• Member Since 8th May, 2012
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


I fooled you. I fooled you. I got horse stories. I got horse stories. I got all horse stories.


A human is transported to Equestria!

They immediately lock themselves in a room and refuse to come out.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 22 )

Please tell me this is making fun of all HIE stories? 100% of them are exactly like part of the title is.


Please tell me this is making fun of all HIE stories?

well, yeah. :v

Just making sure. Hard to tell if someone means it, or is just making fun of something.

Now having read it, it was worth it. Time for the sequal where we make fun of all 'Alicorn OC' stoires. Ending demands it.

Im only here to silently judge you, bok.


i deserve it tbh

Dammit I wanted to write something like this :raritydespair:

But you should totally continue it, just making fun of more stuff

Reminds me a bit of a supercondensed version of Diary of a Store Clerk. Arrive in Equestria, realize where they are, immediately get themselves as far away from the plot as they can.

Honestly, same.

Oh wow. You really took the piss out of all those HiE clichés. It certainly brought a wry smile to my face

A very unusual alicorn, with an abnormally long horn, black fur, a red mane, and zebra-like stripes.

"Who is that?" Twilight asked.

Glimmer's voice replied. "I dunno, but I found him in the Everfree Forest."

She sighed. "I think he has amnesia."


Time for the sequal where we make fun of all 'Alicorn OC' stoires. Ending demands it.

Reminds me of Bad Horse's The Saga of Dark Demon King Ravenblood Nightblade, Interior Design Alicorn

Oh my stars. Yep yep, this is one genre onna stick, grilled and SKEWERED. :rainbowlaugh:

:twilightoops: "Where were you?"
:pinkiesad2: "Somepony had to make sure there was still a fourth wall to break after all this was over!"
:facehoof: "It's been a long day. I'm not even going to question that."

Brilliant bit of parody.

this is just, great


how dare you suggest this fic is good

> My only comfort in this whole ordeal is that haven't seen a single wall of text since I got here!"

that *I* haven't.

Just to let you know: I'm laughing so hard my cough is back and my lungs are hurting. Please make it stop continue.

Funny and accurate.

...too accurate

Winner winner chicken dinner! (I wonder what Discord could do with THAT line)

What a wuss. He gave up and had an adventure far too easily.

It was that or have an adventure with Discord tagging along as well. He weighed his options.

He could have gone completely limp and refused to say anything but "I would prefer not to."
Perhaps Discord would have done the whole adventure while carrying the human around like he was a beloved stuffed animal, but it would have been a moral victory. I just hate to see people without the spine to really commit to failing out.

The communication portal panned over to Fluttershy's couch, revealing an unconscious alicorn splayed out on it. A very unusual alicorn, with an abnormally long horn, black fur, a red mane, and zebra-like stripes.

Plot Twist: Previous said human is NOW Currently said Alicorn. :trollestia:

Just another item in the long line of HiE clichés.

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