• Member Since 2nd Nov, 2012
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Admiral Biscuit

Virtually invisible to PaulAsaran


You wind up in Equestria in the usual way, and after you heroically fight your way out of the Everfree Forest, you mean to ask Twilight for help.

She's not home, but Starlight Glimmer is.

Can you convince her to give you some bits or a place to stay?

Trigger Warning: Kinda inspired by Super Trampoline, which should tell you everything you need to know.

With a reading by Fire Rain

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 116 )

I think this have to be said:
goddamit Biscuit!

Hey guys I preread this and it’s good so you should read it.

"Help! I'm from another world!"



Berry Punch meeds meads another drinking buddy, since her first two are already under the table.

You were making an alcohol joke because drinking ponies, right?


“Oooooh,” everypony in the bar gasps in unison.


Let me repeat that...


2 years later you're in the hospital for an eroded esophagus, and because it's a world without humans, there's very little they can do to help you. Maybe you shouldn't have spent 2 years puking regularly?

The End?

The End.

I dunno what I expected. But you surpassed it. Bravo.

Yeah, yeah. Horses can’t vomit. The important question remains...

...Are you sure Manny is okay?

Comment posted by Apollyon deleted Nov 9th, 2017

I'm not sure if I can upvote this... But I definitely can't justify a downvote.

I'm trying to upvote it... It's just hard to swallow, I mean I'm no sword swallower.

Seriously, there are so many sapient species in Equestria, and no matter what we silly humans can do, there's an Equestrian sapient that can do it better.


Starlight Glimmer is a "Meh" kind of pony, I think.

Actually, I was just thinking . . . would "Talk to the tail" be the pony equivalent of "Talk to the hand?"


You were making an alcohol joke because drinking ponies, right?

I wish I was being that clever. I was typing badly.

Let me repeat that...


Yeah, one of the dangers of constant puking (I think you can get tooth decay from it, too).

As long as Manny's okay, though, that's all that really matters.


Dammit Tramp!


It's really not his fault at all, but I figured I ought to blame him anyways.


I dunno what I expected. But you surpassed it. Bravo.


Thing is though, unlike earth horses, MLP ponies can vomit.


Goddammit Biscuit.

I know. But I couldn't help myself.


I'm not sure if I can upvote this... But I definitely can't justify a downvote.
I'm trying to upvote it... It's just hard to swallow, I mean I'm no sword swallower.

You pretty much have to upvote it. Not for me, but for Manny.


Thing is though, unlike earth horses, MLP ponies can vomit.

That's why the AU tag. :heart: It's like a get out of jail free card.

(To the best of my recollection, we've never actually seen a pony vomit in the show, although in the baked bads incident it's very much implied.)


Ummmmm... Maybe. But then you'd be showing off your butt to someone, and while that might work ("I'm leaving now" is pretty clear), I'd expect more "I hate to see you leave, but I love to watch you walk away" kind of reactions. 'Cause we all know the power of the pony butt. We watch the show for its plot, after all.

welcome to youwritecrackfic month
this was a very silly story and I will only read it once.

I could tell from Starlight's look on the cover that things were not gonna go well between "my" character and her.

“And you thought that you could beg for bits? Look, hon, there are at least a hundred fifty different sapient species in Equestria, some of them way more unique than you. There are the three tribes, batponies, zebras, mules, donkeys, hippogriffs, griffons, dragons—"

Never thought Starlight would use the word "hon." Not that being in-character exactly matters for this fic. Oh, and I don't blame Starlight for calling "me" un-unique. "I'm" perhaps the most cliché HiE. Starlight being a new kind of savage here, now that's unique (obviously.)

“Vomited? Upchucked? Tossed my cookies? Barfed? Ralphed?”

You're greeted with blank looks.

You're lucky you have that Alt. U tag on there, otherwise I would have reminded you that Equestrian ponies can vomit, as shown in "Applebuck Season." No, actually, I wouldn't have, for the sake of being nice and understanding that you can't expect a fanfic writer to remember every single detail from the show.

“Starlight Glimmer has a dick!”

Oh my, "I'm" 10x worse than Gabby Gums!

And once again, Admiral Biscuit, you leave me wanting more when the story is closed. Though knowing how your stories usually are, I don't know why I'd expect more.
This was definitely a fun little read, but now I've got to get back to homework, which is what I should have been doing.


Seriously, there are so many sapient species in Equestria, and no matter what we silly humans can do, there's an Equestrian sapient that can do it better.

Except for giving scritchies behind the ears. It's our one saving grace.


Ummmmm... Maybe. But then you'd be showing off your butt to someone, and while that might work ("I'm leaving now" is pretty clear), I'd expect more "I hate to see you leave, but I love to watch you walk away" kind of reactions. 'Cause we all know the power of the pony butt. We watch the show for its plot, after all.

Well, yeah, but the human reaction probably isn't what they're going for. I dunno, I think it could be something that's an insult to ponies, maybe.


I could tell from Starlight's look on the cover that things were not gonna go well between "my" character and her.

Of course they're not.

Never thought Starlight would use the word "hon."

She's using it sarcastically at best. Like the Southern expression "Bless your heart."

Oh, and I don't blame Starlight for calling "me" un-unique. "I'm" perhaps the most cliché HiE.

I wonder . . . what is the most cliched human these days? It's not the same as when I first started writing ponyfic, I don't think. . . .

Starlight being a new kind of savage here, now that's unique (obviously.)

I think she totally would if you showed up at Twilight's front door and demanded bits and a place to sleep.


Except for giving scritchies behind the ears. It's our one saving grace.

Yeah, but Spike could do that, a griffon could, a minotaur could, Steven Magnet could, Capper could . . . even Manny probably could.


You're lucky you have that Alt. U tag on there, otherwise I would have reminded you that Equestrian ponies can vomit, as shown in "Applebuck Season."

Oh, I know full well. That's exactly why the AU tag is on there.

I could quibble about whether they're actually puking (since of course in the show we don't see actual vomit), but that's just splitting hairs.

No, actually, I wouldn't have, for the sake of being nice and understanding that you can't expect a fanfic writer to remember every single detail from the show.

While I'm certainly not the best at remembering everything in the show, that is one detail that I do remember.

Oh my, "I'm" 10x worse than Gabby Gums!

I'm sure if Gabby Gums had been collectively drunk when they were writing their column, they would have been ruder. Well, maybe. Sweetie Belle is probably a happy drunk. Scootaloo, I'm not so sure about, but I could totally see Apple Bloom being an angry drunk.


this was a very silly story and I will only read it once.

You should read it twice. Starlight's dialogue is funnier the second time through, IMHO.


And once again, Admiral Biscuit, you leave me wanting more when the story is closed. Though knowing how your stories usually are, I don't know why I'd expect more.


This was definitely a fun little read, but now I've got to get back to homework, which is what I should have been doing.

Fun fact! I wrote this story when I should have been paying attention in a mechanic class.

You pull a deck of cards out of your back pocket—there's only 51, but it's close enough

Close enough to play solitaire 'til dawn.

You jab at finger at 


Of course you's know about a freak show


I laughed my was off. Not at the typos, but the story.

You'd think Griffons would have hairballs, or something similar, but then again these are redneck ponies. They wouldn't know.

If I remember correctly, the only pony that has vomited is Pinkie Pie. Since she also sneezes confetti, I wouldn't take her as a representative sample...

He's going to pull through, right?


This fic is offensive to bulimics. Don't you know it's a real sickness?

Well, at least you were productive in that mechanics class.
Fun fact: in Germany, the shorthand 'Manny' is heavily associated with the cliché of the somewhat dim, mullet wearing, pimped pseudo-sportscar driving and self-proclaimed most capable mechanic ever from the 70s through the 80s. I'm sure you'd love him. :trixieshiftright: Because of that, the perfectly ordinary German name 'Manfred' more or less was purged from the list of names parents would ever consider for their baby. Having a manticore with that name in the show still amuses me.
And I do hope he's okay.

but that's just splitting hairs.

As long as it isn't spitting furballs.

I think I'll upvote this. For Manny.

I'm sure Manny is fine, I fully expect Starlight to slam the door in "my" face and then go out to check for him. After Trixie's show they discovered they had much in common and now they meet semi-regularly.

"I" also tried to upscale my act in the Academic Freak Show circuit, by showing off the other human peculiarities, but then "I" discovered that other great apes had an appendix too that could kill them, and the odontoiatric community to whom I could show off my wisdom teeth was too small as to be profitable. Also, they didn't flash me.

Great story by the way, but that may be my fever talking:pinkiecrazy:

My reaction to this was a mix of the fuck? and gigglesnort...

Welp. This is it. These are the end times. Admiral Biscuit is writing AiE. Hold close to your loved ones and pray and repent. It's all ogre now.

"Sometimes flash you?" Anon, that means they got bored and left. :applejackunsure:

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