• Member Since 2nd Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago

Admiral Biscuit

Virtually invisible to PaulAsaran


A random collection of prompt-driven one-shots. Each has been lovingly hand-crafted.
The subjects are as diverse and colorful as the ponies which they describe.

New stories will be added now and then, so be sure to check back frequently.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 19 )

Overslept only to find your descendent has usurped your throne? We've all been there, I think.

You are a writing machine.


I have nothing else to do in the winter. My pace will slow down starting in April or May. Anyway, I'm nowhere near as productive as SS&E. I'll be honest, though, it's gotten easier the more I've written.


It's more or less the story of Europe.

That's an interesting twist on Sombra's backstory... I actually feel kind of sad for the dude. His kingdom definitely seems less of a tyranny and more of an absolute monarchy in this, which I guess isn't much better if the person in power is a d!ck,


I actually feel kind of sad for the dude.

Really? Even though he keeps throwing ponies into the crystal mines?

I honestly hadn't expected the story to be at all sympathetic to Sombra. Huh.


I guess the way I see Sombra in this is best summed up as "misguided". He's not really "evil", per se, but he's definitely on the wrong side of "neutral", and he doesn't really realize it himself. An example of that would be the fact that he trusted the clocksmith enough to not have it double-checked before he started using it, which suggests that he does care, but maybe has suppressed that part of his emotions.

I mean, he's not a jerk here or anything. He actually seems like a pretty chill dude, as long as you're not working in the crystal mines.

How are your chapter numbers going backwards?


Each chapter number is the number of the prompt. Rather than wait until I've got all the prompts complete (which might be never), I just publish them whenever.

Oh, where do these prompts come from?

The Prompt-A-Day group. There's a new prompt posted (nearly) every day!

And for the first two weeks, I was the sole poster in the group!

I hope you don't mind if I butt in on your territory and give a few of these a whirl myself... I seriously need to practice off-the-cuff writing. :pinkiehappy:

It's hardly my territory; I'd love to see more people responding to the prompts. It's kind of lonely seeing all the threads with 0 replies.

I've found it to be good practice, and I'd like to get in the habit of using it as a warm-up exercise.


I guess the way I see Sombra in this is best summed up as "misguided". He's not really "evil", per se, but he's definitely on the wrong side of "neutral"


I mean, he's not a jerk here or anything. He actually seems like a pretty chill dude, as long as you're not working in the crystal mines.

All right, fair enough. I suppose I really didn't write him as irredemably evil in this story (except for the crystal mines part). He does come off as kind of sympathetic, losing his kingdom just because he overslept.

It was good to be king.

So Sombra's channeling Mel Brooks now?

who handled her promotion with a considerable stoicism

or, for example;

who handled her promotion with a considerable degree of stoicism

Anyway, faved for Love In All The Wrong Places.


So Sombra's channeling Mel Brooks now?

Yes, he is. Seems like a Mel Brooks kind of guy.

who handled her promotion with a considerable stoicism

Oops. Correction made.

Anyway, faved for Love In All The Wrong Places.

That was one of those ideas I've never seen used before, and it's so obvious.

Damn. I need to go back and trawl properly through some of your older stuff and mine more of it for stories like this. Pitch-perfect.

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