You have two questions: what, exactly, is Tree Hugger on, and, more importantly, where do you get some?
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Posted live from Bronycon, in Quills and Sofas!
Blog post will be forthcoming when I'm back home
LOL that was great, love it!
I like this this is good
I may read it
Well, that was... a thing, yes. An interesting thing, even. And boy howdy, wasn't that last line awfully ambigious in that it doesn't quite clarify where and why he licked her again. But hey, he made a new friend and had a good time, so there's that!
Oh this was great, but then again I expect nothing less from your stories.
If you can’t lick ‘em.... well, I guess you can.
U wood
Like, have some Mongolian Throat Singing, my dude. Spreading some gnarly vibes from the ancient steppes.
Pretty sure you could keep this one Incomplete for a few chapters. There's definitely potential for more licks.
9076475 Clearly licking them in this context is joining them.
Psychoactive Pegasus Perspiration!
That was a thing.
That happened.
I was there at the start.
That was a thing.

I tried and failed to help!
We occasionally see horses rolling around in the pastures by the road as we drive to work in the morning. Now all I will be able to think about is them getting stoned...
Well, I was expecting you do give us your usual Bronycon weird fic. So I can't really say I am surprised.
I love this web site.
Learn something new every day.
I feel like I should be high to read something like this.
Heh this was great.
Lick da pony! Expand your horizons!
He had not noticed that the lights had changed...
Cloud Chascer eh, I wonder if she would like a dozen oatmeal raisin cookies after this...
This was beautiful!
Well, at least it wasn't ket.
I've been asking the 2 questions in the synopsis since her appearance at the gala
This sounds like a heavy metal cover of a bollywood song.
I call bullshit on such a high level it defies reality itself.
I also want a lick of that
Better be careful if you fully understand triangles. On the other hand, in Equestria Hounds of Tindalos are just Tuesday.
I'm always amazed at the lengths people will go to to get high, and to get a quality product.
I'm also pretty sure I don't want to know how this process was discovered.
Well, I learned something today.
Triangles? Triangles!
You actually wrote it! I mean, I knew you would, but I was still shocked to see it uploaded and now I can say I've read it
This story makes my loins burn with a fire that no other story could.
Yeeeeeees so good.
*licks his Admiral Biscuit shirt*
So good.
Should this story be rated M since you know... The human nudity?
I'm pretty sure that horse is stoned.
That's easy two Pegasi crashed in the weed together and helped each other out in preening and discovered it. Since then earth ponies continue the runs, but unicorns smoke the weed cause they are stuck up.
Just a theory.
Not even remotely what I expected. I regret not being more involved in the creation process.
That’s why they do it, you know.
What is surprising is this isn’t the Bronycon weird fic. This one’s the Trotcon weird fic (I know I published Twilight Gets Pantsed at Trotcon, but that one’d been sitting in the queue for months). The Bronycon weird fics are still in the pipeline.
That’s how this whole fic came about, actually. Someone at Trotcon casually mentioned it (calling it Mongolian horse friction) and I just went from there.
I wonder if horses like raisin cookies? I bet they do. This forum says they can eat them.
magnetstriangles, how do they work?9079415
I am 100% sure.
Hey, if you were a pony, what would you think underpants were?
How will you know if it’s good or not if you don’t?
The why is because he wanted to. The where is up to the reader to determine.
Friendship is magic, after all.
Really, the only thing I’m missing is having “Poor impulse control” tattooed on my forehead.
Mongolian throat singing is awesome! I can almost hit some of the low notes when I’ve had a few beers (emphasis on almost).