Here you will find a collection of unfinished stories, early forays into writing pony fanfics. Formatting and major spelling errors have been corrected; otherwise they are as they were years ago when they were left behind for more fruitful projects.
Caramel gets Lost: a PoE story. Last year, Caramel lost the grass seed and disappointed Applejack This year, he's vowed not to make the same mistake, and goes looking for it a day early, but he finds more than he bargained for.
Hell is a Happy Place: Rainbow didn't pull out of her dive during the Best Young Flier's competition. The good news is she has three Wonderbolts to keep her company. The bad news is Rarity's there, too.
Fog: One morning, all of Ponyville is blanketed in a pea-soup fog.
Missionary: A young Mormon taking a shortcut to a train station gets lost in the woods and finds himself in a stranger place than he's ever been before.
Almost Human: Lyra's search for the perfect gift for Bon Bon nets her a bunch of pretty blue flowers from the Everfree forest. Unfortunately, these flowers cause terrible side-effects.
69-II (Working Title): Cherry Berry and Comet Tail unload hay wagons together and then go back to her house to bathe and relax.
CMC Filly Scouts: The Cutie Mark Crusaders spend a week at scout camp. How much trouble could three fillies in search of their cutie marks get into when they're out in the woods with minimal supervision?
Round Robin Fic, Chapter 4: Trixie and company are still on the run from cultists, searching for the Pool of the Moon.
*Laughs and applauds* Very goofy fun. It works nicely being so short.
Caramel is a dunce.
Sometimes, though--like in Sex, Fillies, and Crayonmade Drawings, he gets the girl.
A companion book to the hit song by They Might Be Clydesdales, of course.
I think I put a reference to that song in another story, too.
I was actually going to ask if your character was supposed to be Mormon, especially after he asked what we tend to refer to as the 3 questions, Where did I come from? Why am I here? Where am I going? If you want to continue this I would be more than happy to give some insight into the culture and beliefs of members or the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. So far my critques would be that instead of wishing am Elder were around he would probably be wishing for his companion as male missionaries from our church are all ordained as elders before leaving for missionary service. I see the character as a young elder who has probably not been in the mission field very long and is probably still with his first companion who would also be known as his trainer.
This is a very interesting concept but the story itself is a bit unpolished. I think religion is fascinating and not nearly enough stories explore it in any meaningful way. In fact, I have seen many comments on this website to the effect that the ponies would be horrified or disgusted by religion which seems just ridiculous to me.
Is that a recommendation?
I stopped working on it when it became obvious I didn't know enough to write a serious, non-judgemental story with religion as the main focus. It's a concept I'd like to revisit some day, but I currently have five unfinished stories....
Yes, it's an amusing little story.
One odd thing about the story is that Twilight does not know what a soul is. At least in human philosophy that is one of the earliest concepts to develop.
True, and ponies probably have a similar concept, although they could have a different name for it.
On the other hand, what if Celestia tells her ponies that when they die, that's it? She's the closest thing we've seen to a religious figure in the show, so it's possible they don't need faith like we do: they can just ask her a question, something not possible with most human religions.
There is certainly a cult of personality surrounding Celestia which by its very nature takes on some religious overtones, that does not mean that she is necessarily a religious leader.
I think the show canon can be interpreted to make her anything from a wise old (very old) monarch to a Greek god. A lot of that depends on what the writer brings to the table. I'm not well-enough versed on classical mythology to do it justice, but I remember reading a well-thought-out discussion of the similarities between Celestia and Helios.
That was another sticking point for this story, though: besides having to familiarize myself with Mormonism, I would have had to do some serious thinking on what, if any, religious beliefs to give the ponies.
For a missionary, he sure is prudish about the position!
*Grins* Very cute, I confess the only part that baffled me was dash forgetting the name of a bolt XD
I confess I may be biased towards fog stories since I'm helping on Kwakerjak's fic, but I do really love this concept. I think you wouldn't look like you're riding anyone's coattails as his story is specifically focusing on fog that's an accident at the factory and how the Pegasi themselves handle it, whereas yours has a broader focus.
Either way, I know I would read the heck out of this.
*Grins* Very nifty idea. I applaud you for not wanting to unintentionally bash religions and I love Rarity. Sounds quite normal for her. I was a bit bemused that he made no mention of the ponies before then but that's a minor quibble. This was very fun.
I love the idea with the flower trio and the nod to Rarity being the source of wisdom is also really cool.
Yeah, it's OOC for her, no doubt. I liked the little bit of comedy it added to the story, but it does make me feel really bad for Misty: not only is she stuck in the afterlife with the two ponies responsible for her death, but one of them can't even remember her name.
I'll probably pull elements out of this story for other projects--such as A Gift from Celestia, perhaps. I think a fog story could be really interesting if told from the CMC's perspective, so that's something I might try.
Yeah, the flower trio being a bunch of stoners got re-used in one of the Collab Cage stories. I've also used some of my philophizing for that story as background in A Gift from Celestia, thus proving that no idea is ever really wasted, just refined.
Lots of pot in these scraps...
Also, I know these scraps are being published largely untouched, but ow:
: "I told you, the Carousal Boutique line of... accessories is a side line and to be kept hush hush!"
Nice, a manually operated Portal, leading us into a PoE scenario! And the gender placements were swapped as well.all together this could be a fairly refreshing take on a common theme.
Keep going! ;)
I suppose if Rainbow had organized everyone in such manner, the overlord would institute rebirth...
I'd actually planned for Rarity to be the one to organize everyone.
Wow, he must have hit his head pretty hard to switch gears like that. Perhaps the intro needs to be reworked. The background info and process into arriving in Equestria was okay, but a few tweaks, such as already being on a mission, would help out a lot.
Keep going! ;)
I take it that this could explain Lyra's sitting postures then. Thus, when we see her in the show, she's actually disguised as her original form since they don't know the cure for poison joke yet...
4299482 oh yes, that would make sense too.
Hmm, that's pretty clever. I never thought of that.
Man, I would read the shit out of this if it wasn't just half-baked. I think I remember seeing a crossover between this and the Book of Mormon on the front page a long time ago, but that was a comedy one shot instead of a philosophical examination of faith and culture.
I really liked the idea myself, but I ran into a severe lack of knowledge about Mormonism, and I was not going to have it become a religion-bashing fic. Should I ever find a local Mormon I can bounce ideas off, I'm not opposed to continuing and completing the story.
I was sort of expecting him to end up in narnia.
Ya know, I haven't come across a good 'pony goes to Narnia' story yet....
Finding one shouldn't be too much of a challenge in the MLP fandom, for some reason I've encountered many members of LDS in this fandom, and none in any other.
I have no idea why.
This story in particular, I hope to see continued one day.
I probably could have asked Ponky back in the day ... well, I probably still could. Just might take longer to get an answer.
I'm not really in any other online fandoms, so I couldn't say whether there are more or fewer Mormons here than in other fandoms.
Who I'd really like to work with is someone Amish--that would be really handy for all the background details in my stories.
Unfortunately, it's not all that likely, but who knows?
That would certainly be interesting, but I'm not going to hold my breath.
AmishOnline is, sadly, not a thing.
I got more of a Protestant or Catholic vibe from this. It's not a bad idea, but I would have spent a few days learning about their culture, then studying and pondering the scriptures to know if I really could teach them. It may be that they do not need redemption from Jesus, as they might have their own salvation set up separately from ours. In any case, it's hard to teach without finding common ground.
I actually had this happen to me on my mission. Someone thought that me and my companions were strippers from their son(!?)
Oh yeah, and let me know if the line spacing's wonky. I had single breaks between each paragraph, and got a warning message that there were no line breaks in the story, so I added a second to make it happier.
Instead of importing from gDocs, I cut and pasted this one, to see what would happen.
Manual labor, amirite?
I know. At least it's often mentally relaxing, so I guess that's something.
Why didn't this story pop up in my feed? Thanks for the blog post pointing me In it's direction!
Huh. I had no idea this collection existed until you mentioned it in that blog. In any case, a fascinating collection of could-have-beens.
One thing to note:
I knew spending too long could make you prune up, but I didn't think it could make hooves mutate.
"You went to Narnia? What did you do there?"
"Narnia business."
I had no idea these "Half-Baked Biscuits" stories existed... I don't get notifications, though I'm "following."
Shortly after the "Rainbow Splash."
<Some of the soil has been fused into GLASS!)
<Oh, Celestia have mercy!)
<Like the saying goes, "There's no coming back from chunky salsa." Angry glares. "What, too soon?)
<Let's just fill in the crater and put five headstones on top.)
Of course, this is the same Rainbow Dash who rainboomed an old barn into flinders, so maybe she'd be OK.
An imaginary moment:
Then the older earth ponies of Ponyville began doing something not seen for many years, pulling heavy wagon-loads of firewood to the top of a low nearby hill, and starting a bonfire there, in a circle of stones at the summit.
The rising column of hot air pulled some of the fog with it, and caused the rest to sluggishly flow toward the vacuum it created. As the rising warm fog cooled and re-condensed, it created low cumulus clouds. Soon, they began to drop rain, which further precipitated the fog. It was a slow and laborious process, but it was undeniably working.
"So, you guys can control the weather too?" Rainbow Dash studied the process with interest.
"Sorta." An old-timer replied, unstrapping his wagon harness. "But maybe you fliers can ...speed it up some?"
Rainbow thought, and then smiled. This day was going to end up in a book somewhere.
There are fan works referring to a pony afterlife, but I haven't seen anything in canon. It would be interesting to find what an Equestrian's concept might be.
I don't care how much slower it is, if I ever needed to get a bale of hay to the top of a pile, I'd use a block and tackle on a swing-arm.
I'm old and lazy, is why.
Oh great, this biscuit's got me wondering if unicorns consider telekinesis to be intimate contact.
One of the consequences of me having over a hundred stories . . . plus, this is another one that only updates rarely, usually when I find an old half-written story I've completely forgotten about.
She was wearing safety goggles when she blew up the barn, though. Those are what saved her life.