I have been part of the herd since I was a kid lol before gen4 I loved gen 1 me born in 1991 lol
Hello Everypony. Sapphire here. Veteran Brony, long-time Flutterlover, and future published author.
A brony who likes to writes stories to entertain.
Let ideas and all speech be free. I will respect your ideas, your characters, your ponies. Feel free to ask me anything!
There’s more to the magic of friendship than meets the eye!
"Consequences… Give a person a situation with no consequences and you’ll see the real them… Every time."
It is a good and noble thing to tell a good story.
All my stories end with the word "gullible." No really, check them out!
I used to question the MLP FiM show, but one episode and I got hooked on it. See my Fanfiction account ChaosMagemon for more than just MLP fics. Joined the Herd Nov 5, 2011
Am just a wondering soul in the endless dream i may tell you a tale or show you a life time or i may even do nonthing at all.
I am a Star Wars fan and I like Human in Equestria stories as well as Spike Harem stories
Chaos is not the opposite of Harmony but apart of it. Both chaos and order together create a balance known as Harmony. Without one you cannot have have the other and without either there is nothing.
A Chaplain for Bronies and Pegasisters. Long live Christ the King!
Hiya, I'm Ana and I'm not what you call normal. Im actual part phoenix. But shhh its a secret! Anyway hope you enjoy my stories, otherwise why are you here reading this? Oh hi Wade, I loved the film
Part time worker, part time writer, full time jabroni. Hello!
A New Yorker who likes anime, games, and good brony fanfic.
She/Her (Trans). Occasional Writer, Storm Chaser, SFM Artist and Former Special Events Staff at Ponyville Ciderfest. PFP by LincolnBrewsterFan.
Mostly on other sites, I check in once in a while. PMs still open, I'll see it if you send one.
Praise the Three, the Emperor, the Sun, and the Moon.
Aspiring film editor. When I write I shoot for awesome and nothing less. Anti-censorship and pro free-speech.
German , Trying to write something worth while. Everyone start small after all. Enjoy the Story fellow Bronys (^///-///^)/)
I'm am an autistic brony, looking to write fantasy and everyday life novels for my kind. I became a brony when I related well with applejack and twlight, and I love the show.
*** Please consider supporting me on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/TMFF *** I used to write Clopfics, but now I prefer to read them, out loud on my Youtube channel.
What looks white when it's glad, red when it's sad and transparent when scared; sleeps through the night yet hides from the sun, won't give its name but pretends it's a bee and enjoys rollerskating?
“It's kind of fun to do the impossible.” -Walt Disney
An autistic weirdo who likes pony stories and occasionally likes writing them
Hello everypony im yoshifan My favorite character is Yoshi obviously lol but i do like my little pony friendship is magic and zootopia super smash bros Pokémon ( 33 ) ( male ) ( straight )
May contain high concentrations of Thorax and/or Pharynx. You've been warned.
A pony writer and video maker just trying to find an audience
Yes this is the same Shadow Storm as on Youtube so check out my channel I hope not to disappoint and im a Milwaukee Wisconsin brony
MLP helped me find my muse in Oct. 2014 after 6 years without it. I have a Psychology B.S. Sunset Shimmer is best pony.