• Member Since 20th Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen Aug 15th, 2020

Helblade Master

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Whoever Makes a Beast of Themself · 9:13pm Sep 27th, 2016

With the story deleted, I thought maybe I should have remembered about someone reading it.

This was meant to stay originally, but I just didn't like where it went in the end. Also, hugely disliked work can kinda bring you down, ya know.

But for those who still want to hear the story.

The wonderful voice of comicnerdify has it all read and recorded. Please take your time to leave a nice comment as well.

Report Helblade Master · 337 views ·
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1918525 I hope you like reading all my stories.:twilightsmile:

I like your crossovers, especially the Dashie and Vincent one:scootangel:. I like your style and I plan to read all your stories!!! Bye!!!:pinkiehappy:

1525739 I have tons of stories but I like Octavia so I write about her.

Write about stuff you like

1525327 yes I am. I do try my best to come up with my own stories but last time I did I had a lot of problems trying to come up with something that seemed interesting. I do know that it can be bad to stick to crossovers and i'm trying my best to come up with a story of my own.

From most of your stories you must be a crossover person.

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