• Member Since 22nd Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen Apr 28th, 2019

Summer Dancer

On Wednesdays, we wear PINK!


Twilight has survived many things in her young life; being an outcast, dealing with a terrible Principal, becoming a monster...

But now she must avoid a transfer named Gilda at all costs, in the name of saving her precious tooshie.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 32 )

Pinkie, however, stood calmly, her biting snarl twisting into an unsettling smile. “It’s a beautiful day outside,” she remarked.

Thunder rumbled outside the Gym.

“Birds are singing…Flowers are blooming…” Pinkie set her feet apart and curled her fists. “On days like these...girls like you...should be burning in Hell.”

The Gym went silent--everyone’s mouth hung open at Pinkie’s malice-filled words. Even Coach Iron’s whistle fell from his mouth. Then Pinkie giggled and waved a hand playfully. “Just kidding! Let’s play already!” After hesitating, Iron blew his whistle, and Gilda grabbed a ball. A glint formed in Pinkie’s eyes. “Go ahead and try and hit me...if you’re able.”

Thiiiiiis :pinkiehappy:

Pinkie Pie was awesome. Love it. It almost feels like Pinkie is flirting with her friends.

“Maybe he just wants to read and chill.”

*Wink wink*

”...Team Balls Deep.”


“Birds are singing…Flowers are blooming…” Pinkie set her feet apart and curled her fists. “On days like these...girls like you...should be burning in Hell.”
Oh dear.

With frightened squeals, Twilight Fluttershy and Pinkie bolted, leaving Rainbow scratching her head. Curiously, she sniffed under her arm. “Do I offend?”

If you're anything like me after dodgeball, than you'll need to be pressure washed. :rainbowlaugh:

There are a lot more I could mention. This was glorious.

The description reminds me of the synopsis for an old Spongebob episode

Can't wait for the next one and I wonder if Twi really will get a wedgie?:duck:

Pretty amusing. I'll keep an eye on this one.

. . . . .

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W-what? No, I don't have a wedgie fetish! Sh-shut up! :twilightangry2:

Oh, the traditional bully... I hate those. Past experience aside, I like it.

Twi should send Flash to beat her up. No matter the result, at least one annoyance will get benched.

Why are we not questioning "team balls deep" :rainbowlaugh::rainbowwild:

Did she make fun of her chest?

I wonder what twilight said to rile up gilda so much? This was a pretty great set up for the story in any case. I hope to see more from you soon!

Is it wrong that I kind of want to see Twilight get it? :applejackconfused:

Great story, can't wait to

This is good and I'm going to follow it.

my doctor says that I can’t participate in any events where balls fly by my face.

You made that way to easy. :rainbowlaugh:

Also, I'm surprised nobody posted this yet considering the chapter title.

Comment posted by Set deleted Jul 14th, 2016

“Um excuse me,” Diamond Tiara interrupted, waving a small piece of paper. “But since I have a delicate complexion, my doctor says that I can’t participate in any events where balls fly by my face.”

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


“Team Not In The Face Vs ….” Iron’s expression turned deadpanned. ”...Team Balls Deep.” Team Balls Deep tittered. “Very funny. At the whistle, you will begin!”


Ugh Gilda :twilightangry2 Mean girls, there's one in every school! Gilda should have been put in the dumpster with the rest of the garbage! :twilightangry2:

Poor Twilight... she doesn't know flash is Crushing on her because of his thing for Pony Twilight! :rainbowlaugh:

Pinkie you lean mean reference-making machine, I love it!

7544330 Hmm, not sure. I hope I can get back to this one :rainbowlaugh:

This alone caught my eye:

Twilight has survived many things in her young life; being an outcast, dealing with a terrible Principal, becoming a monster...

A) I haven't even read it yet and already it sounds better then my story(s). B)I'll read it later and let you know what I think of it.

that weird kid that always giggles to herself at the back of the class that Twilight didn’t know,




Oh damn, i read this before. But i by chance came across it again. And i must say that I’m as curious as ever as to what happened. Great story.

One day I might return to this :rainbowlaugh: Thank you!

Update please!!!! Need to know what happened!! Or, what happens....

Oh, just write the next part, dang it!!!

Want to see more of this.

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