• Member Since 15th May, 2013
  • offline last seen Aug 19th, 2018

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I've not given up on "Changeling No More." · 2:27am Jan 5th, 2015

Work, playing Xbox 360 with my friends while it's still relevant, and other non-MLP internet postings such as my love of racing statistics for another site have keep me from writing more of "Changeling No More" over the last few months. I'm not done yet though. I went to work on the next chapter today. I'm sorry if the layoff effected my style any. Here's a small section from the start of the chapter...

“A funny cloud?” Thunderlane asked. “Did you have him practice that?”

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Comments ( 24 )
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2373828 I wanted to know if your dead or not to be honest. But apparently still active. :pinkiehappy:

I do still have plans to finish it despite all this time. Real-life work has just been very, very hectic lately which has prevented much writing of late. I'm trying, good to know you have enjoyed the story.

Any plans to continue "Changeling no more"? I really liked the story back in the day...

You can but I'm not sure if I'll can ever do a sequel. I've got too many ideas kicking around my head and a lot of real-life commitments. The name isn't just to be cute, I write full time for a newspaper.

I've got to finish "Changeling No More." Plus I've been thinking about a "Equestria Girls" disaster movie sendup where Sunset tries to stop human Canterlot being wiped out, a Top Gear spoof (granted that's been done), and playing off my love of car racing perhaps a "Dashy Takes Le Mans" with Rainbow cheating left and right to win a car race.

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