• Member Since 18th Jul, 2012
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Sweetolebob18 injury · 8:23am Mar 12th, 2021

Sweetolebob18 was a top proof-reader of Tails or Innocence and Tails of Sacrefice. Two months ago, he had a car accident, and now he require 6500 $ for knee operation, which he can't affod.

I can't afford to help myself, but if any of you is capable of assisting him in anyway, I am certain he will be most grateful.

I deeply appologise for using this blog for this kind of message.

Report CommanderX5 · 1,229 views ·

Chapter 15 - Two small scene changes · 10:57pm Aug 29th, 2020

Hello everyone. Just wanted to inform you that based on feedback from "RebelRogue12" and with his help, I altered two scenes.

It is nothing much, but thought I should inform you regardless. Added stuff is marked in bold:

Scene one:

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Report CommanderX5 · 762 views ·

Scene change - Celestia's motivation - Feedback needed · 6:59pm Aug 24th, 2020

Hello all fans of this story. Due to high controversy regarding Celestia's actions and received feedback, I decided to expand on Celestia's scene to give better reasoning behind her actions.

Sure, what she did is still a desperate and bold move, but I hope what I added will make it more understandeable and improve quality of the story.

Added scene is marked in bold:

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Report CommanderX5 · 477 views ·

Scene change - Kyuubi's injury - Feedback needed · 7:34pm Aug 23rd, 2020

Hello everyone.

Considering the feedback, I came to conclusion that the scene where Shining Armor injured Kyuubi seemed more harsh and more intentional than I intended, so I decided to add minor changes.
Also, it was pointed out to me that tails don't bleed, so I decided to adress it as well.

Here is the altered scene, changed as marked in bold:

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Report CommanderX5 · 366 views ·

I appologize for the delay in updating · 12:25pm Jul 24th, 2020

Greetings all readers and fans of "Tails of Innocence"

I would like to appologize for this long delay in updating this story. There are two reasons behind it:
1) Chapter 9 felt rushed to me and I had difficulty figuring out how to expand on it in a satisfying way, but I finally succeded. I can only hope it will be enough.
2) I got into MMORPG and it took a lot of time before I got back into writting.

Anyway, I will upload next chapter right now. Enjoy.

Report CommanderX5 · 341 views ·

Chapter 6 part 2, Kyuubi's size change · 9:17am May 19th, 2020

Hello everyone.

I will be brief, I made some quick changes to chapter 6 part 2 due to feedback since Kyuubi being at different size was only mentioned, and I feel it should be expanded upon. Here are two changes I made:

“We should make our stand for the contest! I got all the stuff to make it at home!” Nightbright said.

“I’ll get started making more potions!” Rosey replied.

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Report CommanderX5 · 463 views ·

Nica Fanart · 9:09pm Mar 28th, 2020

Hello everyone.

PLukol draw a scene from my story and I wish to share it with all of you.

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Report CommanderX5 · 625 views ·

Chapter 18,5/19 final improvements · 9:14am Jan 13th, 2020

Hello everyone.

So long story short, I finished last changes to "Little Lost Pikachu."

In chapter 18,5 I added additional scene in the end (which I marked in bold), and I changed chapter 6 - Honor and Respect to Chapter 19.

While changes in Pikachu vs Nica battle were minor, at the end of chapter 19 part 2 I made significant changes and also marked in bold.

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Report CommanderX5 · 440 views ·

Chapter 8 improved. Need your voting and feedback. · 7:02pm Jan 12th, 2020

Hello everyone.

As you already noticed, together with DJskywalker we have been trying to improve "Little Lost Pikachu" by changing some more controvertial chapters. The first change was Pikachu/Nica's talk about their believes.
Next one was Pikachu fighting Ninetales instead.
This change however is rewritting of chapter 7 part 1 (for the sake of continuity), and more importantly, chapter 8 part 2 has been expanded.

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Report CommanderX5 · 237 views ·

Ninetales vs Pikachu, needs your voting · 10:18am Jan 3rd, 2020

Hello everyone. The massive change for "Little Lost Pikachu" that we worked on is finally here, and I need your votes to determine if it improve the story and should be added, or is it better to keep the story as it is.

Here are the links and I encourage you all to give it a read and give me your vote. I know "Little Lost Pikachu" had some moments that hold this story back, and I wish to at least adress some of it before finishing this series.

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Report CommanderX5 · 352 views ·