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The Tomorrow King.


Mistakes were made. · 4:34pm Nov 10th, 2018

Familiarity chapter 11 keeps causing problems. I sat down the day before yesterday with the goal of pushing it a bit further to completion, and when I looked everything over I realized I'd made a terrible mistake in the planning.

See, my brain is sorta geared towards creating plot at the expense of minor yet kinda important stuff like, say, knowing which day of the week it is or how many meals one would normally eat in a day.

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Belated Familiarity Update. · 11:32am Nov 2nd, 2018

So, Familiary has been on hiatus for way longer than I hoped it would. Unfortunately, this is not very surprising considering my non-existent work ethic, incredibly fickle muse, short attention span and tendency towards procrastination. Don't get me wrong, when I do write I tend to write quite a lot. I just wish I was capable of being in that mindset for more than just, like, two months a year.

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Familiarity status update. · 5:41pm Mar 10th, 2018

Well, I finished publishing act 1 of Familiarity, but I'm now out of chapters so continuing the previous update schedule is currently impossible. As such I've put the story on hiatus for now. I still don't know how much of act 2 I will bother to write before I continue. Ideally I would like to complete a decent number of chapters and continue like I have so far, but if the writing progress takes too long I will probably just make sporadic updates.

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Familiarity, chapter 10. · 5:40pm Mar 3rd, 2018

In which Fang faces a terrible monster, a broken bond is mended, Rainbow does something stupid, and a rumor begins to make the rounds in Ponyville.

Scootaloo's life changes forever when she meets Fang, a strange magician who is not what she seems. As the two grow closer, secrets are revealed. What does it mean to be a familiar?
Fervidor · 69k words  ·  153  8 · 2.6k views
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Familiarity, chapter 9. · 5:14pm Feb 24th, 2018

In which a terrible battle is fought, Scootaloo finds out what Fang really is, and things take an unexpected turn.

Scootaloo's life changes forever when she meets Fang, a strange magician who is not what she seems. As the two grow closer, secrets are revealed. What does it mean to be a familiar?
Fervidor · 69k words  ·  153  8 · 2.6k views
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Familiarity, chapter 8. · 6:04pm Feb 17th, 2018

In which Scootaloo meets a young boy whom she may have a lot in common with. Meanwhile, Fang's past starts catching up with her.

Scootaloo's life changes forever when she meets Fang, a strange magician who is not what she seems. As the two grow closer, secrets are revealed. What does it mean to be a familiar?
Fervidor · 69k words  ·  153  8 · 2.6k views
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Familiarity, chapter 7. · 5:24pm Feb 10th, 2018

In which Fang investigates Scootaloo's house with worrying results, Scootaloo and Luna discuss dreams and monsters, Fang meets a few more familiar ponies, and Scootaloo gets a lesson in ornithology.

Scootaloo's life changes forever when she meets Fang, a strange magician who is not what she seems. As the two grow closer, secrets are revealed. What does it mean to be a familiar?
Fervidor · 69k words  ·  153  8 · 2.6k views
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Familiarity, chapter 6. · 5:02pm Feb 3rd, 2018

In which Scootaloo and Fang goes to Canterlot to visit the princesses, we learn more about Fang's past, and things get a bit complicated.

Scootaloo's life changes forever when she meets Fang, a strange magician who is not what she seems. As the two grow closer, secrets are revealed. What does it mean to be a familiar?
Fervidor · 69k words  ·  153  8 · 2.6k views
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Familiarity, chapter 5. · 5:03pm Jan 27th, 2018

In which we get to meet Scootaloo's legal guardian, Scootaloo officially becomes Fang's familiar, and the two of them see Twilight and try to shed more light on the mysterious curse.

Scootaloo's life changes forever when she meets Fang, a strange magician who is not what she seems. As the two grow closer, secrets are revealed. What does it mean to be a familiar?
Fervidor · 69k words  ·  153  8 · 2.6k views
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Familiarity, chapter 4. · 5:04pm Jan 20th, 2018

In which Scootaloo and Fang have a talk, an important decision is made, and Fang has a run-in with an old acquaintance.

Scootaloo's life changes forever when she meets Fang, a strange magician who is not what she seems. As the two grow closer, secrets are revealed. What does it mean to be a familiar?
Fervidor · 69k words  ·  153  8 · 2.6k views

Early release! :pinkiehappy:

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