Because what is the Magic element that we've watched grow over five years ascended to alicorn as opposed to one hundred and twenty minutes of hating cutie marks?
I don't recall Moondancer forcing ponies to accept her ideology, stealing their cutie marks because she didn't want them to leave so she wouldn't need to make an effort to contact them in any way shape or form, or risking the lives of EVERYONE despite being shown what not could but would happen if she didn't stop.
I'm well aware that she made that cake. It doesn't change the fact that Twilight Sparkle basically could outpick AJ easily with her magic. So hating on her for something like that but not Twilight is ridiculous.
So just because Twilight Sparkle is the most powerful we've seen suddenly that means she's the most powerful magically, period? Totally not like there isn't a whole huge world full of people who could have large magical talent or training their magic to high degrees. And don't assume just because she's the former Element of Magic wielder that it makes her #1. That sounds like headcanon.
First, you're confusing the present with her backstory.
Second, Moondancer was seperated from Twilight for like 1-2 years as adults. Sunburst and Starlight were split for 15+ years (from children to adults), meanwhile Moondancer still had Minuette, Twinkleshine, Lemon Hearts and sometimes Lyra coming up to Canterlot even if she hid away. Who did Starlight have that we know of.
Third, Moondancer did not attempt to contact them either. Twilight also completely forgot about her as well.
Lastly, the Season Finale was not done because of Sunburst but more because Twilight and her friends came and fucked up what she was building up and she attempted to break up their friendship as revenge.
If they were going for the "hurr this person can be better than this person at what this person does because laughs" joke, Starlight is the last character it should be used on with how little was and still is presented.
Six seasons and the most we've gotten was dragons and Starlight Glimmer with zero explanation for it. You can't expect a character to be accepted as powerful if it isn't revealed how they became that way. Especially when they had so much bloody time to establish it but focused on quickly forgotten fanfic fuel and Edgy Dash instead.
She had Sunburst, and just let him leave her life. She just stood in the doorway and watched him leave with tears brimming. If I saw something or someone being taken away from me that I held dear at her age, I'd drop everything and run to get it or them back. Maybe if she was calling for him and tried to get to him but ultimately failed and then couldn't see him for years, I'd believe it. If her inability to do anything to get to him then was because she was a filly, I'd believe it. But there wasn't anything. She was free to run out there, ask Starburst where he's going, and stay in contact from there. There's just too many holes for the way she ended up to make any sense.
And she tried her damned hardest to get back into Moondancer's good graces all episode. Also Moondancer didn't really consider them to be friends so much as acquaintances until Twilight made peace with her.
And risked killing everyone despite being shown what would happen if she did not stop. All pity for this character was lost when she started to tear that scroll. Now the only comfort that I get from her existence is Twilight becoming a bitch in No Second Prances, because at least then Starlight is finally in the right in how no one in Ponyville wanted to be her friend except Trixie, whom is also hurt by how things began to unravel with one wrong thing said after another. You know what? I think I am severely disappointed in Twilight Sparkle, but not for the reason you listed. Twilight had absolutely no intention of letting Starlight be friends with her until she fucked up. The worst Trixie ever did was be corrupted by the Alicorn Amulet, which only occurred because two extremely stupid colts woke up an Ursa Minor so that Trixie could "best it". Her home was destroyed, her life was ruined, she just took it out on the wrong pony. Starlight nearly destroyed the world just to cause Twilight pain, and Twilight trusts her over Trixie who was legitimately trying to be Starlight's friend? And shortly after when Starlight runs out of the stage in tears, she tries to pass the whole blame on to Trixie immediately?! If Celestia knew, she'd be so ashamed.
Season ONE. Episode FOUR. Barely knew anything about Twilight at this point in time other than she was a powerful unicorn who was just starting to learn about friendship after being lonely/anti-social for a long time. Sounds like another unicorn. Just drop this point because its hypocritical to hold it against Starlight and not hold it against Twilight.
The list of many fictional works and characters would love to disprove the hell out of you. Here let me list an incredibly popular contemporary work.
One Piece: Gold Roger and Whitebeard. Two characters from that series that people accepted but no one needed to see or complained about how they got to be the two most powerful characters in the series.
What you are saying is literally a Frog in the Well scenario. Just because you do not see the rest of the world does not mean it does not exist. There are probably a good amount of people in the MLP universe who have large magical potential just like Twilight and Starlight or have at least trained to be amazing but just because we don't see them does not mean they do not exist or can't be powerful.
First is my skepticism. You could say that you would've done that NOW but back at that age. Ehhh.
Second. Even if you would have you seem to forget something.
You are not Starlight and Starlight is not you.
Don't get the idea twisted that because that's what YOU would do is the same thing EVERYONE else would do. People are individuals and can react to the same situations differently.
It only took being reminded that Moondancer, Lyra, Minuette, Twinkleshine, and Lemon Hearts even existed by an offhand comment by Spike like 1~2 years canonically after series started. Twilight would've just kept going for awhile forgetting they ever existed. Totally not like Lyra and Minuette aren't in Ponyville often. Or that Twilight has visited Canterlot several times in the course of the series before Amending Fences.
5 people that we know of outside of Celestia, Cadance and her family that even wanted to spend time around Twilight and she couldn't even remember they existed.
At this point you're just doing the same thing as this fic aren't you. Just latching onto one thing about said character (Rainbow Falls) and proceeding to bitch about them relentlessly and refusing to give them any chance while twisting anything they do to make them look as horrible as you possibly can?
We weren't introduced to Twilight being this mysterious dictator who forced ponies to be her friends because of her messed up ideals. We were introduced to a mare who thought having friends was *GASP* unnecessary. She is then told to go make some friends in Ponyville, she meets the five, adorability ensues, shit happens, they save Luna etc etc etc. They hardly sound alike.
Only saw a few episodes, all of which took place with Sanji and that ship that was sliced in two. I do not remember much else unless I look at the official wiki...ah, one is the guy in the opening and the other is a guy that can match him.
It does not exist until it appears in the show, and if it's done extremely poorly then they need to do something about it if they're adamant on keeping it there. Hence why I'm very slowly learning to accept Starlight because her reasons for being who she is are starting to become believable and her character an actual character.
And extremely grateful of it.
I have a hard time believing someone would just stand there and let something happen when all they had to do was simply move. What was stopping her? What??
And she feels bad enough to make amends regardless. Or it could be Hasbro making shit up.
I can't feel sorry for the past that Starlight Glimmer when I've found far too many flaws with it. I will accept the character she is becoming, but how she started and ended in Season 5 will always be shit to me. I can't understand how anyone would or could defend her outside of the fact that she is a cute cartoon horse. That's my viewpoint of the whole thing. Forgive but don't forget, something the writers are becoming aware of in every episode with her so far.
To Hell With The Wonderbolts!!