I had always wondered what life in Equestria would be like if I went there; having adventures with the mane 6, learn about the magic of friendship, all that good stuff, with ponies.
It's something that I had wished for a long time...
And of course, life decides to send me to Canterlot High.
Life just isn't fair, is it?
Now pre-read by:Pinkie Pool/God-like Turnabout
NOTE: This story does not represent my actual views on Equestria Girls and the concept behind it.
Interesting story, I'll be favoriting this one, looks interesting...
Also, one thing I just have to mention.
He can still go to Equestria, Portals.
3272242 He doesn't know this though
30 moons to go give or take as long as the portal doesn't get moved around or broken unless the principle deem the statue a hazard to the school...
Oh, this is good! I definitely look forward to future installments of this story!
LOL.....just LOL!
Seriously, how can you not?
3279544 Oh, don't you worry, he did it so much that it should be illegal.
HiEG, eh? This should be very interesting. Definitely looking forward to more, especially the impact our citrusy hero may have on Sunset's ascension to queen bitch.
3295671 Being out of high school for 5 years now, I would find it a really odd experience as well.
This is an interesting premise. Given human Canterlot still has hands, meat, and affordable muscle cars within a high schooler's budget it's not the end of the world to end up there. High school is a pain in the ass but survivable. I'm going to laugh if he eventually gets to have a great time here only to end up ponified and stranded in Equestria at the end hating it.
Is he there before the movie? Oh great, evil Sunset...
3305642 Yeah, I thought about that for a good bit, which is why the character isn't really a normal human -as you can possibly tell- and I do plan to add some crazy shenanigans, so stay tuned.
As for the time this is set? Well, I think I left enough clues.
3305709 I'm glad that you are enjoying it, hopefully I don't kill it later on.
3305814 Don't worry... I actually have felt the same at times.
Given that our guy is a high-school age male, implied to be an upperclassman, would Sunset even be a real threat?
I mean, she's a skinny girl who looks like she has an eating disorder. He's in decent shape and could probably beat her to a pulp if he had to, of course then there would be a suspension/explusion to deal with but if you don't want to be in school and are comfy working at a fast food joint or digging ditches for the rest of your life then you'd still be decent.
Well, this adds a fascinating wrinkle. I look forward to seeing what our hero makes of Sunset Shimmer. I mean, I could make a hat or a boat or a crane...
"Well time to fuck up everything here untill I leave" Is what I would say.
This will be interesting!
Hey, when do the other Main Six get to come, because I am excited!!!
Twilight exists in that world, but she doesn't attend that school. Get your character to get over it already
3374408 He will... Maybe.
Honestly though, I can't say much, but he will get over her.
At some point.
And now I'm envisioning EQG Granny Smith clop. Which I kind of want to see, to be honest, if for nothing but my bile fascination.
So, basically, our hero's reasoning is "screw the rules, I have green skin." Eh, I've heard worse.
Also, it's kind of a shame Pinkie stopped him. I'd have liked to have seen someone stand up to Sunset and completely fail to care about her retaliation. He's already miserable, Condiment Head. You can't make it any worse through ostracizing him. What now?
In any case, looking forward to more.
3374408 WHAT? Are you crazy? He'll find her! The intercom said five days before the Formal, and Twilight comes three days before the Formal.
Have you guys gotten the timeline down?
Just proving a point.
BTW, man. Awesome Chap. When does he meet Rainbow Dash?
3374740 Well, my good sir. It's on you. You must write this masterpiece for us all.
ME?! But, my writing, and I can work for months on a single!.....
...You know what? Fine. You want to subject yourself to my writing, whatever. But, don't say I didn't warn you.
And this is all assuming that wasn't sarcastic.
It is heavily implied that this takes place a year or two before the formal.
Hence the 'Two people running' when Sunset Shimmer was running unopposed when Twilight came.
Also, didn't Rarity run for princess and get humiliated?
CONGRATULATIONS!! You have successfully mind-fucked The Doctor!

You brilliant bastard...
3378717 that would be a lot more interesting wouldn't it?
3374740 imnotatoy.files.wordpress.com/2010/09/killyourself.gif
3376839 That would be hilarious either way.
3382238 lolz everywhere!
3382238 lolz everywhere!
I want fucking moar!!!
3486345 I take it you enjoyed it? If so. Hurray!
3486360 Hell yes! Its great, the character development is good and the fact is right before Twilight shows up is awesome. I'm just wondering one thing?
When Sunset Shimmer becomes a demon spawn, and Pat keeps screwing with her. Hes honing to die! Lol
What's so wrong about the Equestria Girls universe? He'll meet his favourite characters, they just are humans
Ok. I have to say this: Pinkie about to swear, even if it's the teenager human from EG, was painful to read. I see her as someone who does know the language, but wouldn't use it unless the other was a super-dense idiot.
), and the whole story is really interesting and worth both the reading time and the wait for update. I have great hopes for the future of this one. 
That said, this chapter made me laugh (Nope Train FTW!
I wish you'd found a way to crowbar that bit in the arcade into the chapter itself. It was a very sweet piece. Between that and Rarity's assumption, you're making a Pink Lemon shipper of me. (Pin-key Lime Pie? Pattie Pie?)
In any case, a very nice bit of fleshing out the world, even if the plot didn't move much. That wasn't what this chapter was for, anyway. It was meant for characterization, not story.
Very nice bit with the musical number. They're much more delicate in this world, and take more effort to call up, but they can be done.
Definitely looking forward to more, especially who the mystery texter is. And how s/he got Pat's number.
3486590 "humans"
3486590 I think I should clarify that I find nothing (okay, maybe a bit) wrong with Equestria Girls. This character is NOT a self-insert.
He is basically every rabid brony fan that hated Equestria Girls for the concept alone.
I think I need to put a disclaimer on the actual story... Since I'm actually getting messages having to do with this.
3488996 This one gets it
3488082 I tried! But it would have made the song part go, and honestly, I wanted to use some sort of song, I sorta liked how they started singing to music in the actual movie by using a stereo for it and well... Did the same here, but with Pinkie's mp3 player.
It's just something that I wanted to implement more.
Which is why i included the scene as an extra, you can take it as an alternate, since the result would have been the same.
3488996 Yes, the people seen in the movie are humans
3489026 OK i'm only crtisizing you on one thing; the titel of the chapter. The tital of the chaptetr made barely anysese at all. You should've just called it Getting A Lead and then it would've made sense. Do that and I won't judge you on the chapter
Thats why I love Sunset. She's so damn clever and cunning!
The sex jokes will last... FOREVER!

No, but seriously. I liked the seriousness during this chapter dedicated to plot development, but not leaving the comedy far behind. And wether this becomes Pinkie/OC or just a "She's not my girlfriend!" running gag, I will be pleased with either
I will now sit to cry in a corner until next update
3533283 Oh...
I wouldn't really know.
3533361 That could be argued.
3536386 Go away Pool I h8 you
Hay dude It's me! I just wanna say that this is wicked awesome, and the idea of arcs BRILIANT! I'm sure Pat's gonna have a helluva a time now!
Oh and if it's possible, could you pm me, I need to talk to you about something in private.
You've made me the happiest man in the world.
Hmm. Sunset clearly has access to some sort of mind magic, though that raises the question of how.
I do hope Pat follows his own advice and apologizes to Lyra. She deserves it.
Also, poor Pat. At least he got to see his best pony-human. And has Pinkie. Pinkie is always good to have.
Interesting that this is apparently a physical manuscript in the story itself. It makes me wonder how much else Pinkie has read...
In any case, looking forward to more.

I think...
Nope, I've got nothing!
Good story though, can't wait to see the second "arc"