• Member Since 18th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen June 27th



This story is a sequel to Nightmare Moon's Tiny Adversary

Twilight Sparkle is a one-kilogram pony, shrunken by Princess Celestia following her entrance exam to the Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns to ensure that her power surges would not pose a danger to the ponies around her.

She’s spent thirteen years full of hard training at her new size, facing the life-threatening experiences that came with living in a world of giants. To survive those thirteen years of hardship and joy, of learning and adventure, and of pride and humility, Twilight has challenged herself to become stronger, to overcome any obstacle.

After defeating Nightmare Moon with the help of her friends and the princesses, Twilight is ready to start a new chapter of her life in Ponyville. What kind of secrets and surprises await the little but powerful unicorn? Will this eventful town survive such an unpredictable citizen?

List of editors:
Top editors:

Zecora lines editor:

Luna lines editor: (helped a lot with old Equestiran)

Pre-reader (pointing out issues and giving suggestions how to improve the story):

Seconary editors:
Pump+It+Up - some of Pinkie Pie's setences

If I forgot to add someone due to a long time that has passed, please PM me.

Chapters (45)
Comments ( 1834 )

And so it begins. Stories of to a great start, loving it so far.

Fairly sure it was more the excitement than the sweets that Overwatch is running off.

Sooooooooo... Twinycorn is coming faster than 3 seasons ? Or just longer buildup ? And the bi-magical nature of Rainbow and AJ is interesting... :3

Nice that you like it, though the next chapter wasn't be of as high quality and will have a bit less Overwatch and Steel Blade in them. I hope it won't be too much of an issue if it means faster updates.



I won't tell you any spoilers about Twinycorn. As for AJ and Dash's magic, it is just the tip of the icebeard I planned. You will be surpriced.

me thinks Twinycorn is about to pop out in a grand away i betting, during the gala, something going to happen and she become an alicorn some how

7023217 dont worry so much about the decrease in quality that might be there like i said in a previous comment the readers will help spot any errors

I suspect the Elements of Harmony.
Also, I find it slightly interesting that the elements were used by two alicorns first, and then by two Earth ponies, two unicorns, and two pegasi, which equates to two alicorns.

Seriously, Overwatch and Steel need to just get together already. They're already practically married, just without all the fun bits. And I still think Overwatch is a changeling.

7023349 Is there really any doubt at this point? It was practically confirmed by the response to my previous comment.

I didn't notice it, but yea, first two alicorns, than 2 unicorns, 2 pegasi and 2 earth ponies. Quite fitting.
Except when Celestia used them against Nightmare Moon on her own, but it backfired.

If it makes you feel better, think of their time spend in Ponyville as a second honeymoon. Lol.

I always love it when tia's brought to task for her conniving treacherous ways

yay another story of Twiny and her crazy adventures.

i wonder how Chrysalis gonna react when she sees Twiny when the wedding chapter eventually comes.

Shifting uncomfortably in his sleep, Spike rolled over on his side and belched. The resulting contrite apology letter, done ten seconds before the deadline, and five golden tickets fluttered to the ground, wedging themselves behind the bed and outside of Twilight's sight.

Urgh, please no, not misunderstanding and miscommunication drama. It's just so... tired and overdone...

Great chapter. Hope Twilight finds the tickets before the canon incident with the tickets. Or at least it's counterpart in this story. I wonder how Rainbow Dash will react when she tries to teach Twilight about the pegasus magic she just found out that Twilight has, and Twilight tells her about the wonder bolts teaching her. And especially about the spell that gives her wings, and turns most of her magic into pegasus magic. At least she will have

A new flying buddy! Awesome!

. Looking forward to the next chapter.


I always love it when tia's brought to task for her conniving treacherous ways

I am sure you're not the only one. Though to be fair, Celestia usually means well. It's just in her nature to act that way whenever tutoring others.

That's waaaaaay ahead.


Urgh, please no, not misunderstanding and miscommunication drama. It's just so... tired and overdone...

Maybe, but it still tends to be funny for some. Though in this case it is less of a miscommunication and more of a poor luck. Celestia in her haste didn't accound for Spike being asleep and Twilight not noticing the letter.

That actually is as close to admitting it as Mr. Authorman has come, but it's pretty much a tradition for me to call her a changeling at every opportunity at this point I've been saying it for so long. Though his response to yours is still accurate and legitimate even if she's not a changeling, so it still doesn't confirm anything, lol.

That would make me feel better, but not as good as just having them actually get together would make me feel. :P

Its here?!

Now to reread all of the other stories once again.

At least fix them first, lolz, rofl,roflzzz!

Loving the series.

I hope twilight spends some time with Rainbow Dash refining her Pegasus transformation (what will Rainbow think of it? How will it effect the Mane 6 attending the young flyers competition?)

On the subject of AppleJack and Rainbow having both earth and Pegasus magic, is it something to do with them being bearers of the Elements of Harmony? Or that Earth magic is common in all ponies? If it's the first, do the others have the same abilities and if so do they have Unicorn magic or will they develop it? If it's the second, is the fact Twilight has additional Pegasus magic due to her use of the transformation spell, and will that extra magic dissipate or grow? is the presence of all three in Twilight a sign of her potential to be an Alicorn?

Does Twilight plan on creating a spell that allows Earth and Pegasus ponies to use Unicorn magic? Would she also make one for Earth magic (could a sub plot be that the Earth spell is not popular or a secret spell for those Celestia chooses to teach to be Alicorns? Most ponies not thinking there's anything special about the use of Earth magic. The harmonious use of all three magics being a requirement for accession.)

I see that Celstria is having trouble being honest. But understandable given the length of time she has had to rule alone (Luna being banished whilst Cadnice shred away from ruling. Thankfully Luna is now here to help her. I hope that we'll see more of Luna, it has always miffed me that she is not shown much in the first two series.

Speaking of Cadnice, what plans do you have regarding her relationship with Shining Armour? Given that in this fic she is far older than him by several centuries and will out live him? Maybe have him ascending using Twilights transformation spells?

Given Raity's canon reason for wanting to go to the gala was to meet Blue blood will Twilight offer any advice to her friend?

Great story. I can't wait for the next update.

Minor bleedover of inherent natural magics at a level that is visible when illuminated via scanning spells? If this was caused by usage of the Elements of Harmony, then with each subsequent use in the future, it will only become stronger until, theoretically, all six Element Bearers ascend into Alicorn status. Interesting idea...

If'n Twiny guesses th' Elements migh' 'ave sommat t' do with it, be only a ma'er o' time. It's great t' see 'er in action again.

Why am I picturing the poison joke episode being much more hilarious when Applejack goes mini. And just a thought what if the poison joke makes Twi the size of celestia...


Now to reread all of the other stories once again.

Have fun.

Twilight gets distracted very easy.
I better fix my fractured bones... wait, what was I going to do? Oh yes, research!


On the subject of AppleJack and Rainbow having both earth and Pegasus magic, is it something to do with them being bearers of the Elements of Harmony?

Earth pony magic not only boost strength, endurance and stamina, but also affect earth and plants, making them grow faster and with fruits of greater quality. It is something pegasi and unicorns cannot replicate ( at least until Twilight manage to find a spell that can turn other pony into an earth pony, also transporting their magic, but we already saw that the spell isn't perfect ), As for the rest, I cannot answer to avoid spoilers.

Thankfully Luna is now here to help her. I hope that we'll see more of Luna, it has always miffed me that she is shown much in the first two series.

Don't worry. I plan on having Celestia and Luna have their own subplot apperances. They will be more rare and in between, but still happen often enough to give them some screentime.

Given Raity's canon reason for wanting to go to the gala was to meet Blue blood will Twilight offer any advice to her friend?

That's going to be a surprice. You'll see.


Minor bleedover of inherent natural magics at a level that is visible when illuminated via scanning spells? If this was caused by usage of the Elements of Harmony, then with each subsequent use in the future, it will only become stronger until, theoretically, all six Element Bearers ascend into Alicorn status. Interesting idea...

Twilight detect 3 types of magic in herself, just like an alicorn, however her two friends have only two, so the outcome isn't as clear as you think.


Why am I picturing the poison joke episode being much more hilarious when Applejack goes mini. And just a thought what if the poison joke makes Twi the size of celestia...

It definitively will play in very unique way.

Oooh. Interesting development. Can't wait for the next chapter!

so I have attached two tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala for you and any friend you wish to bring.

Jumping right in are we?

favourited, liked, now to actually start reading.

I wish there were plushies of Tiny Twily. Hehe I just pictured RD snuggling a tiny plush of Twily wearing a Wonderbolt uniform. after all she technically IS one

Good you are starting to put the chapters, this story is really cool.:pinkiehappy:
I give you already a like.:pinkiesmile:

Not to take it the wrong way, but I'm in all honesty still amazed in a positive way that this isn't some kind of fetish porn thing. I don't know what that says about this place. I've been seeing this around every so often, but I never really thought to check any closer. "Thumbelina" by way of pony sounds pretty adorable, though. I'll be giving the original story a look one of these days.

Whatever do you mean?

I hope it will deserve those.

In Little Medic sidestory, I think there were some Twiny's merchs in Manehattan. They probably didn't reach Ponyville yet, lol.

Didn't you participate in editing it? I hope you won't spoil anything.

I won't spoil anything, don't worry about that.:derpytongue2:

Nice chapter, good length too. :twilightsmile:

7024240 oh man... this comment almost had me pee myself in laughter...

I like that she is getting closer friends with the apples quicker than canon but I am dieing to see the hyjinks when she studies pinkie's brand of magic.

wait... isn't this an older story? is this a re-write?

edit: oh wait, nvm. I'm just getting confused because every story in this series has the same starting description.

7023869 oh gosh, I cannot WAIT for that episode!

7024611 nope. the other story had it's name changed. this is story #3

7023358 So far there has only been speculation about Overwatch being a changeling, besides the only way for Overwatch to be confirmed as a changeling at this point, is if she somehow reverted to her original form. However, if Overwatch actually was a changeling, wouldn't Celestia, Steel Blade, or Twilight know of it by now, and informed the other two? It has only been at least thirteen years.


Only time will tell if the futures spell will hold a force of kind, but in our time I feel a bind, as she hold the magic of three. Will she hold the matters bold or be lost in the cold, but her story is yet to unfurl for our mar is just bigging to uncurl, and as I said in times of dread, the hope is futures last wish.

Nice to see you reach this new milestone in your continuing story of twiny, looking forward to reading all of it.

Thanks for sticking to this series, it's brought me a lot of joy to read it.

I'm betting right now that the elements of harmony are the reason they all have magic of all 3 races

Are we going to see Twinycorn soon???

Great start, I especially loved seeing how Earth Pony magic works, it was wonderful to read and I hope Twiny can help Apple Bloom learn to do the same. Heck, I can see her advising each of the Crusaders with their tribal magic. And when Flim and Flam show up, I hope AJ says that her family has put their hearts and souls into every apple on their farm and there's no way she'll let the brothers tarnish that legacy.

Out of curiosity, can Twiny examine the Zap Apple Trees and try to figure those out????

*reminded *So now Twilight can return to her normal 3-ish foot size whenever she wants. Reminds me of the Monsters Vs. Aliens TV series

Woona's being real critical, as a lot of people are of Celestia. I await the day everyone reads Friends Forever Issue 3 and learn of the simple yet accurate motivation behind all of Celestia's seemingly 'trolling' habits.

Big Mac - earth
Rainbow Dash - pegasus, earth
Applejack - earth, pegasus
Twilight - unicorn, pegasus, earth
I guess I'll have to wait to see what you do with that

Love the twinyverse.
Still think Overwatch is a changeling.

It will take a while before Twilight gets there. There's so much stuff to cover, more than you can even imagine.

That's Fluttershy's speciality.

Sorry about the confusion.

You will have you wait quite a bit I am afraid.

Nope :eeyup:
It is the sequel.

Glad you enjoy it. Sorry for the long delay.

Bet's on

I cannot answer about Twilycorn. As for crusaders, you will need to wait quite long before their ark will take place.

Out of curiosity, can Twiny examine the Zap Apple Trees and try to figure those out????

Twilight already have a lot of research to do as it is. We'll see.

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