• Member Since 2nd Nov, 2012
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Admiral Biscuit

Virtually invisible to PaulAsaran


A random collection of Human in Equestria one-shots

The Line Forms in Back. Comedy, slightly Dark. What if everyone who wanted to go to Equestria did?

The Shortest HiE Story Ever. Random. Humans and magic might not mix well.

Ed Parker in Equestria. Comedy, slightly Sad. Ed Parker makes it to Equestria, but not past the manticore.

Captain J. T. Kirk Visits Equestria. Comedy.

Becky. Slice-of-Life Becky sees a unicorn at her bird-feeder.

Scaling Errors. Tragedy. A quantum traveler gets sent to Equestria, but things aren't quite what they seem

Scootaloo Finds a Truck... Random. The title pretty much says it all. Trigger warning: second person, cliches.

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 161 )

I was actually hoping for butterflies.

BAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! This was amazingly funny.

He opened up a bag of Cheetos and cracked a cold Pepsi, then leaned back as the opening music of My Little Pony: Fridenship is Magic started booming through the surround sound.

You said Fridenship. I think you meant friendship.

That was nice... very nice... and mellow, I like it

“Well, come on. I’ll tell you all about it while we walk over and meet the other girls. You’ll be happy to see them again.”

So that mean they all died?

Well that sucked. Like, really. Waste of letters and space.

'shrink them'fuck you celestia. we only usualy eat 3 meals a day so ponyville is low on food. plus, you scare us to death doing that therefore dethroning you.

Well that was pretty nice. Really mellow and-
Is that an ad for Breaking Dawn part 2 under the story?
It is. Great, now I have to kill someone to relieve my seething rage.

Just imagine them all turned into sparkley little frogs that Rainbow Dash is kicking.

Thanks. That really helped. It came just a little bit too late though.
Now if you'll excuse I have to wipe my fingerprints off this knife

Aaand, fixed. Can't believe I didn't catch that. Thanks!

You hit all the requisite notes without any wasted space, and then wasted that guy from outside of space. Good job.

BAHAHAHA! I love this! So ridiculously funny!

Wait. If they had seen humans before, but there were none there, does that mean there had been humans in Equestria before but none had died? Otherwise, what happened to the other humans in the Summer lands?

My thought is that they would be there too. The named ponies were all G3 as far as I know from brief internet research, and I know that previous generations of MLP had humans, but I would have had to do more research to tie it all in for someone who was familiar with the earlier generations, and I was disinclined to do so for a one-shot.

Okay they weren't as sadistic as I thought they were but I could see one or a couple of bronies being gone from the town before the bubble was cast unless she did that from the first ten or so bronies that rapidly appeared..

Deliciously eee-vil! The redshirts have been avenged!

Fluttershy: "And these frogs sound completely different!"

Frog 1: "Bud.."

Frog 2: "Wi...'

Frog 3: "Ser.."

Well I guess he was so happy that he got there that he just....



Hrm... now I'm wondering what pony hell would be like...


And the redshirts in the swamp dies, EXCEPT Ensign Smith 2, who savagely cut off the hydra's own genitalia and beat it to death with it.


No, but you're in the ballpark. The image I was inspired by was Little Princesses by Spyrothefox, which is who inspired the image you linked to. The starry ethereal composition of the alicorn colt is much more apparent in Spyrothefox's art*.
I don't remember if I had seen "just keep flapping" before I wrote the story, although I think I have seen it since.
Also, I should probably mention that "The Summer Lands" is a reference to "It's a Dangerous Business, Going out Your Door" by Jetfire [not on Fimfiction to my knowledge], which is an excellent adventure along the lines of Lord of The Rings.

*just what is the proper term for a Deviantart? A drawing? Painting? Computering? Rendering?

Interesting concept.
I've yet to see a long-form HiE with such a dramatic size difference, but it would be interesting, to say the least.


I think it could be done, perhaps artfully.

I wrote another, about the same time as this one (which has been languishing on my hard drive unedited for six months) where the humans were so small, Opalescence killed one, and the other got squished running away, but it was one of those stories where I didn't even care enough to finish it.

The only reference I'm aware of that sets a 'canon' size for the ponies is the "Eight-foot candy cane," and who's to say what a foot is to a pony, anyway? (That sounds overly philosophical:facehoof:) Everything else assumes that apples or cows or whatever are the same size as they are on Earth. What if the ponies were horse-sized; the cows would be the size of mammoths. Hmmm.....


Oh I agree.
With the sudden influx of Equestria-as-a-significantly-different-society fics, I think someone could portray what that sort of contact could be like, even if both parties were friendly.
In your other fic, the human's voice is impossibly deep for the ponies to imitate naturally. At housecat-scale, you'd probably sound like a diesel engine in a well.


Would you believe I actually researched horse and human aural range, and experimented with a tuning app on my phone to see how high I could pitch my voice and still speak normally (1 octave).
It was hard to find a definitive source on the horse aural range, since it's apparently hard to teach them to push a button when they hear a noise.
I really like your diesel engine in a well analogy. If I ever find a conveniently large well, I'm going to drive my Suburban in, just to hear what it sounds like.:pinkiehappy:
Also, glad you're enjoying my feeble attempts at HiE. Have a Trixie.:trixieshiftleft:

Bittersweet, but... I like it.


Looking back on these stories, I feel kind of guilty that the humans come to a bad end in almost all of them.

Nice bittersweet type thing.


. . . bursting forth with the power of ten thousand butterfly sneezes...

frogs seemed more appropriate, since Ponyville was to be replaced with a swamp.

Also, I happened to be looking over this chapter for the purposes of self-promotion and happened to notice your comment--my second (I believe) little bit of feedback I've received, and I also have noticed that you commented on Celestia Sleeps In. Anyway, I didn't want to say it there, because SPOILER ALERT but you are 100% correct--you can have the satisfaction of knowing that you called it in the comments. In three more chapters, Dale will be on the wrong side of the barrier, and the Coast Guard is going to be standing on the beach, scratching their collective heads.


Celestia Sleeps In is one of the ones I look forward to. Pony/Human 1st encounters all too often gloss over the problems they will have and yours handles it well. It reminds me somewhat of where no mare which went unfinished a long time ago and of quantum castaways.

Yay, more human self-loathing.


It's not really 'canon' with Scootaloo Finds a Truck in the Everfree Forest. Even though it's the same truck.

If you were expecting another chapter of that story, I do apologize.


As with half the stories in this collection, they're mostly overused HiE cliches more-or-less fed into an ill-conceived plot.


Yes, I'm well aware. I was hoping that some readers would think the narrator tried to show off to RD before his life was tragically ended by Scootaloo's truck.


:pinkiehappy: I do appreciate sharp-eyed viewers. Celestia knows I make my fair share of mistakes, especially in one-shots, since they generally aren't pre-read.

In retrospect, I probably should have chosen a different martial arts discipline, which would not have had the potential to cause confusion.

2237321 that would be over thinking things if you see a cow the most logical thing to think is oh look it must be as big as a cow would you not why question the answers?

So Luna's a murderer. This story fucks.

So Twilight's a murder...stop turning ponies into murderer. Really dude.

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