Twilight Sparkle isn't feeling too well, and it is up to Princess Celestia to nurse her back to health. It would be a simple task, if not for the fact that her student was thirteen years old with an uncontrollable amount of magic.
To make matters worse, six years ago Celestia was forced to shrink Twilight to 1/100th of her size so that her untamed magic wouldn't be a threat to Equestria. She would have to remain tiny until she would learn how to control her enormous power.
But surely a two millenia old alicorn with enough magic to destroy a small mountain can handle her littlest, fragile and most magical subject... right... right?
This sidestory takes place between chapters 4 and 5 in Celestia's Tiny Student.
Special thanks for pre-reading to ambion, I took some inspiration from his story called melt, worth checking it out for additional dose of cuteness.
List of editors, thanks for fixing grammar guys, you did a great job:
Solstice+Shimmer and Word Worthy
So cute.
Also, apparently (potential) changelings are at least carriers of the flue.
Love it
Nice fluffy fluff. I just love the Twinyverse.
We Did It Guys, We Did It We Taught Them Something!
Very cute! Enjoyed the D'awwwwws
What do you mean?
I have this adorable image of li'l Twi playing chess now.
was this a rewrite? I could swear reading this story before
I don't think I've seen anything like this before!
Check both "New Stories" and the feature box.
A carrot with a mustache. Brilliant, absolutely brilliant!
She sure would have a lot of troubles seeing the entire battlefield, unless she would sit on Overwatch's or Spike's head to play the chess from the higher ground, levitating the figures with her magic. This is probably how she play every board-game.
No, it is original story, though I can understand why it seems familiar. It takes place in "Celestia's Tiny Student" between chapter 4 and 5, so Twiny may seems familiar.
In ch7, Cadence and Twilight play board-game with each other, while in ch8, there is a large snowball war, so I can understand why it seems a bit similar.
A bit snow to cover Celestia's body, and she will be the most hilarious snowman ever.
Twiny's back!
Oh god, that is the cutest mental image.
What's this? Overwatch making a stupid decision? So it does happen!
Although why do I feel like she won't uphold her end of the bargain?
Canterlot would become Canternot
Twilight just stands in the Princess's square herself.
*sees cover pic*
Read a Title call Twiny's Flu?
See Cover
That was a decent portion of hilarity when twi was unintentionally screwing with tia's face, I had to take five to calm down from laughing to hard.
Pretty good read for a short, insider, bit of story.
Any hints as to whats going on with the Twiny vs N.M.M. story?
I think she will at least try to uphold it, though do she last half a year is up to debate.
It wouldn't be that bad. Though I can imagine that the castle would need some major repairs afterwards.
She probably would.
My top editor is very busy so the editing is practically stuck. I fear I will need to find more editors to help out with the sequel, and the quality will drop a bit.
Who knew all you had to do to increase the absolute "D'aaaaaaw!" by 1000% was to scale down one of the characters to the size of a mouse!
"Well, now that Twilight's finally asleep, I'll go deal with that mountain that Fillydelphia petitioned to have removed."
Also, typo ("ironical" should be "ironic").
It wouldn't exacly work on its own. If a character is scaled down to such size, they need a much larger and carrying pony to interact with. The best candidates for it are "Celestia", "Cadence" and "Fluttershy."
Leveling up a mountain would probably take her a month, as alicorns need a lot of time to recharge their powerful magic, but she would have no trouble leveling up a hill or remove large obstacles. This sure would improve the mood of the princess as her magic most likely begs her to be unleased on something.
Uhhh... What is the best order? Read this story and the new chapter you posted on Celestia tiny student or the inverse?
Chapter on "Celestia's Tiny Student" is just a fragment on this story with link on to this one in the author notes.
The reason I did it was to show thoses who faved "tiny student" that there is a sidestory and what they can expect in it, so they can decide if it is worth checking. So my advice would be to read this one-shot since you're already here.
It was good to read.
So this is basically ambion's Melt done in your universe?
To be honest, I planned to write this story long time ago, so I made a blog about it to ask for people's opinions. I don't remember who, but someone mentioned for me to read "melt" to get some inspiration.
While "Ambion" pre-read mystory and gave me many advices how to expand it, I wouldn't say that it is his version of this story in Twinyverse,
Twiny is STILL popular and going strong! Here's hoping to seeing more stories about her soon!
I hear ya, I can't even keep one reader, they all keep dying out sometime in. The last one didn't even start. I might as well just forget about proofing and post them as is otherwise getting just one story proofed will be impossible.
This story is so sweet, Twiny is so adorable!
You may be clever, but I see through your guise. I know your plan, you are trying to murder us all with your weapons grade cute stories. I might not be able to stop your rampage of adorableness induced diabetes heart attacks, but one day your warm and fluffy evil plans will be stopped!
Who am I kidding, please continue your evil plans of mass d'awwwstruction.
That was adorable
cute story bro!
If Twilight was full size, then rest in peace Canterlot.
But surely a two millennia old alicorn with enough magic to raise a small mountain can handle her littlest, fragile and most magical subject... right... right?
Not really all that strong. For 171 upvotes, I got 12 downvotes. This ended up as the highest downvote to upvote story I ever uploaded, and I have no idea what I did wrong to upset so many readers.
The war is far form over. If only I will manage to get an editor as skilled as Kydois with more editing time, I will be able to unleast my secret weapon of everyone's demise. The sequel to Nightmare's Tiny Adversary.
The issue is that editing alone isn't going to cut it as Kydois provided impresive proof-reading and improved the flow of the story, so for now it is still greatly delayed.
Nah, I think the princess would be able to deal with it. Though I can already tell that the castle would need to be evacuated, while the princess would need to fix it over and over. At least until the flu would be over. Alternative would be for Celestia to take Twilight into a diferent location. I suppouse Crystal Mountains doesn't have an Empire or anything, however the point is to heal Twilight from flu, and cold temperature wouldn't help the matter. Alternative would be Everfree Forest, though Celestia would end up protecting living there monsters from Twilight's surges.
Why do you want "raze a mountain" to be replaced with "raise a mountain" ?
It doesn't really makes sense
Raze doesn't make any sense either.
It would make sense if she could raise a small mountain instead. Since raze and raise sound exactly the same as well.
6876610 Not to mention I brainfarted during the entirety of this entire spiel. I guess Raze and Raise could do well either way. Though, personally I would've put decimate.
Very cute and heartwarming story. :)
Was kinda hoping Celestia would start sneezing by the end, even more hilarity.
I would offer my services, but I would probably just read it and forget to improve the flow.
I thought "raze" means "level to the ground" or "destroy until only flat ground remains" or something like that.
For alicorn to catch flu, they need to use almost all of their magic and be in cold enviroment with a source of infection. Unless they are weakened, Celestia won't become sick.
But yes, it would be a silly ending.
DId this happened when you were editing for someone else?
6877827 It does mean that, but most people don't know what 'raze' means. :\
I guess I should rephrase that. My friend is an aspiring writer, however, his stroies can not clear moderation on this site without heavy formatting. So he sends his mess of a story to me and I do the formatting, fix the grammar and minor edits to wording because I'm not allowed to do anything else. He then credits me as an editor while at best I'm proofreading it. The real shame is that the stories have wonderful concepts behind them, but. . . Well, let's say I'm getting him writing classes for Christmas.
However, I'm down to try my best, after finals that is.
You are entirely correct on that.
6878070 thats a rather rude assumption im pretty sure that the majority of people know what raze means. Im pretty sure anyone who paid attention in english class knew what raze means
6893168 That's ironic, because I've taken accelerated English in the past and I still didn't know what it meant.
6893534 i learned what raze meant in 3rd grade
Congratulations, you're boasting. I'm going to walk away from this conversation now because we're arguing over a pointless word.
6894373 i wasnt boasting but call it what you want if you didnt want to continue the convo you should have left my last post well enough alone
6894491 I renounce my previous statement. I would've left on a happy note, but that comment seemed extremely ill-typed. Sir, I would've left it alone, but something that is clearly boasting.
6894613 I also just realized that two lunar people are arguing. And I had the munchies. Sorry.
Yay, more Twiny! It's always cute seeing Twiny and Celestia together. Also, looks like certain maybe-'lings are quite able to catch a bug from a pony, and spread it to others.