Once upon a time, there was a man living in a typical suburban house in the heart of America, and one day he somehow found himself someplace in Equestria. But this was no ordinary place in Equestria! It was an extraordinary place where no human has ever been before.
I should note that Present Perfect made the first comment here, which unfortunately got deleted because he posted it on a working chapter (silly PP).
While I did not have the foresight to save it and attach it to this chapter, it was roughly this:
What even are bats? :B
*takes a huff* Totally, duuuude.
funny and a super good read. love it.
This is your fault. D:
It totally is.
There is "Up a crick without a paddle" This seems to be a perfect case of "Up a cliff without a chute"
It was a wonderful summary of that long running *ahem* "dispute" you had.
Huh, I didn't know edgenotes were a thing... cool. I must say that it is a little strange simply from how tall it is, but it did fit neatly onto my screen, even had a little extra room.
Thank you!
WARNING: This Story contains levels of adorableness that may cause feelings of faintness, giddiness, and an overwhelming sense of cuteness.
I think if one learns nothing else from this story, it's to always pack a parachute in case of finding oneself in Equestria. Not only are there batcaves where one could arrive, but also cloud cities.
Also, casting my mind back to Boy Scout days, paracord is really useful, and the parachute itself can be used to make a tent or as a blanket.
Actually . . . 769 comments later, it's still going on.
Also bring night vision goggles
I'm sure there's an artsier way to do them; I cheated and used the floating images code, plus the quote code. Ghost of Heracles puts them in some of his stories and blog posts and does a much neater job of it, but I don't know how he does it. I feel that I asked him once, and he told me, and then I forgot.
I'm kind of curious how it's going to look on various other devices. Haven't checked it on mobile yet, but if FimFic's BBCode instructions are correct, it's going to show up inline where it's tagged in the text, rather than off to the edge.
I though about using column formatting, but I thought that might wind up getting weird--I could size it right for my display, but the next person might just get gibberish.
Batponies are cute AF, yo!
Not a bad idea at all.
I would gladly switch places with him!
For Equestria, or just for the batponies?
No, see, if you don't watch them, they'll try and suck your blood. >:| It's just science.
I was expecting no less
But they'll do it adorably! I'd happily let a batpony exsanguinate me.
8871352 Planning an unexpected trip to Equestria, are we? Prepare for the worst and hope for the best, and if you get both, at least you'll be surrounded by adorable ponies.
Edge notes were fine, though I'd push them over to the right another smidgen or a jot, or maybe even an inch or so (2.54cm in non-Freedom units).
The being surrounded by ponies is the important thing. Preparation is good, no question about that, but at the end of the day if you find yourself in Spitfire's shower and then tumbling to the ground from her cloudhouse, you can rest easy knowing she'll probably save you.
Unfortunately, I don't know how to push them over. The code I used puts them where it wants to and I don't think it can be modified.
This was something.
But damn it all, Bat Ponies are cute.
Enjoyable little piece all the same.
Edit: I also just saw that it's National Bat Appreciation Day.
So very coincidental that was.
It was.
They're totally cute. I'd love to snuggle one.
The funny thing is that I didn't even realize. I'll have to make a stealth edit to the story page to make it seem like I meant to do that.
Oh no, bats!
You know, this reminds me of a clip from AVGN. Specifically this one:
which in turn reminds me of this glorious clip:
...You're just weird. c.c This is also science.
Edge Notes: on my Blackberry (stop laughing, dammit) I see them simply as text wit a smaller font. Didn't disturb me too much. I suppose I'm such a minority that biologists will sit outside the cage hoping I decide to reproduce to save the species, so even if it was a problem it wouldn't be something to worry about.
Also, bat-ponies!
Nice fic. Edge notes are distracting, I wouldn't use them in a serious story. Unless it was like... written like a text book or something. They're neat, though.
That's a blood libel, boyo. Shame!
Aw the bat ponies are so helpful and gentle, he can't possibly hate them still.
(this album has a special place in my heart. Screw all the Bert/Ernie memes.)
They won't just libe it, son, they'll straight eat it! Murder ya! Can't trust 'em. :B
I kinda' wish more people used edge notes now.
Also batpones are the best
Just FYI bats are not blind, some even have pretty decent eye sight
Definitely one of the less viable entry points in Equestria. Though I have to wonder where the bats get their mangoes.
In any case, lovely totally-not-PP in Equestria. Thank you for it.
I've seen many attempts at footnotes handled in many annoying ways. Edge notes are the best solution I've encountered so far, and yours looked fine to me.
As a batpony, all I can say is Skreeeeeeeeeeee!
Aw suck it up, ye namby pamby!
8874087 That's what you get for not writing more!
Wait, you can use edgenotes here now? Also, how do you use ‘em?
That's something I wouldn't deny.