On Wednesdays, we wear PINK!
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Challenge accepted.
I remember saying that same line a while ago when somebody ran into me and had his hands all over me. Ahh, the memories.
The eggs... TMNT reference!
"You're-You're baka!"
Oh yes. Definite favorite. Have a thumb, too!
*lurks in the shadows as i rub my hands together like mr burns* excellent.
Be careful. You sort of promised panties but I don't think much for Snips and Snails' chances.
And these cops are totally racial profiling against blue people. It's not right.
5456797 Don't you just hate it when people do that?
This just keeps getting better and better
While reading, I noticed a few grammatical mistakes, as follows:
Was should be were.
This is a bit of a redundancy.
Instead should be decapitalized.
Was should be were.
They'll should be there'll.
Thunderlane is one word.
She should be decapitalized.
I think you had a bit of some paragraphing issues here.
Needs a comma after rock, and Boulder should be capitalized since it's a name in this case.
Life should be capitalized.
Should actually be KARAOKEE!
Well now, I think I'll check out Code Blue. Like and fav
5456874 Yep.
When I left, I was thinking about it. Geez, the gropers around here. often came to mind.
5456999 Right?
Omigosh.... I freaking love this story... I can't wait for the next chapter!
5457035 After that, I began pondering how people can't keep their hands to themselves. I've told people a few years younger than me not to touch something, and they plaster the walls afterward from getting a bunch of paint on their hands. Which it told them NOT to touch.
An old acquaintance of mine did a video of her science experiment, and her mother walked in. She told her mom not to touch anything. Her mom picked up a beaker filled with some kind of liquid and sloshed it around. She began to ask what it was, but before she could finish her sentence, it exploded in her face. It was hilarious, but it really drives the point home that humans really can't keep their hands to themselves. Whether it's groping or touching other stuff. 
This has to be one of the most amusing stories I've ever read on this site!
You are an insane comedic genius.
dem references tho/10
I read this in Starfire's voice.
Love it! Can't wait for part two!
Also, Snips and Snails are idiots. Seriously, they think a panty raid will impress girls? Yeesh!
Just. One. Word.
How dare you?
Have my like
And here I am, eagerly awaiting part two...after reading part one for the third time.
5458236 So did I
Loved that My Life as a Teenage Robot reference in the Karaoke song.
This is turning into quite the story

Dude Sonata is basically Starfire xDDDDD Which would make Aria... Raven? And Adagio...Robin, maybe?
Does anyone know what I'm talking about?
I love this!
5458236 Ah, dude, I literally just commented that Sonata is basically Starfire!
Actually, I could see that.
5458849 Well, Pinkie's middle name is Diane, so it would be plausible.
5458273 THOSE FOOLS...
Woah. Aria, I believe a scolding is in order.
Also, apparently a 401 is just an accident in police code.
5458849 I see it as Vinyl's middle name, myself
5457073 Oh my God, so true. That was quite funny, but you know, people should really learn that the words "Do not touch" is to be taken seriously, no matter what the situation is.... it is said for a reason!
Such hilarity. Such brilliant, brilliant hilarity. I LOVE IT!
5458236 Oh God yes.... just yes!!!

i read code blue a while back and i hoped for squeal and i am very happy with the funnies of this story so i will rate this 9/10 bra (final one was totally not stolen by me)

I hope this saga continues, even after part 2 of this story.
Ah, the terrible shows of my childhood...
Imagine that with Jerry Seinfeld's voice. You are welcome comment section. Also that disney and Teen Titans reference. So much yes.
I don't understand how enough people watched the Disney channel to keep those things on the air.
When you live in a place with -50 Celcius for nine months of the year, you lower your standards on just about everything to try to keep yourself from going insane from boredom. The good news is that Disney is now even worse so freezing to death is a better alternative.
"Officer we're looking for a blue-skinned girl."
takes off sunglasses
"Bring in the usual suspects."
5458236 So it wasn't just me
Everything Wrong With Code Pink, pt. 1
Was is supposed to be were. +1
Expectation: Circus ponies.
Reality: Rock farmers.
Remind Dagi that her psychic powers will never, ever tingle. +1
How "A Charlie Brown Christmas" Should Have Ended +1
Explanation. I demand none. +1
Of all the lines I could've squealed like a fangirl at, it was this one. That is the true sin here. +1
Poorly. +1
A super-deep nasal voice. That would sound exactly like a walrus. Don't ask how I know that. +1
...please dear Celestia tell me he's not actually trying. +1
She'd never ask you out on one, Snips. +1
This is the first entry to a book i'm going to call "The Cookbook of Disaster". Recipe for disaster? Anyone? *ducks down, awaits vegetables to be thrown* +1
Note to self: order more kid's milkshakes +1
Best. Fic idea. EVER. +1
Dear Rainbow Dash,
Jennifer? JENNIFER? +1
You do realize they're frisking you because of a jewelry store robbery, right? "Hands off the merchandise"? One-way ticket to jail, Dashie. +1
...okay, I lied, Dagi has psychic tingles. +1
The only crazy thing is how many people you have to deal with now. Good luck with that in part 2, Pinkie. +1
Ladies and gentlemen, the secret to being Pinkie Pie! (WARNING: Don't actually try)+1
Already needing the talk? They grow up so fast! +1
And you wonder why you're not loved by the good-natured people of Equestria High, where the only disharmony and power (before the whole "mind controlled twice"thing) are for uptight snobs like Diamond Tiara. +1
*mimes a finger sliding across neck* +1
Kareokee? Is that some kind of First Nations tribe? Or do you mean karaoke? +1
The first thing I thought when you said this: "Ooh, looky, brand new error numbers for FIMFiction!" +1
And now I feel compelled to use this line in everyday conversation because why the heck not. Why do you have to be so good at writing things? +1
That awkward moment when you hum the tune to yourself as you read this, and people actually hear you +1
And when is? +1
"No brain bleach for you until the sequel comes out, mister!" +1
Sins: 27
Sentence: All bagged up
(and handed to Aria)
And for the record, I don't dislike the fic in general. This is me trying to nitpick something I think is bordering on perfection at 2 in the morning.[sarcasm]I know, wisest decision you've ever heard[/sarcasm, Because for some reason I was in the mood.
I apologize.
Parody of this.
5460685 Don't we all hope for squeals?
This is great! Now we have opened the door to many more... Code Red... Code Green... Oooh even CODE VIOLET. (Cause it's my favorite color
) Sorry about the lack of feedback and slight craziness, I had too much coffee.....
Theyre crazy, crazy I tell you.
Oh, Hi Maud.
By the way, theres a guy with a gold tooth outside that said Boulder was a gabroic schist. I think he might need reeducating.
Couldn't have said it better myself. But personally I think Phineas and Ferb and Gravity Falls are good and fun shows compared to all the reality shows on Disney Channel.
Ah the few shows that have well, effort and care put into them.
5462271 Well done, sir, laughing the whole time
And don't apologize, I love that series 
The next day, Aria learned what it was like to poop fire,
Where's Gummy?