• Member Since 1st Nov, 2017


They say I went insane. Truth is I was always insane, I was just better at hiding it then.

Library 922 stories
Found 911 stories in 56ms

Total Words: 67,936,154
Estimated Reading: 26 weeks


  • TopFavs 30 stories It's not easy reaching TopFavs but those that do are stories that I find without equal on this site.

  • UltraFavs 153 stories This is reserved for the best of the best in my opinion.

  • Super Favorites 364 stories For when a story takes a level in awesomeness.

  • Favourites 247 stories For stories I like.

  • The Graveyard 90 stories - 5 unread chapters Where the dead lay, but may be risen one day. This folder is for those stories that haven't been updated for a while, or have been canceled, that I want to continue.

  • Bookshelf 19 50 stories

  • Library 922 stories


  • Featured 23743 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

Being seniors at Canterlot High has some advantages. For the fall semester, Sunset Shimmer, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Twilight Sparkle won't actually be at CHS. Instead, the girls made it into a competitive foreign exchange program, which is sending them to Tokyo for the semester! Having taken Japanese as their foreign language credits, the girls joined the exchange program to open themselves up to a broader world.

Among the many experiences the exchange program exposed the girls to is the newest and hottest technology, the NerveGear, which brings virtual reality to a whole new level. Sword Art Online, also known as SAO, is the premier game soon to be released for the NerveGear. With their new friend, Ota Natsuki, they scored limited copies and get to be some of the 10,000 players to first experience Aincrad, but SAO is more than a game.

The girls are trapped, along with the other 10,000 players, by Akihiko Kayaba, the developer of the NerveGear and SAO. To get out, they must conquer Aincrad, floor by floor, until they beat the final boss in the Ruby Palace at it's summit. Then they all will be freed, however, if you die in the game, you die in real life.

The girls must band together with their new friend and face Aincrad, not just for themselves, but for all of the other players who can't take on such a challenge. After all they have been through, beating demons and sirens, a game should be easy, right?

EQG: Sword Art Online - Ruby Palace is not a sequel to EQG:SAO - Aincrad and, likewise, Ruby Palace is not a "rewrite". I chose to follow SOA Canon in Aincrad, placing the girls inside those events. Ruby Palace is a full crossover and Alt-U between EQG and SAO.

The Vignette Arcs are not required reading to follow the story, but they are recommended. The Pilot Episodes are the official start of the story.

Special Thanks to my editor, Void Runner and my beta reader, Cotton Sweet.
Artwork - Wing banners and page breaks are by Drytil.

Sword Art Online is created by Reki Kawahara.
My Little Pony is owned by Hasbro.

Chapters (88)

Just because the two sisters have led Equestria through thousands of years of peace doesn't mean there aren't those who think they can do better.

With a powerful artifact on their side, a group of rebels has sealed Celestia in her palace and stripped her of the majority of her powers. As the last of her guards fall, she hears the pounding on the throne room doors and knows the end is coming soon...

**Featured on the front page on 8/12/15; both surprising and flattering seeing as how this is the first thing of substantial length I've posted here. Thanks all!

**Now with a dramatic reading!

Chapters (1)

A human is transported to Equestria!

They immediately lock themselves in a room and refuse to come out.

Chapters (1)

Bloodborne Crossover. (Spoilers for Childhood's Beginning Ending of Bloodborne and the game in general)

Sunset was but a child, a genius with magic for one her age, when her attempts to introduce old magics to Equestria are shut down. She is banished from the kingdom, her once great destiny lying in tatters.

Equestria is but one realm of many, and the grief, fear, and suffering of the magically gifted filly reaches beyond time and space.

All the way to The Hunter's Dream and a transcended hunter. Great One or not, how could Raine ignore a crying child? Her empathy kept her sane throughout the long hunt, and it will carry her across realms.

Chapters (4)

Monster of the River Ván, Fame-wolf, Bringer of Hlín’s Second Sorrow, Devourer of the Allfather…

After killing Odin, Fenrir himself is slain by the Allfather's son Víðarr, his jaws torn apart and his heart impaled by the silent god's blade. Despite this, he dies content in the knowledge that he ate old One-Eye.

Death, however, is not final.

Awakening in an unfamiliar forest, Fenrir discovers that he has been reincarnated, appearing once more as a wolf pup and now living in a strange world filled with...sentient ponies? Between navigating his way through a brand new realm and reclaiming his independence, Fenrir embarks on a journey of redemption and self-discovery as he comes to terms with his dark past and confronts his greatest fear: a bright new future.

*Inspired by Norse Mythology (hence the "crossover" tag)

Cover art by Throwmeafreakingbone (aka, "Me")


Chapters (29)

Mist lived in the middle of nowhere, her myriad of health issues costing her her special talent, her place in society, and eventually her magic. Mist has resigned herself to a quiet, sometimes painful, existence. Then an airship crashed into her house, and Mist found two reasons to maybe start caring again, a new home and new allies.

Reginald Copperbottom the leader of The Toppat Clan, alongside his Right Hand Man and the rest of the airship division, have been transported to a world not their own, the airship crashing in the process. They need to organize airship repairs and work to rebuild the Toppat's criminal empire in a new world. Fortunately, the pony that found them is willing to help and the Toppat Chief does see potential in her, of the mare she used to be. Can the clan help her be that mare once more?

Set in the same universe as Exploring the Castle.

17/11/2020- Featured??? Wow, thanks everyone!

20/11/2020- At the bottom of the Feature Box, go figure.

21/11/2020- This, is a thing now. My stuff is regularly featured now...

2/12/2020- Featured!

14/12/2020- Featured.

17/12/2020- Bottom of the feature box!

28/12/2020- Featured, neato.

9/2/2021- First feature of the new year, woo!

Chapters (17)

Retirement is a scary concept when you've barely had more than a day off at a time for over a thousand years. Doubly so when it's not physical or mental infirmary driving the decision. For the former princess Celestia, everything that has happened has sparked what was supposed to be a small, casual adventure, but as per usual, nothing is as simple as it's supposed to be.

A chance encounter and a cry for help puts Celestia face to face with an otherworldly affliction that endangers not only the Breezie village where it seems to have originated, but potentially all of Equestria should it spread. Cut off from the allies she normally relies on, Celestia must instead rely on her intuition, wits, and leadership to battle an enemy she can't even see, or else succumb to the will of this dream from beyond the void.

A crossover with Hollow Knight, with spoilers for the ending of that game, though knowledge of the game's story is not necessary to understand this story.

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to The Blind Sun

Hollow Knight Crossover

With newfound freedom and more free time than she knows what to do with, Hearth must figure out which of Grimm's many duties she wants to help with. Can she truly be a voice of the people, or does her destiny lie in something much simpler?

Hollow grapples with the knowledge that Grimm is going to die. With no Ritual to revive him, the fate of their small family and The Nightmare Realm is something the former vessel desperately wants to change. They are not hollow, they are not pure, but maybe they can be something else?

Ghost is older than they look, and many things about the world both fascinate and frustrate them to no end. All they want is for their father and siblings to be happy. Is it wrong for The Lord of Shades to desire peace, to want acceptance?

Grimm feels like he's been alive for far too long, The Ritual calls to him, eats away at him, but he has a family to care for, gods to appease, and a summit to attend. He cannot but he must, he cannot delay forever.

A lot can change in the span of a few months.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Kindler

Hollow Knight Crossover

With the kindler rescued, Grimm brings Hearth with him as he travels to Canterlot, invited to Equestria's capital to meet the newest princess, a young Princess Cadance. The God of Nightmares brings with him a warning to Equestria's doorstep, yet his attempts to mitigate the future damage fall on deaf ears as The Goddess of the Sun is confident in her own plans to handle her wayward sister...

Featured 11/5/2021 (Um what? Didn't expect that, awesome!)
Featured 30/7/2021
Featured 8/8/2021
Featured 13/8/2021

Chapters (7)

Hollow Knight Crossover

A kindler is a different breed of changeling. Part of The Scarlet Hive, there is one of their kind found in every hive across the world, and in each they monitor the resources to sustain the population and judge the effectiveness of a Queen's rule.

The Badlands Hive in Equestria is slowly starving itself to death, and her Kindler voices their concerns when brought before The Queen...

Chapters (1)