**I wrote this crack fic years ago, and I just cringe, but at the same time it was funny to write it, and apparently some of you find it a little funny too, so I'll keep it up...also I'm sorry for all of my crazy comments in the comments section, I wanna just delete them all, but that's not good character. You can't just delete the words you say in life, you gotta own up to it and grow better. And I have. This message is getting deeper than I thought, so I'll just leave it here. Live life to its fullest.

The Militia and IMC forces clash together in a fierce engagement for a crucial objective that could critically determine the outcome of the entire conflict--and that means no expenses can be spared from either side.

So when you need to bring in the heat and FAST, there's no better way than to warp a Titan into battle before the opposition can even blink by using the latest single-use disposable (but expensive, and not to mention potentially unstable) WarpFall Transmitter.

But when a Pilot's Atlas-Class Titan receives "Turbo_Drop" directive for immediate effect on drop-point, a malfunction in its WarpFall Transmitter yields...interesting results.

You do not necessarily have to play TitanFall, or be associated to gaming to be able to read, understand, and enjoy this story.

Heck, even I don't play TitanFall, but follow the game very closely to understand a substantial amount.

The reason I do not insert a Human tag on the story is because the MLP universe doesn't necessarily encounter human beings directly, but rather a product of it, in which case is a Titan. But the Titan is fictional, and is something that has been crossed-over in a virtual and alternate human universe, and thus the story is therefore not affiliated with Humans directly.

Neither do I insert an Alternate-Universe tag, because the story's primary setting is based on the unaltered canon of the MLP world, and therefore is not "alternate" in itself.

Now with that out of the way, this is just a little random story to throw out there to satisfy my brain. Enjoy what I slapped onto the keyboard!

Chapters (5)

Heroes are remembered. Those who give their lives are ingrained in our hearts for all eternity. However, it is often more beneficial, while perhaps more difficult, to continue living for one's family, community, or country. Death brings a simple end for the loyal soldier, while survival entails a complicated road ahead.

Those with power are by default the bearers of choice. The mighty cannot stand idle. The fate of whatever world the Spartan enters rests upon his shoulders.

Many believe that Noble Six gave his life. What they don't remember is that Spartans Never Die.

Chapters (15)

New! Part 3: After Twilight notices Applejack becoming increasingly obsessed with the game, she tasks Pinkie Pie (of all ponies) to keep an eye on her. The two head out into Ponyville in search of adventure and the perfect game.

Part 1: Twilight has finally convinced Applejack to join her other friends in Spike's weekly D&D game. However, will she be able to figure out the rules before they all drive Spike crazy?

Part 2: Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle have stumbled across Twilight's D&D books, and convinced her to take up the dice once more. But will anypony meet their high standards to be their Dungeon Master? More importantly, what will happen when you-know-who finds out?

Chapters (13)

Five years ago, Nightmare Moon returned to Equestria and took it by storm. She imprisoned her sister in the moon, and Equestria fell into an Age of Darkness. She ruled with an iron hoof; her word became law. The Mare in the Moon became a grim reminder of what happened to those who opposed the new tyrant, and nopony dared oppose.

Except for one aspiring unicorn.

Twilight Sparkle, a mare shackled by the failures of her past, prowls the ruins of the old capital Canterlot, praying for a spell that can right what has been so horribly wronged. Buried beneath the rubble of the Royal Library, she finds a tome that might be the answer to her prayers.

A "Warrior of Sunlight"; surely he will be able to overthrow the wicked tyrant and restore Celestia to her rightful throne. Twilight can almost see the sun returning over the horizon. She just didn't expect this warrior to be so... jolly.

Set in Starlight's "alternate future" where Nightmare Moon reigns.

Audio reading by Skijarama

Chapters (15)

Anon is happy with Twilight. Really. She loves the ornate castle, the lovely meals she eats, and, most of all, loves Twilight herself. It's so wonderful and beautiful in Equestria that Anon almost forgets she used to be human.


My fourth-place entry to the Filly Anon Contest. A different approach to the idea, leaning in a more serious direction than many authors take the concept.

Edited expertly by SirReal.

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Twilight Sparkle, You're Being Ridiculous!

Featured December 2-3, 2021.

(Now with a trope page)

After being betrayed by everypony around her, Twilight Sparkle plans to become a warlord in the desert wastelands!

Will she rise above her disgrace to become the most powerful and evil warlord ever?

Spoiler alert: no. But it will be fun to watch her try.

An AU of A Canterlot Wedding, where Chrysalis didn't banish Twilight to the caves.

Chapters (2)

Two thousand years imprisoned in Tartarus for the near genocide of an entire species. One has to ask, how such a being wasn't taken out by the elements of harmony. The short answer? They dodged it. The long answer? They dodged it like a ninja. Now awakened and free, they shall bring forth a thousand years of darkness and ruin, or get drunk and pass out at the nearest pub. Either/or really.

Note: Need more suitable coverart. Also this is a LoHAV, so leave if you're gonna hate for just the premise.

Chapters (4)

You ever get so lost in the woods behind your house that you wound up in another world? Because Link did. Twice. Now he must attempt to find his way home, assuming the timberwolves and giant equines do not get to him first. Or perhaps he can learn how to be a child again. There's just one way to find out.

Updates random and likely infrequent. In the name of being different, instead of making a disclaimer of how I don't own it, I'm going to come out and say I own Nintendo and Hasbro.

Chapters (25)

Spike the Dragon was curiously absent while the rest of his close pony friends were completely overrun by fans, haters, and critics of The Friendship Journal. Surely, some pony had to have commented on his written experiences, right?


And that's the problem.
This is a fan's interpretation of an event that takes place shortly after the episode "Fame and Misfortune" (allegedly written by M.A. Larson, though he's on record saying that he doesn't like it).

Chapters (1)

"The humans? They were here. This history book says so."

Shortly after the return of the Crystal Empire, Twilight Sparkle borrows a book from the Crystal Empire's library, and it speaks of Equestria before Celestia and Luna lived among the other creatures of Equestria, when they lived just as the sun and the moon.
But the book also speaks of a species that was banished from Equestria,

the humans.

Twilight, intrigued by her new found source of knowledge of a species she has never heard of before, decides to look deeper into the study of humans.

Chapters (3)